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× Namen Berger, Karen

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Johnson, Mat

Incognegro : a graphic mystery / story Mat Johnson ; art Warren Pleece ; letters Clem Robins ; logo & book design Richard Bruning ; editor Karen Berger ; original editor Jonathan Vankin ; associate editor Cardner Clark ; digital art technician Cary Grazzini ; president & publisher Mike Richardson

Milwaukie : Dark Horse books, 2018

Titel / Autor: Incognegro : a graphic mystery / story Mat Johnson ; art Warren Pleece ; letters Clem Robins ; logo & book design Richard Bruning ; editor Karen Berger ; original editor Jonathan Vankin ; associate editor Cardner Clark ; digital art technician Cary Grazzini ; president & publisher Mike Richardson

Veröffentlichung: Milwaukie : Dark Horse books, 2018

Physische Beschreibung: 131, [11] p. : in gran parte ill. b/n ; 24 cm

ISBN: 9781506705644


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Testo a fumetto
  • Front. su 2 p
  • Età: dai 9 ai 14 anni
Den Titel teilen

Abstract: Zane Pinchback, a reporter for the New York-based New Holland Herald, is sent to investigate the arrest of his own brother, charged with the brutal murder of a white woman in Mississippi. With a lynch mob already swarming, Zane must stay "incognegro" long enough to uncover the truth behind the murder in order to save his brother -- and himself..