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How the turtle saved his own life. A bhuddist, Jataka children's story - Copie
In Issue 21 of the Baba Indaba Children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the Eastern Jataka (Buddhist) tale of how a turtle saved his own life by keeping quiet and listening to what his captors had to say about him.Baba Indaba is a fictitious Zulu storyteller who narrates children's stories from around the world. Baba Indaba translates as "Father of Stories".Each issue also has a "WHERE IN THE WORLD - LOOK IT UP" section, where young readers are challenged to look up a place on a map somewhere in the world. The place, town or city is relevant to the story. HINT - use Google maps.BUY ANY 4 BABA INDABA CHILDREN'S STORIES FOR ONLY $1 or 8 for $2 etc.33% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charities.INCLUDES LINKS TO DOWNLOAD 8 FREE STORIES
In Issue 21 of the Baba Indaba Children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the Eastern Jataka (Buddhist) tale of how a turtle saved his own life by keeping quiet and listening to what his captors had to say about him.Baba Indaba is a fictitious Zulu storyteller who narrates children's stories from around the world. Baba Indaba translates as "Father of Stories".Each issue also has a "WHERE IN THE WORLD - LOOK IT UP" section, where young readers are challenged to look up a place on a map somewhere in the world. The place, town or city is relevant to the story. HINT - use Google maps.BUY ANY 4 BABA INDABA CHILDREN'S STORIES FOR ONLY $1 or 8 for $2 etc.33% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charities.INCLUDES LINKS TO DOWNLOAD 8 FREE STORIES