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× Datum 2001
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× Datum 2002
× Sprachen Englisch

Gefunden 630 Dokumente.

Hurlyburly a film by Anthony Drazan ; produced by Anthony Drazan, Richard N. Gladstein, David S. Hamburger ; screenplay by David Rabe based on his play ; directed by Anthony Drazan

Hurlyburly [Videoregistrazione] / a film by Anthony Drazan ; produced by Anthony Drazan, Richard N. Gladstein, David S. Hamburger ; screenplay by David Rabe based on his play ; directed by Anthony Drazan

Great Britain : Metrodome distribution, 2002

Abstract: Eddie and Mickey are Hollywood casting directors whose circle also includes Darlene, Eddie's girlfriend, belligerent actor Phil and writer Artie. Eddie's relationships with Mickey and Darlene are suffering through his cocaine habit, while Phil is having marital problems. The group's lifestyles are further disturbed when Artie procures teenage runaway Donna for Eddie, and every attempt the men make to improve their circumstances only leads to further personal disasters.

Macmillan english dictionary for advanced learners

Macmillan english dictionary for advanced learners

Oxford : MacMillan, 2002

Julius Caesar [music by] Georg Frideric Hendel ; libretto by Nicola Haym ; in the edition by Sir Charles MacKerras and Noel Davies ; english translation by Brian Trowell ; directed by John Copley ; directed for video by John Michael Phillips

Julius Caesar [Videoregistrazione] / [music by] Georg Frideric Hendel ; libretto by Nicola Haym ; in the edition by Sir Charles MacKerras and Noel Davies ; english translation by Brian Trowell ; directed by John Copley ; directed for video by John Michael Phillips

Halle : Arthaus Musik ; Leipzig : Kinowelt Home Entertainment, 2002

Opera [Arthaus Musik]

Abstract: Al centro dell'opera sono due gruppi distinti e contrapposti: da una parte, Giulio Cesare, Cornelia e Sesto, rispettivamente figlio e moglie dello sconfitto Pompeo; dall'altra Cleopatra, Tolomeo e il suo generale Achilla. A muovere le figure maschili è principalmente la sete di potere e, per quanto riguarda Tolomeo ed Achilla, il desiderio di conquistare il cuore di Cornelia.. (

Helping the difficult library patron Kwasi Sarkodie-Mensah, editor

Sarkodie-Mensah, Kwasi

Helping the difficult library patron : new approaches to examining and resolving a long-standing and ongoing problem / Kwasi Sarkodie-Mensah, editor

New York : Haworth information press, c2002

Plowing the dark Richard Powers

Powers, Richard <1957- >

Plowing the dark / Richard Powers

London : Vintage, 2002

Abstract: In a digital laboratory on the shores of Puget Sound, a band of virtual reality researchers race to complete the Cavern, an empty white room that can become a jungle, a painting, or a vast Byzantine cathedral. In a war-torn Mediterranean city, an American is held hostage, chained to a radiator in another empty white room .. (dalla 4. di cop.)

Il Ragazzini di Giuseppe Ragazzini

Ragazzini, Giuseppe

Il Ragazzini : dizionario inglese-italiano, italiano-inglese / di Giuseppe Ragazzini

4. ed

Bologna : Zanichelli, c2002

From cause to causation by Menni Hulswit

Hulswit, Menno

From cause to causation : a Peircean perspective / by Menni Hulswit

Dordrecht [etc.] : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2002

Philosophical studies series ; 90

The evolution of language out of pre-language edited by T. Givón, Bertram F. Malle

The evolution of language out of pre-language / edited by T. Givón, Bertram F. Malle

Amsterdam [etc.] : John Benjamins, c2002

Typological studies in language ; 53

The little prince written and drawn by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ; translated from the French by Katherine Woods

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine <de ; 1900-1944>

The little prince / written and drawn by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ; translated from the French by Katherine Woods

London : Egmont, 2002

Miss Thackery and the bee story by Pauline Cartwright ; illustrated by Coral Tulloch

Cartwright, Pauline

Miss Thackery and the bee / story by Pauline Cartwright ; illustrated by Coral Tulloch

S.l. : Nelson Thomson learning, 2002

PM+ Chapter books [Nelson Thomson learning]. Level 25

The grasshopper and the ant

Staiano, Elena

The grasshopper and the ant

Recanati : ELI, c2002

Ready to read [Eli] - The fab fables [Eli]

Object-process methodology Dov Dori ; foreword by Edward F. Crawley

Dori, Dov

Object-process methodology : a holistic systems paradigm / Dov Dori ; foreword by Edward F. Crawley

Berlin [etc.] : Springer, c2002

Foundations of genetic programming William B. Langdon, Roberto Poli

Langdon, William B.

Foundations of genetic programming / William B. Langdon, Roberto Poli

Berlin [etc.] : Springer, c2002

The thirteen problems Agatha Christie

Christie, Agatha

The thirteen problems / Agatha Christie

London : Harper, 2002

Back to the 80's

Back to the 80's [Audioregistrazione] : the long versions : [de hits uit de jaren '80]

Holland : Sony Music Entertainment, p2002

Back from Belgium Giambattista DeVille

De Ville, Giambattista

Back from Belgium : a secret history of three years within the German lines = storia segreta di tre anni dietro le linee tedesche / Giambattista DeVille

Trento : Liceo scientifico e linguistico Leonardo Da Vinci, 2002

Brainwashed by George Harrison ; produced by George Harrison, Jeff Lynne and Dhani Harrison

Harrison, George

Brainwashed [Audioregistrazione] / by George Harrison ; produced by George Harrison, Jeff Lynne and Dhani Harrison

Gran Bretagna : Umlaut corp., 2002

Lucky break John Escott

Escott, John

Lucky break / John Escott

Harlow [etc.] : Pearson Education, 2002

Penguin readers easystarts

When Hitler stole pink rabbit. Bombs on aunt dainty. A small person far away Judith Kerr ; Illustrazioni Di Judith Kerr

Kerr, Judith

When Hitler stole pink rabbit. Bombs on aunt dainty. A small person far away / Judith Kerr ; Illustrazioni Di Judith Kerr

London : Harper Collins Publisher, 2002

The simple soul Catherine Cookson

Cookson, Catherine

The simple soul : and other stories / Catherine Cookson

London : Corgi Book, 2002