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× Namen Doyle, Arthur Conan
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Gefunden 23 Dokumente.

Sherlock directed by Paul McGuigan, Euros Lyn ; written by Steven Moffat, Steve Thompson and Mark Gatiss ; based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock [Videoregistrazione] : eine Legende kehrt zurück! : Staffel eins / directed by Paul McGuigan, Euros Lyn ; written by Steven Moffat, Steve Thompson and Mark Gatiss ; based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Deutschland : Polyband, 2011

Abstract: Sherlock Holmes meldet sich zurück und ist jünger und energetischer denn je! In der ebenso originellen wie spannenden Neuauflage des klassischen Stoffes nach Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, begibt sich Holmes mit Smartphone und Notebook bewaffnet auf große Verbrecherjagd im London des 21. Jahrhunderts. Unterstützung erfährt er in Dr. John H. Watson, einen posttraumatisierten Kriegsveteranen, der Holmes bei dessen Ermittlungen nicht von der Seite weicht. []

Sherlock directors Rachel Talalay .. [et al.] ; written by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock [Videoregistrazione] : eine Legende kehrt zurück! : Staffel vier / directors Rachel Talalay .. [et al.] ; written by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Deutschland : Polyband, 2017

Abstract: Sherlock ist zurück, aber kann das Spiel einfach so weitergehen? Während Sherlock Holmes auf Moriartys nächsten Schachzug aus dem Grab wartet, stehen Dr. John Watson und Mary vor einer mindestens so großen Herausforderung: der Geburt ihres Kindes. Der rätselhafte Fall einiger zerstörter Thatcher-Büsten mündet in der dramatischen Erkenntnis, dass aus dem Spiel tödlicher Ernst geworden ist und nichts mehr so sein wird, wie es war ..

Mr. Holmes regia: Bill Condon ; soggetto: Arthur Conan Doyle (personaggio), Mitch Cullin (romanzo) ; sceneggiatura: Jeffrey Hatcher

Mr. Holmes [Videoregistrazione] : Il mistero del caso irrisolto / regia: Bill Condon ; soggetto: Arthur Conan Doyle (personaggio), Mitch Cullin (romanzo) ; sceneggiatura: Jeffrey Hatcher

Milano : Eagle Pictures, c2016

Abstract: 1947. Sherlock Holmes si è ritirato in pensione e vive in un tranquillo villaggio nei pressi di Londra, con la signora Munro, la sua governante, e il figlio di lei, aspirante investigatore. Il celebre detective, però, è tutt'altro che sereno poiché è ossessionato da un caso irrisolto di 50 anni prima che, cercando tra i frammenti dei ricordi, tenterà di risolvere nonostante i leggendari poteri mentali siano ormai in declino e senza il suo fidato assistente Watson.. (

Sherlock directed by Jeremy Lovering .. [et al.] ; written by Steven Moffat, Steve Thompson and Mark Gatiss ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock [Videoregistrazione] : eine Legende kehrt zurück! : Staffel drei / directed by Jeremy Lovering .. [et al.] ; written by Steven Moffat, Steve Thompson and Mark Gatiss ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Deutschland : Polyband, 2014

Abstract: Drei neue Fälle in Spielfilmlänge mit Dr. Watson und Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock directors Rachel Talalay, Nick Hurran & Benjamin Caron. ; writers, executive producers & co-creators Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss

Sherlock [Videoregistrazione] : stagione 4 / directors Rachel Talalay, Nick Hurran & Benjamin Caron. ; writers, executive producers & co-creators Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss

Italia : Koch Media [distributore], 2017

Abstract: Sherlock si riunisce al compagno di avventure John per via del ritorno dell'acerrimo nemico Moriarty. Pochi attimi di tranquillità basteranno a Holmes e Watson prima di tuffarsi in un nuovo mistero, che coinvolge il figlio di un ministro e alcuni busti distrutti dell'ex premier inglese Margaret Thatcher. Il caso li porterà tuttavia a volgere lo sguardo al passato, dove si annidano altre scioccanti scoperte.

Sherlock Holmes regia di Albert Parker ; sceneggiatura: Earle Brwone ; dai romanzi di A. Conan Doyle ; una produzione Goldwyn Pictures

Sherlock Holmes [Videoregistrazione] / regia di Albert Parker ; sceneggiatura: Earle Brwone ; dai romanzi di A. Conan Doyle ; una produzione Goldwyn Pictures

Bologna : DCult ; Campi Bisenzio : Cecchi Gori Home Video, 2012

Abstract: Holmes e Watson sono amici a Cambridge quando il primo viene accusato di aver rubato dei soldi. Dall'altra parte della città, il malvagio professor Moriarty lavora alle sue strategie per dominare il mondo. (

La vita privata di Sherlock Holmes [a] Billy Wilder's [film] ; produced and directed by Billy Wilder ; written by Billy Wilder and I. A. L. Diamond ; based upon the characters created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

