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The Himalayan journal


The Himalayan journal / honorary editor Harish Kapadia ; honorary assistant editor Nandini Purandare, Ravi Mariwala, Rajesh Gadgil (production) ; published for the Himalayan Club

Oxford : Oxford University press, [1928]-

Titel / Autor: The Himalayan journal / honorary editor Harish Kapadia ; honorary assistant editor Nandini Purandare, Ravi Mariwala, Rajesh Gadgil (production) ; published for the Himalayan Club

Veröffentlichung: Oxford : Oxford University press, [1928]-

Physische Beschreibung: ill. ; 22 cm

ISSN: 978-019568150-5


Sprache: ng (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

The Himalayan journal
  • Periodicità non det
  • Inizia nel 1928
  • Descrizione basata su: vol. 61 (2005)
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