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× Data 2024

Trovati 228 documenti.

Come smettere di russare... e garantire un buon sonno a tutti i membri della famiglia! Ediz. rumena
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Come smettere di russare... e garantire un buon sonno a tutti i membri della famiglia! Ediz. rumena

Tektime, 03/01/2024

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Abstract: În această carte, vom trata diferite subiecte legate de sforăit inclusiv cauzele, consecințele și opțiunile de tratament posibile. Vom discuta rolul schimbărilor în stilul de viață, precum pierderea în greutate și evitarea alcoolului înainte de culcare și folosirea unor produse care nu necesită prescripție medicală, cum ar fi plasturii nazali sau umidificatoarele. Vom explora și opțiuni de tratament mai invazive, precum intervenția chirurgicală și terapia cu presiuneLeggi tutto

Megan goes on holiday. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger and one scary mother! Ediz. russa
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Jones, Owen

Megan goes on holiday. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger and one scary mother! Ediz. russa

Tektime, 03/01/2024

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Abstract: В книге "Меган идет в поход" Меган и ее лучшая подруга Джейн едут в Сент-Дэвидс в Западном Уэльсе, чтобы навестить бабушку и дедушку Меган и отправиться в поход по побережью и окрестностям. Меган будто погружается в прошлое, особенно когда идет по древнему кладбищу и стоит у входа в пещеру, которой, как она считает, сотни лет назад пользовались контрабандисты и разбойники.В серию книг "Экстрасенс Меган" входит двадцать три новеллы о том, как девочка постепенно начинает понLeggi tutto

La visita dei nonni di Megan. Una guida spirituale, una tigre fantasma e una madre inquietante. Ediz. russa
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

La visita dei nonni di Megan. Una guida spirituale, una tigre fantasma e una madre inquietante. Ediz. russa

Tektime, 03/01/2024

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Abstract: Как-то вечером, ни с того ни с сего, звонят бабушка и дедушка Меган и спрашивают, можно ли им приехать на выходные. Меган и ее родители волнуются, не заболел ли кто из них, но все оказывается намного проще — теперь у них куча свободного времени, и они решили поближе познакомиться с Меган. Выходные преподносят много сюрпризов, но лучший из них для Меган — это то, что бабушка и дедушка солидарны с ней и даже могут чувствовать присутствие Гррр. Для Меган это огромная моральнаLeggi tutto

Megan's thirteenth. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger and one scary mother! Ediz. tedesca
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Megan's thirteenth. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger and one scary mother! Ediz. tedesca

Tektime, 04/01/2024

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Abstract: Megan's Dreizehnter (Band 2 von 23): Megans Eltern bieten an, ein Festzelt zu mieten und zwei Partys für Megans Geburtstag auf dem Dorfplatz zu veranstalten: eine für die Älteren, die Familie, und eine für ihre Schulfreunde. Megan ist sehr aufgeregt bei dem Gedanken, aber völlig überwältigt, als sie den berühmten lokalen DJ Jack Hammer trifft und von einem gutaussehenden Fremden einen Geburtstagskuss bekommt.Die Psychic Megan-Serie besteht aus dreiundzwanzig Novellen überLeggi tutto

A casa dos extraterrestres. Uma história de amor, de esperança e de intervenção extraterrestre
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

A casa dos extraterrestres. Uma história de amor, de esperança e de intervenção extraterrestre

Tektime, 05/01/2024

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Abstract: Michael, um homem idoso, lentamente enlouquece, pois sua mulher tailandesa de dezoito anos teve recusado um passaporte na fronteira e foi repatriada. Ele voltou sozinho a seu país natal na esperança de poder "fazê-la entrar". As chances são mínimas, e ele afunda cada vez mais no desespero, chegando a dormir na praia para economizar dinheiro. Na verdade, começa a perder a razão pela inquietude e a solidão. Ele nem mesmo irá procurar a ajuda da família, pois tem a impressãoLeggi tutto

Megan'in Takipçileri. Ruh Rehberi, Hayalet Kaplan ve Korkunç Bir Anne!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Megan'in Takipçileri. Ruh Rehberi, Hayalet Kaplan ve Korkunç Bir Anne!

Tektime, 13/01/2024

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Abstract: Megan'ın Takipçileri'nde Megan'ın anne ve babası onun en popüler sosyal medya şirketlerinde hesap açmasına izin veriyor. Kendileri bu konuda çok fazla bir şey bilmeseler de on üç yaş altı çocukların o platformlara katılmamaları gerektiğini okumuşlardı—kızları o yaşı yeni geçtiği için buna bir itirazları yoktu. Megan çok geçmeden takipçi kazanmanın ve okuldaki çeşitli etkinliklerle takipçilerini etkilemenin yollarını bulur. Gönderilerinin tüm dünyaya yayıldığını öğrenince şLeggi tutto

Avtomobili i avtoaksessuary. Malen'kiye gadzhety, kotoryye personaliziruyut roskosh'
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Avtomobili i avtoaksessuary. Malen'kiye gadzhety, kotoryye personaliziruyut roskosh'