La vita privata di Sherlock Holmes [Videoregistrazione] / [a] Billy Wilder's [film] ; produced and directed by Billy Wilder ; written by Billy Wilder and I. A. L. Diamond ; based upon the characters created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Milano : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2004


Abstract: In casa di Sherlock Holmes, detective noto in tutto il Regno Unito (dove le sue avventure, narrate su un periodico dal dottor Watson, suo fido collaboratore e biografo, sono lette persino dalla regina Vittoria), giunge, una notte, una giovane donna in stato di shock. Moglie di un ingegnere belga, misteriosamente scomparso, la donna vuole che Holmes lo ritrovi o accerti, perlomeno, quale sorte gli sia toccata.. (

Sherlock directed by Paul McGuigan, Toby Haynes ; writers and co-creators Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss ; writer Stephen Thompson ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock [Videoregistrazione] : le quattro stagioni complete / directed by Paul McGuigan, Toby Haynes ; writers and co-creators Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss ; writer Stephen Thompson ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Italia : Koch Media, 2018

Abstract: La serie è un libero adattamento dei romanzi e dei racconti di Conan Doyle con protagonista il detective Sherlock Holmes e il suo amico e assistente, il dr. John Watson: le avventure dei due si svolgono però nella Londra odierna. Watson è un reduce della guerra in Afghanistan e deve ancora ritrovare il suo posto nella società civile. Quando un amico gli suggerisce di trovarsi un coinquilino con cui dividere le spese di un appartamento, si ritrova a vivere con l'eccentrico Holmes.

The adventures of Sherlock Holmes directed by Alfred L. Werker ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; screenplay by William Gillette

The adventures of Sherlock Holmes [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Alfred L. Werker ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; screenplay by William Gillette

Great Britain : Optimum Releasing, 2009

Teil von: Sherlock Holmes : the definitive collection2

Abstract: Professor Moriarty has at long last been brought to trial for murder, but the ‘Napoleon of Crime’ is acquitted after the court finds a lack of sufficient evidence. Moriarty wastes no time in plotting his next crime, but in order to be successful he must divert the attention of the Great Detective. - Imaginative story pitting Holmes against Moriarty. Starting in Switzerland, Sherlock Holmes rescues the inventor of a bomb-sight which the allies want to keep from the Nazis.Weiterlesen

The spider woman directed by Roy William Neill ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; written by Bertram Millhauser

The spider woman [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Roy William Neill ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; written by Bertram Millhauser

Great Britain : Optimum Releasing, 2009

Teil von: Sherlock Holmes : the definitive collection4

Abstract: Sherlock Holmes investigates a series of so-called "pajama suicides". He knows the female villain behind them is as cunning as Moriarty and as venomous as a spider. - When a valuable pearl with a sinister reputation is stolen, Sherlock Holmes must investigate its link to a series of brutal murders.

Sherlock Holmes in Washington directed by Roy William Neill ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; written by Bertram Millhauser, Lynn Riggs

Sherlock Holmes in Washington [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Roy William Neill ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; written by Bertram Millhauser, Lynn Riggs

Great Britain : Optimum Releasing, 2009

Teil von: Sherlock Holmes : the definitive collection3

Abstract: Dr. Watson, tending recuperating soldiers housed at centuries-old Musgrave Manor, summons Sherlock Holmes to investigate strange happenings. What follows is a bizarre series of events, including murders, secret passages, a game of chess and a mysterious family ritual. Even Inspector Lestrade is on hand, as well as lovely Hillary Brooke as Sally Musgrave. But only Sherlock Holmes, in a race against time and a desperate killer, can decipher the ancient riddle and uncoverWeiterlesen

Sherlock Holmes and the hound of the Baskervilles directed by Sidney Lanfield ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; screenplay by Ernest Pascal

Sherlock Holmes and the hound of the Baskervilles [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Sidney Lanfield ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; screenplay by Ernest Pascal

Great Britain : Optimum Releasing, 2009

Teil von: Sherlock Holmes : the definitive collection1

Abstract: When Sir Charles Baskerville is killed outside of Baskerville Hall, his good friend Dr. Mortimer fears that the curse of the Baskervilles has struck once again. Mortimer enlists the help of Sherlock Holmes, before yet another Baskerville can succumb to the evil legend. - When a Nazi saboteur jeeringly predicts to the nation new depredations, via their radio 'Voice of Terror', the Intellegence Inner Council summons Sherlock Holmes to help in the crisis.

Terror by night directed by Roy William Neill ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; screenplay by Frank Gruber

Terror by night [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Roy William Neill ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; screenplay by Frank Gruber

Great Britain : Optimum Releasing, 2009

Teil von: Sherlock Holmes : the definitive collection7

Abstract: When the fabled Star of Rhodesia diamond is stolen on a London to Edinburgh train and the son of its owner is murdered, Sherlock Holmes must discover which of his suspicious fellow passengers is responsible. - Sherlock Holmes sets out to discover why a trio of murderous villains, including a dangerously attractive female, are desperate to obtain three unassuming and inexpensive little music boxes.

