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Gefunden 348 Dokumente.

al- Qāmūs al-muṣawwar li-luġa al-almānīya Autor Igor Jourist

Jourist, Igor

al- Qāmūs al-muṣawwar li-luġa al-almānīya : al-luġa al-asāsīya hiya al-ʿArabīya = Deutsch Bildwörterbuch : Hauptsprache Arabisch / Autor Igor Jourist

Hamburg : Jourist, c2016

The monster under the bed illustrator: Sarah Horne

The monster under the bed / illustrator: Sarah Horne

London : Collins, c2016

Collins big cat. Level 14

Abstract: Ben's feeling sick, or at least that's what he says. Really, he doesn't want to see his friend Vince. But when he finds a monster under his bed he has an idea - the two swap identities for the day, with hilarious results! This play, by Kevin Dyer, in partnership with Polka Theatre, explores familiar issues and will work wonderfully in performance. (

In the dark author]: Claire Llewellyn ; illustrator: Karen Oppatt

Llewellyn, Claire

In the dark / author]: Claire Llewellyn ; illustrator: Karen Oppatt

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 6

Abstract: 'It is dark in the park. It is dark in the street.’ This superb patterned non-fiction text uses atmospheric illustrations to show what happens in the neighbourhood when it is dark. Who can be found in the city streets when children are tucked up in bed? Which animals prowl in the wood by the light of the moon? (

Live Chaba Fadela, Cheb Sarhaoui

Fadela, Chaba

Live [Audioregistrazione] / Chaba Fadela, Cheb Sarhaoui

Portogallo : Terrascape, 2000

Hurufi authors: Mahmoud Gaafar and Jane Wightwick ; illustrator: Simona Meisser

Gaafar, Mahmoud

Hurufi / authors: Mahmoud Gaafar and Jane Wightwick ; illustrator: Simona Meisser

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 1

Abstract: Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 1 books introduce children to the letters of the Arabic alphabet using bright and engaging illustrations. Two letters on each page, with a familiarWeiterlesen

Visuelles Wörterbuch Arabisch-Deutsch

Visuelles Wörterbuch Arabisch-Deutsch : über 12000Wörter und Redewendungen

London [u.a.] : Coventgarden, 2009

Ahmed Fouad Negm English-Arabic translation literacy, political, historical and psychological analysis by Mohamed F. El-Hewie

Aḥmad, Fuʾād Naǧm

Ahmed Fouad Negm : Egypt's Revolutionary Poet : a rebel unlike any / English-Arabic translation literacy, political, historical and psychological analysis by Mohamed F. El-Hewie

[S.l. : s.n.], 2013

Abstract: This edition comprises the English-Arabic translation and analysis of the poetry of Ahmed Fouad Negm. The work of poet Ahmed Fouad Negm has sparked flashes from my past, as all his sceneries, vernacular, and intimate connection to the poorest peasants of Egypt revived my dormant memories as never before. Negm's brilliant and acute artistic senses enabled him to spare great traditional rituals from the sprawl of urbanization and global invasion of foreign cultures,Weiterlesen

Qaṣr aš-šawq Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ

Maḥfūẓ, Naǧīb

Qaṣr aš-šawq / Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ

6. ed

al-Qāhira : Dār aš-Šurūq, 2012

Avventure della ragazza cattiva Mario Vargas Llosa

Vargas Llosa, Mario

Avventure della ragazza cattiva / Mario Vargas Llosa

Damasco : Al Mada, 2007

Il generale nel suo labirinto Gabriel García Márquez

García Márquez, Gabriel

Il generale nel suo labirinto / Gabriel García Márquez

Damasco : Al Mada, 2007

The dreams of the sparrows director: Hayder Mousa Daffar ; producer: Aaron Raskin

The dreams of the sparrows [Videoregistrazione] / director: Hayder Mousa Daffar ; producer: Aaron Raskin

S.l. : The Iraq Eye Group, 2006 ; Italia : Harbinger Productions, 2007

Reportage Internazionale ; 59

Abstract: Hayder Mousa Daffar e altri quattro registi iracheni conducono un'inchiesta attraverso l'Iraq del dopo Saddam Hussein, alle prese con l'occupazione americana. I cittadini iracheni incontrati per le strade di Baghdad e di Falluja spiegano cos'è per loro la democrazia, chi era Saddam Hussein, chi sono gli americani e cosa stanno facendo per il loro paese, il ruolo delle organizzazioni umanitarie internazionali, il petrolio. (Dal contenitore)

Qissat al-kusa Idris Samah ; russum: Yasmin Nasabah Ta'an

Samah, Idris

Qissat al-kusa / Idris Samah ; russum: Yasmin Nasabah Ta'an

Beirut : Dar al-Adab li-l-sigar, 1999?

Azizy al-sayd Kawabata Rashid Da'if

Da'if, Rashid

Azizy al-sayd Kawabata : riwaya / Rashid Da'if

Beirut : Riyad al-eayys li-l-kutub wa-al-nasr ; Beirut : Riad el-Rayyes books, 2001

al-'Ullama Salim Himmis

Himmis, Salim

al-'Ullama : riwaya / Salim Himmis

Beirut : Dar al-adab, 1997

Bab al-sams Ilyas Khuri

Khuri, Ilyas

Bab al-sams / Ilyas Khuri

3. ed

Beirut : Dar al-adab, 2003

Hal raa'yta ahrufiy? ta'lif Ranya Zagiyr ; rusumat Syma' Haddadiyn

Zagiyr, Ranya

Hal raa'yta ahrufiy? / ta'lif Ranya Zagiyr ; rusumat Syma' Haddadiyn

2. ed

Bayrut : Asala, 2010

Abstract: Filastrocca dove ogni verso è formato da parole che iniziano con la stessa lettera facilitando la memorizzazione delle lettere dell'alfabeto e dei nomi degli animali

Maux d'amour Fairouz


Maux d'amour [Audioregistrazione] / Fairouz

Emirati Arabi Uniti : EMI Music Arabia ; France : Virgin France [distributore], c2000

Arabian Masters

Mambo el soudani Salamat ; produced by Mahmoud Fadl


Mambo el soudani [Audioregistrazione] / Salamat ; produced by Mahmoud Fadl

Germania : Piranha ; Italia : Evolution Music [distributore], 1994

Nafas Rabih Abou-Khalil .. [et al.]

Abou-Khalil, Rabih

Nafas [Audioregistrazione] / Rabih Abou-Khalil .. [et al.]

Germania : ECM Records, 1988

Daratt un film di Mahamat-Saleh Haroun ; scritto e realizzato da Mahamat-Saleh Haroun ; direttore della fotografia Abraham Haile Biru ; colonna sonora originale Wasis Diop

Daratt [Videoregistrazione] : la stagione del perdono / un film di Mahamat-Saleh Haroun ; scritto e realizzato da Mahamat-Saleh Haroun ; direttore della fotografia Abraham Haile Biru ; colonna sonora originale Wasis Diop

Italia : Luckyred homevideo, c2007

Abstract: Ciad. Atim, un ragazzo di quindici anni, armato di pistola parte alla ricerca dell'assassino di suo padre, ucciso pochi mesi prima della sua nascita, nel corso della violenta guerra civile. Atim giunge a N'djména e trova l'uomo che stava cercando, Abdallah Nassara. Colui che si trova davanti, però, non ha l'aspetto di un assassino ma quello del rispettabile e onesto proprietario di una panetteria.. []