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Titel / Autor: Minorities and multilingualism in Europe : the competitive and precarious relationship between majority and miority groups : european standars on minority rights : case study: South Tyrol (Italy) / Elisabeth Alber
Veröffentlichung: A.a. 2000-2001
Physische Beschreibung:
66 c. ; 30 cm
Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)
Notizen des Inhaltes:
Culture represents an interplay of quite complex belief patterns that reflect a heterogeneous, diversified social and linguistic experience -- Case study -- European studies program
APA:Alber, E..(2uuu). Minorities and multilingualism in Europe the competitive and precarious relationship between majority and miority groups : european standars on minority rights : case study: South Tyrol (Italy)
MLA:Alber, Elisabeth, . Minorities and multilingualism in Europe the competitive and precarious relationship between majority and miority groups : european standars on minority rights : case study: South Tyrol (Italy)2uuu.
Chicago:Alber, Elisabeth, . (2uuu). Minorities and multilingualism in Europe the competitive and precarious relationship between majority and miority groups : european standars on minority rights : case study: South Tyrol (Italy)
Harvard:Alber, E..(2uuu). Minorities and multilingualism in Europe the competitive and precarious relationship between majority and miority groups : european standars on minority rights : case study: South Tyrol (Italy)