Pursuit to Algiers directed by Roy William Neill ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; screenplay by Leonard Lee

Pursuit to Algiers [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Roy William Neill ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; screenplay by Leonard Lee

Great Britain : Optimum Releasing, 2009

Teil von: Sherlock Holmes : the definitive collection6

Abstract: Holmes is recruited to escort the heir to a European throne safely back to his homeland after his father's assassination. - Sherlock Holmes investigates when young women around London turn up murdered, each with a finger severed off. Scotland Yard suspects a madman, but Holmes believes the killings to be part of a diabolical plot.

The scarlet claw directed by Roy William Neill ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; written by Paul Gangelin

The scarlet claw [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Roy William Neill ; based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle ; written by Paul Gangelin

Great Britain : Optimum Releasing, 2009

Teil von: Sherlock Holmes : the definitive collection5

Abstract: When a gentlewoman is found dead with her throat torn out, the villagers blame a supernatural monster. But Sherlock Holmes, who gets drawn into the case from nearby Quebec, suspects a human murderer. - Sherlock Holmes investigates a series of deaths at a castle with each foretold by the delivery of orange pips to the victims.

Sherlock created by Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat ; written by Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat, Stephen Thompson ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock [Videoregistrazione] : complete series 1-3 / created by Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat ; written by Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat, Stephen Thompson ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Great Britain : 2 Entertain Video, 2014

La furia dei Baskerville based on the novel by Sir Artur Conan Doyle ; screenplay by Peter Bryan ; directed by Terence Fisher ; produced by Anthony Hinds ; a Hammer Film production

La furia dei Baskerville [Videoregistrazione] / based on the novel by Sir Artur Conan Doyle ; screenplay by Peter Bryan ; directed by Terence Fisher ; produced by Anthony Hinds ; a Hammer Film production

Milano : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2004


Abstract: Il padre di Sir Henry, ultimo della nobile e ricca famiglia dei Baskerville, è stato ucciso nella stessa brughiera in cui, secondo la leggenda, giaceva il cadavere di un antenato, Sir Hugo. Secondo la credenza popolare, una sorta di "furia" si accanisce contro i Baskerville per sterminarli. Il dott. Mortimer, preoccupato per la sorte di Sir Henry, si rivolge a Sherlok Holmes ed al suo assistente, il dottor Watson, nella speranza ch'essi riescano ad identificare e sventareWeiterlesen

Le avventure di Sherlock Holmes diretto da Alfred L. Werker ; soggetto di Arthur Conan Doyle ; sceneggiatura di Edwin Blum ; prodotto da Gene Markey

Le avventure di Sherlock Holmes [Videoregistrazione] / diretto da Alfred L. Werker ; soggetto di Arthur Conan Doyle ; sceneggiatura di Edwin Blum ; prodotto da Gene Markey

Granarolo dell'Emilia : Golem Video, p2015

Cineclub mistery

Abstract: Dopo essere stato assolto in un processo, il criminale professor Moriarty decide di infliggere un colpo mortale al suo acerrimo nemico: Sherlock Holmes. Gli preannuncia il furto dei gioielli della corona, quindi lo depista terrorizzando miss Brandon e uccidendole il fratello, poi mette in atto il suo tentativio di clamoroso furto.. (

Sherlock directed by Paul McGuigan, Toby Haynes ; writers and co-creators Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss ; writer Stephen Thompson ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock [Videoregistrazione] : eine Legende kehrt zurück! : Staffel zwei / directed by Paul McGuigan, Toby Haynes ; writers and co-creators Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss ; writer Stephen Thompson ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Deutschland : Polyband, 2012

Abstract: Sherlock Holmes und Dr. Watson kehren mit Staffel 2 in drei ihrer berühmtesten Fälle zurück: "A Scandal in Belgravia", "The Hounds of Baskerville" und "The Reichenbach Fall". []

Sherlock directed by Paul McGuigan, Toby Haynes ; writers and co-creators Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss ; writer Stephen Thompson ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock [Videoregistrazione] : le prime tre stagioni complete in 6 DVD / directed by Paul McGuigan, Toby Haynes ; writers and co-creators Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss ; writer Stephen Thompson ; based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Italia : Koch Media [distributore], 2015

Abstract: La serie è un libero adattamento dei romanzi e dei racconti di Conan Doyle con protagonista il detective Sherlock Holmes e il suo amico e assistente, il dr. John Watson: le avventure dei due si svolgono però nella Londra odierna. Watson è un reduce della guerra in Afghanistan e deve ancora ritrovare il suo posto nella società civile. Quando un amico gli suggerisce di trovarsi un coinquilino con cui dividere le spese di un appartamento, si ritrova a vivere con l'eccentrico Holmes. []