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Titel / Autor: Supplement to Hain's repertorium bibliographicum, or Collection towards a new edition of that work in two parts : the first containing nearly 7000 corrections of and additions to the collections of works described or mentioned by Hain; the second, a list with numerous collations and bibliographical particulars of nearly 6000 volumes printed in the fifteenth century, not referred to by Hain / by W. A. Copinger
Veröffentlichung: Milano : Görlich, 1950
Physische Beschreibung:
3 v. ; 22 cm
Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)
APA:Copinger, W..(1950). Supplement to Hain's repertorium bibliographicum, or Collection towards a new edition of that work in two parts the first containing nearly 7000 corrections of and additions to the collections of works described or mentioned by Hain; the second, a list with numerous collations and bibliographical particulars of nearly 6000 volumes printed in the fifteenth century, not referred to by Hain Görlich.
MLA:Copinger, Walter Arthur, . Supplement to Hain's repertorium bibliographicum, or Collection towards a new edition of that work in two parts the first containing nearly 7000 corrections of and additions to the collections of works described or mentioned by Hain; the second, a list with numerous collations and bibliographical particulars of nearly 6000 volumes printed in the fifteenth century, not referred to by Hain Milano : Görlich.1950.
Chicago:Copinger, Walter Arthur, . (1950). Supplement to Hain's repertorium bibliographicum, or Collection towards a new edition of that work in two parts the first containing nearly 7000 corrections of and additions to the collections of works described or mentioned by Hain; the second, a list with numerous collations and bibliographical particulars of nearly 6000 volumes printed in the fifteenth century, not referred to by Hain Milano : Görlich.
Harvard:Copinger, W..(1950). Supplement to Hain's repertorium bibliographicum, or Collection towards a new edition of that work in two parts the first containing nearly 7000 corrections of and additions to the collections of works described or mentioned by Hain; the second, a list with numerous collations and bibliographical particulars of nearly 6000 volumes printed in the fifteenth century, not referred to by Hain Milano : Görlich.