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Trovati 7 documenti.

Einfach nachhaltig stricken



Einfach nachhaltig stricken : Kleidung, Nützliches und Schönes - umweltfreundliche Projekte und praktische Tipps / epipa

1. Aufl

Igling : EMF, 2020

Lebe nachhaltig

Titolo e contributi: Einfach nachhaltig stricken : Kleidung, Nützliches und Schönes - umweltfreundliche Projekte und praktische Tipps / epipa

1. Aufl

Pubblicazione: Igling : EMF, 2020

Descrizione fisica: 127 S : Ill. ; 24 cm

Serie: Lebe nachhaltig

ISBN: 9783960935896


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

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Abstract: Stricken, aber nachhaltig bitte! Wie man umweltbewusst und verantwortungsvoll strickt, erklärt die bekannte Bloggerin epipa mit praktischen Informationen zu ökologischen und tierfreundlichen Garnen, nützlichen Pflegetipps für eine lange Lebensdauer der Strickstücke und vieles mehr in ihrem Buch "Einfach nachhaltig stricken". So kann man Nachhaltigkeit auch bei seinem Strickhobby ganz einfach integrieren und die Umwelt dadurch schützen. Die 20 Projekte für einen nachhaltigen Lebensstil reichen von Slow-Fashion-Shirt bis zum Zero-Waste-Einkaufsnetz. Save the planet and take action – now!

Farmer duck


Waddell, Martin

Farmer duck / written by Martin Waddell ; illustrated by Helen Oxenbury

London : Mantra lingua, 2020

Titolo e contributi: Farmer duck / written by Martin Waddell ; illustrated by Helen Oxenbury

Pubblicazione: London : Mantra lingua, 2020

Descrizione fisica: 1 v. (senza paginazione) : in gran parte ill. color. ; 25 cm

ISBN: 9781846110665


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Varianti del titolo:
  • Farmer duck
  • Titolo e testo in urdu e inglese
  • Volume abilitato all'uso della PENpal che riproduce la storia nelle lingue del testo
  • Mamma Lingua. Storie per tutti, nessuno escluso
  • Età: dai 0 ai 5 anni
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Abstract: Story of a hardworking duck, who has the very bad luck of living with a lazy farmer. The duck cooks and cleans, tends the fields and cares for the other animals on the farm - and all while the famer lies in bed! That is until the day the animals decide to take action .. and come to the rescue with a simple, but heroic plan

Kisan battakh


Waddell, Martin

Kisan battakh / written by Martin Waddell ; illustrated by Helen Oxenbury

London : Mantra lingua, 2020

Titolo e contributi: Kisan battakh / written by Martin Waddell ; illustrated by Helen Oxenbury

Pubblicazione: London : Mantra lingua, 2020

Descrizione fisica: 1 v. (senza paginazione) : in gran parte ill. color. ; 25 cm

ISBN: 9781846110467


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Varianti del titolo:
  • Farmer duck
  • Testo in hindi e inglese
  • Titolo in hindi traslitterato
  • Volume abilitato all'uso della PENpal che riproduce la storia nelle lingue del testo
  • Progetto di lettura "Mamma Lingua. Storie per tutti, nessuno escluso" promosso dall’Associazione italiana biblioteche, 2021
  • Tit. anche in hindi: किसन बततख
  • Età: dai 0 ai 5 anni
  • Mamma Lingua. Storie per tutti, nessuno escluso
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Abstract: Story of a hardworking duck, who has the very bad luck of living with a lazy farmer. The duck cooks and cleans, tends the fields and cares for the other animals on the farm - and all while the famer lies in bed! That is until the day the animals decide to take action .. and come to the rescue with a simple, but heroic plan

31 Days to Mentalism

eBook / testo digitale


31 Days to Mentalism

Giochidimagia Editore, 09/03/2020

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Titolo e contributi: 31 Days to Mentalism

Pubblicazione: Giochidimagia Editore, 09/03/2020


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: It has been a few years since the publication of Modern Mentalism with its 3 Volumes and little time since the publication of Mentalism from A to Z.In these volumes, techniques, psychology, tricks, ethics and much more have been explained about the world of mentalism.This world is always immense as a heritage of creativity for which I wanted to publish this new guide with a different approach: not to mention particular techniques but making available to the reader only tricks of mentalism to be carried out immediately.The aim is to create a real practical repertoire, to be performed immediately!The proposed effects are simple, effective and easy to learn and execute.This manual does not talk about psychological mentalism, or scientific, PNL, hypnosis, etc. but you will find methods that you will learn by performing the magic effects and some of which are quite unusual and therefore deserve to be known along with the more classic principles of the Mentalism.The presentations are not specifically addressed, as their importance is vital for the tricks but, in my opinion, it is too personal to be "taught" so a few indications were provided only on how to present each effect, for example on the specific topic, (mind-reading, reading non-verbal language, etc.); leaving the interpreter free to adapt or create his own presentation based on his individual uniqueness as an artist and person.The time has come to end the interminable rhetoric and to take action, or rather to tricks!


