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Gefunden 2 Dokumente.

Elsevier's dictionary of metal cutting tools


Elsevier's dictionary of metal cutting tools : in seven languages, English/American, German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian / compiled and arranged on an English alphabetical basis by G. Schuurmans Stekhoven and W.B. Valk

Amsterdam : Elsevier Publishing Company, 1970

Titel / Autor: Elsevier's dictionary of metal cutting tools : in seven languages, English/American, German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian / compiled and arranged on an English alphabetical basis by G. Schuurmans Stekhoven and W.B. Valk

Veröffentlichung: Amsterdam : Elsevier Publishing Company, 1970

Physische Beschreibung: 458 p. : ill. ; 23 cm

ISBN: 444 40856 8


Sprache: Mehrere Sprachen (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

Elsevier's dictionary of metal cutting tools
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Elsevier's automobile dictionary


Elsevier's automobile dictionary : in eight languages, English/American, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, Japanese / compiled and arranged on an English alphabetical base by G. Schuurmans Stekhoven ; with a preface by Wilfredo P. Ricart

Amsterdam : Elsevier Publishing Company, 1960

Elsevier's multilingual dictionaries, lexica and glossaries

Titel / Autor: Elsevier's automobile dictionary : in eight languages, English/American, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, Japanese / compiled and arranged on an English alphabetical base by G. Schuurmans Stekhoven ; with a preface by Wilfredo P. Ricart

Veröffentlichung: Amsterdam : Elsevier Publishing Company, 1960

Physische Beschreibung: 946 p. ; 23 cm

Reihen: Elsevier's multilingual dictionaries, lexica and glossaries


Sprache: Mehrere Sprachen (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

Elsevier's automobile dictionary
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