Tektime, 13/01/2024

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Abstract: Існує багато типів автомобілів або "машин", як люблять їх називати деякі люди. Є "сімейні" моделі, які полегшують наше повсякденне життя та доставляють нас на роботу або за покупками до магазинів; потім є "робочі конячки" - вантажопасажирські автомобілі, фургони та вантажівки, названі на честь тварин, яких вони замінили; та автомобілі мрії... "Lamborghini", "Maserati", "Rolls-Royce" тощо. Однак з'явився і новий клас – гібрид. Концепція сучасних гібридних автомобілів із двоLeggi tutto

Jué bù yunxu. Dangdai xixuègui jiâting de qíwén yì shì
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Jué bù yunxu. Dangdai xixuègui jiâting de qíwén yì shì

Tektime, 13/01/2024

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Abstract: 李恒突然感觉很奇怪,于是他去找了当地的巫师,也恰好是他的姑姑。她做了几项化验,确定李恒没有血,但他该如何告诉家人,他们又会怎么做呢?那个巫师,达姑姑,调配了一种可怕的药剂,她认为这是恒唯一的生存机会,但恒的家人能否在他的余生中每天都取得这种药剂呢?《不允》是一部关于生命和生命如何变化的引人入胜的哲学研究……也很幽默!PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Khun mhascrry kab wiman ni daen xan nun. Reuxngraw thung prasbkarn kil tay khxng wi l li con s
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Khun mhascrry kab wiman ni daen xan nun. Reuxngraw thung prasbkarn kil tay khxng wi l li con s

Tektime, 17/01/2024

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Abstract: วิลเลี่ยม โจนส์ ชาวไร่เลี้ยงแกะจากเมืองเบรกอนบีคอนส์ใช้ชีวิตที่แสนสุขจนกระทั่งภรรยาของเขา ซาราห์ เสียชีวิตลงก่อนวัยอันควร การตายของภรรยาทำให้เขาสูญสิ้นความหวังและดูเหมือนจะเป็นการทำลายตนเองด้วย ลูกสาวของเขา เบ็คกี้ พยายามเข้ามาช่วยเหลือแต่ถึงอย่างนั้นเธอก็เริ่มหมดความอดทนกับบิดาของเธอเช่นเดียวกัน ค่ำวันหนึ่งเขามั่นใจว่าเขาเสียชีวิตลงและรู้สึกเหมือนได้พ้นทุกข์ แต่ก็ไม่เป็นเช่นนั้น เขากลับฟื้นขึ้น แม้ว่าชีวิตของเขาจะไม่เหมือนเดิมอีกต่อไป เขาค้นพบอันนูนซึ่งเป็นดินแดนที่ภรรยาของเขาอาศัยอยู่ บวกกับพลังที่เพิ่งค้นพบได้เปลี่ยนชีวิตของเขาและชีวิตของผู้คนรอบตัวที่ผ่านเข้ามาพบปะกับเขาอย่างสิ้นเชิงPUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Leaving Annwn. Returning to earth on a mission!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Leaving Annwn. Returning to earth on a mission!

Tektime, 17/01/2024

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Abstract: Three friends, who had been a small Welsh family living in a tiny farmer's cottage on a hill in Brecon in their last life, return from Annwn (the ancient Welsh word for Heaven) to help Wales and the world battle the evil of homelessness.Some call them Bodhisattvas, some call them heroes.One thing is certain, they didn't have to do it.This trilogy of stories about the same three people will appeal to anyone who is interested in Life After Death.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Mosquitoes. Man's ancient enemies...
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Mosquitoes. Man's ancient enemies...

Tektime, 17/01/2024

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Abstract: Welcome to "Mosquitoes – Man's Ancient Enemies," an exploration into the intricate world of these tiny yet notorious insects that have plagued humanity for centuries. As an interested party for many years, I am delighted to guide you through the fascinating journey of understanding mosquitoes, their biology, behaviour, and the significant impact they have had on human history.From the buzzing annoyance of their presence to the deadly diseases they transmit, mosquitoesLeggi tutto

Dores de cabeça e enxaquecas. Resultados de estresse da vida moderna, poluição e aditivos alimentares?
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Dores de cabeça e enxaquecas. Resultados de estresse da vida moderna, poluição e aditivos alimentares?

Tektime, 19/01/2024

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Abstract: As dores de cabeça e enxaquecas são condições de saúde comuns que podem ter um impacto significante na qualidade de vida de uma pessoa. Elas são consequências de vários fatores, incluindo stress, tensão, fadiga, e mudanças climáticas. As enxaquecas em particular, são um tipo de dor de cabeça que pode causar dores severas e debilitantes, bem como outros sintomas como nauseas, vômitos e sensibilidade à luz e sons.Este livro é um guia para entender e administrar as dores deLeggi tutto

Como lidar com cupins. Não deixe sua propriedade ser dominada por esses pequenos e vorazes insetos xilófagos!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Como lidar com cupins. Não deixe sua propriedade ser dominada por esses pequenos e vorazes insetos xilófagos!