eBook / testo digitale

Maenza, Diego - Torres, Gastón Jofre


Tektime, 09/04/2020

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Titolo e contributi: Caricreatures

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 09/04/2020

EAN: 9788835404521


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Over the course of a year, I undertook the task of working with twenty cartoons that stimulated my imagination. I pretended to reverse the traditional process of illustrating texts. I "texted" the illustrations daily. Like "action painting", I could have called it "literature in action", but it would have been to distort the nature of the project, which was a work in progress, a dynamic entity, an evolving process, a writing on the go, a progressive writing. I never had a predetermined plan and the categorization was later, but the invocations of the four classic elements influenced underground in the structure of the work.The initial objective was to take the characters in a comical way, but they had a lot to tell me. It was the characters who whispered the words to me. They always had a life of their own and I couldn't dominate them anymore. All the poems, stories and monologues, in a way concatenated, retain a global vision although at first glance they appear as disconnected flashes in an exhibition of fireworks. This book aims to be a celebration of humor and irony, but at the same time it aspires to become a rare invitation to reflection and strangeness.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

The italian reset diet. The Polisano method for resetting your body and improving your well-being

eBook / testo digitale

Polisano, Dario - Martino, Giuseppe Di

The italian reset diet. The Polisano method for resetting your body and improving your well-being

Tektime, 08/09/2020

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Titolo e contributi: The italian reset diet. The Polisano method for resetting your body and improving your well-being

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 08/09/2020


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: In this book, Dr. Dario Polisano will give you the answers that no one has ever given you regarding food and nutrition. He will explain how to achieve psycho-physical well-being, resetting and detoxifying your body, followed by a gradual reintroduction of the allowed foods. You can finally lose all excess weight in a quick and healthy fashion.Most people know the relationship between diet and health, and many among them already understand that gluten, dairy products, and sugars (among other things) are harmful to one's well-being. And yet, all too often, when we go into specifics trying to reach an explanation about the real reasons and the real harmful effects of these foods, we find ourselves without answers. In this book you will find the answers you have been looking for for some timeclear answers, expressed with simple but thorough explanations, and all based on scientific evidence. The answers that nobody has ever given you. You will also discover what the true Mediterranean diet entails, and learn how to follow it to improve your health. You will understand the reasons why certain illnesses arise, but above all, how to intervene in order to reset your body will be explained to you, through a targeted food program which will allow you to come into your best physical shape. For those who want to lose weight quickly, healthily and permanently, this is the book for you! Those who do not need to lose weight, but who live with more or less serious health problems will also find this book very useful. Dr. Dario Polisano is a biologist-nutritionist with degrees in "Pharmaceutical Science Applied to Health Products" and "Food Science and Human Nutrition." He is an expert in clinical nutrition, and he is registered in the Honor Roll of Nutritionists. Today he continuously updates his course of study; in fact, he is now completing a master's degree in naturopathy and has achieved countless advanced courses on nutrition and on food integrators for cancer patients. After radically changing how he eats, and solving the countless health problems that had plagued him for years, he decided to help others by spreading his diet method, which he developed after long years of study. Dr. Dario Polisano affirms that we must not suppress the symptoms of our body, but rather interpret them and take action on the biological mechanisms that caused them.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Le relazioni non sono pericolose

eBook / testo digitale

Ronchi, Manuela

Le relazioni non sono pericolose

Edizioni Gribaudo, 30/11/2020

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Titolo e contributi: Le relazioni non sono pericolose

Pubblicazione: Edizioni Gribaudo, 30/11/2020

EAN: 9788858027875


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: "Manu" Ronchi è un personaggio ben noto a chi si occupa di spettacolo e intrattenimento. Intraprende la sua carriera manageriale di responsabile della gestione dell'immagine e della comunicazione per noti artisti e sportivi e nella produzione di eventi e produzioni televisive per l'agenzia di Gerry Scotti, per la quale lavora dal 1990 al 1995. Fonda l'agenzia Action, occupandosi dell'immagine di personaggi quali Marco Pantani, Max Biaggi, Marco Melandri, Alberto Tomba, Marco Tardelli, Sebastian Frey, Andrea Lucchetta, Adriano Panatta, Linus, Diego Abatantuono. Questo libro, a metà strada fra autobiografia e manuale, racconta la sua vita e i retroscena di una vita a contatto con le celebrità ma, soprattutto, svela il segreto del suo successo, ancora più importante in un'epoca di social media: l'importanza delle "soft skill" e del mantenere sempre il contatto umano, anche quando il proprio lavoro si svolge principalmente attraverso uno schermo e una tastiera. Ogni capitolo sarà dedicato a un personaggio importante nella vita di Manu Ronchi e fornirà di volta in volta uno specifico "take-away", un concetto cardine pensato per chiunque già lavora, o voglia iniziare, nel mondo della comunicazione, dello spettacolo e delle pubbliche relazioni.