Die Räuber
eBook / digitaler Text

Schiller, Friedrich

Die Räuber

Abstract: The charismatic but rebellious student Karl is deeply loved by his father. The younger brother, Franz, who appears as a cold, calculating villain, plots to wrest away Karl's inheritance. As the play unfolds, both Franz's motives and Karl's innocence and heroism are revealed to be complex.

Titel / Autor: Die Räuber

Veröffentlichung: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: tedesco
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe

The charismatic but rebellious student Karl is deeply loved by his father. The younger brother, Franz, who appears as a cold, calculating villain, plots to wrest away Karl's inheritance. As the play unfolds, both Franz's motives and Karl's innocence and heroism are revealed to be complex.


APA:Schiller, F..Die Räuber Interactive Media.

MLA:Schiller, Friedrich, . Die Räuber Interactive Media.

Chicago:Schiller, Friedrich, . Die Räuber Interactive Media.

Harvard:Schiller, F..Die Räuber Interactive Media.

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