Tektime, 19/01/2024

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Abstract: Os cupins são uma praga comum em residências e podem causar danos significantes em casas e edifícios. Eles são pequenos insetos que se alimentam de madeira e outros materiais à base de celulose, e podem causar danos estruturais em casas e edifícios. Neste pequeno livro, Como Lidar com Cupins, forneceremos o conhecimento e as ferramentas necessárias para identificar, previnir e lidar de forma eficaz com infestações de cupins. O livro abordará os fundamentos da biologia eLeggi tutto

Segurança doméstica
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Segurança doméstica

Tektime, 19/01/2024

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Abstract: Sempre houve uma quantidade inaceitável de roubos. É uma experiência angustiante ser roubado. As pessoas são forçadas a aceitar que não estão seguras nem mesmo nas suas próprias casas. Na época das famílias maiores, não era fácil para o ladrão. Sempre havia alguém em casa, e geralmente várias pessoas. Os ladrões seriam detectados e facilmente dominados. Hoje em dia, por outro lado, muitas pessoas vivem sozinhas, e muitas delas são idosos da geração "baby boomer". IssoLeggi tutto

Sales. ...and how to increase them!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Sales. ...and how to increase them!

Tektime, 20/01/2024

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Abstract: In today's dynamic and competitive marketplace, the ability to generate sales isn't just a skill—it's a necessity. We understand that navigating the world of sales can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to the field. That's why we've created this guide to break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand principles.We'll cover the fundamental pillars of successful selling, from building rapport and effective communication to understanding customer needs andLeggi tutto

Thailand. Unlocking the secrets of the land of smiles
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Thailand. Unlocking the secrets of the land of smiles

Tektime, 27/01/2024

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Abstract: Nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia, Thailand is a country that effortlessly weaves together a tapestry of tradition, modernity, and natural beauty. Having explored its vibrant streets, tasted its delectable cuisine, and absorbed the warmth of its people, I invite you to embark on a journey through the enchanting Kingdom of Thailand.In 'Thailand: Unlocking the Secrets of The Land of Smiles", I'll guide you through the hidden gems and well-trodden paths, offeringLeggi tutto

Renewable energy. You can make a difference too!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Renewable energy. You can make a difference too!

Tektime, 02/02/2024

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Abstract: In the face of climate change and the urgent need to transition towards sustainable practices, the rôle of renewable energy has never been more critical. The good news is, you have the power to be a part of this transformative journey. Welcome to "Renewable Energy - You Can Make a Difference Too!" - a guide designed to empower you with practical knowledge and actionable steps towards a greener, more sustainable future.Within these pages, we'll explore the diverse world ofLeggi tutto

Mal di testa ed emicrania. I risultati dello stress moderno, dell'inquinamento e degli additivi alimentari? Ediz. romena
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Mal di testa ed emicrania. I risultati dello stress moderno, dell'inquinamento e degli additivi alimentari? Ediz. romena

Tektime, 01/02/2024

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Abstract: Durerile de cap și migrenele sunt condiții de sănătate comune care pot avea un impact semnificativ asupra calității vieții.Acestea pot fi cauzate de o varietate de factori inclusiv stresul, tensiunea, oboseala și schimbările vremii.Mai specific, migrenele sunt un tip de dureri de cap care pot cauza dureri severe și paralizante, precum și alte simptome cum ar fi amețeala, greața și sensibilitatea la lumină și sunet.Această carte este un ghid de înțelegere și gestionare aLeggi tutto

La gita scolastica di Megan. Uno spirito guida, una tigre fantasma e una madre spaventosa! Ediz. serba
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

La gita scolastica di Megan. Uno spirito guida, una tigre fantasma e una madre spaventosa! Ediz. serba

Tektime, 01/02/2024

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Abstract: Meganin školski izlet (tom 3 od 24): Osoblje organizuje školski izlet, a učenici mogu da glasaju gde žele da idu. Megan je zbunjena zbog svog prvog glasanja, ali ide tamo gde želi. Obožava putovanje i istražuje lokaciju sa Grrr, svojom prijateljicom tigricom duh. Čini se da je vraćena u davna vremena, ali ne smatra da je to zastrašujuće, jer je njena prijateljica sa njom. Kasnije govori o svom iskustvu sa svojim Duhovnim vodičem, Vacinhinsha.Spiritistički Megan serijalLeggi tutto

Beauty tips. A mixture of art, science, and nature!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Beauty tips. A mixture of art, science, and nature!

Tektime, 06/02/2024

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Abstract: Welcome to "Beauty Tips," your guide to unlocking the secrets of radiant beauty. I am thrilled to share some expertise and insider knowledge to help you enhance your natural glow and embrace your unique features.In this manual, we will embark on a transformative journey, exploring a myriad of tips and tricks that go beyond skin deep. From skincare routines that cater to individual needs to makeup techniques that accentuate your best features, "Beauty Tips" is your go-toLeggi tutto