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Titel / Autor: A swim in a pond in the rain : in which four russians give a master class on writing, reading and life / George Saunders
Veröffentlichung: London [etc.] : Bloomsbury, 2021
Physische Beschreibung:
408, [7] p. ; 23 cm
ISBN: 9781526624284
Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)
Na podvode -
Pevcy -
Dushechka -
Chozjain i rabotnik -
Nos -
Kryzhovnik -
Alyosha Gorshok -
Notizen des Inhaltes:
Contiene anche: In the cart (tit. orig.: Na podvode) / Anton Chekhov -- The singers (tit. orig.: Pevcy) / Ivan Turgenev -- The darling (tit. orig.: Dushechka) / Anton Chekhov -- Master and man (tit. orig.: Chozjain i rabotnik) / Leo Tolstoy -- The nose (tit. orig.: Nos) / Nikolai Gogol -- Gooseberries (tit. orig.: Kryzhovnik) / Anton Chekhov -- Aloysha the pot (tit. orig.: Alyosha Gorshok) / Leo Tolstoy
APA:Saunders, G..(2021). A *swim in a pond in the rain in which four russians give a master class on writing, reading and life Bloomsbury.
MLA:Saunders, George, . A *swim in a pond in the rain in which four russians give a master class on writing, reading and life London [etc.] : Bloomsbury.2021.
Chicago:Saunders, George, . (2021). A *swim in a pond in the rain in which four russians give a master class on writing, reading and life London [etc.] : Bloomsbury.
Harvard:Saunders, G..(2021). A *swim in a pond in the rain in which four russians give a master class on writing, reading and life London [etc.] : Bloomsbury.