Once there were wolves

McConaghy, Charlotte

Once there were wolves

Abstract: Inti Flynn arrives in Scotland with her twin sister, Aggie, to lead a team of biologists tasked with reintroducing fourteen gray wolves into the remote Highlands. She hopes to heal not only the dying landscape, but Aggie, too, unmade by the terrible secrets that drove the sisters out of Alaska.

Titel / Autor: Once there were wolves / Charlotte McConaghy

Veröffentlichung: London : Chatto & Windus, 2021

Physische Beschreibung: 258 p. ; 23 cm

ISBN: 9781784744397


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

Allgemeine Daten (100)
  • Datumstyp: Jahr (bestimmtes Datum)
  • Datum: 2021
  • Target: Erwachsene
Texte (105)
  • Genre: Belletristik


APA:McConaghy, C..(2021). Once there were wolves Chatto & Windus.

MLA:McConaghy, Charlotte, . Once there were wolves London : Chatto & Windus.2021.

Chicago:McConaghy, Charlotte, . (2021). Once there were wolves London : Chatto & Windus.

Harvard:McConaghy, C..(2021). Once there were wolves London : Chatto & Windus.

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