Mouse, Anon E.
ISBN: 9781910882085ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 06In issue 5 of the Baba Indaba children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the West African story of "Anansi And The Lion."One day Anansi, the Trickster Spider, went to town and bought string, sacks, firkins[1] of fat and a very large frying pan.He then went to the beach and caught and fried lots of fish and put them into the sacks.[1] A Small cask used for liquidsOn his way home when he met Mr Lion, who had smelt the cooked fish. Hoping to get a free meal, Mr Lion greeted him warmly.After eating their fill, Anansi and Lion decided to play a game. But what was the game? Should Anansi trust Mr Lion to not eat him when he was tied up? Also, Anansi is known as the Trickster Spider, so could Mr Lion trust Anansi? Well, what happened next? Well you will have to download and read this story to find out what happened and if Anasi was dessert for greedy Mr Lion or if Anansi out-tricked the greedy lion?Baba Indaba is an old Zulu storyteller who collects and narrates children's stories from around the world. Baba Indaba translates into English as "Father of Stories".Each issue also has a "WHERE IN THE WORLD - LOOK IT UP" section, where young readers are challenged to look up a place on a map somewhere in the world. The place, town or city is relevant to the location of the story. HINT - use Google maps.In looking up these place names, using Google Maps, that young people will be able to see images and read about other peoples and cultures from around the world. Through this, it is our hope that young people will not only increase their world geography but also increase their understanding and tolerance of other people and cultures. Buy any of the 460+ Baba Indaba Children's Stories by searching for BABA INDABA in this store.ALSO INCLUDES LINKS TO DOWNLOAD 8 FREE STORIES10% of the sale price of this book will be donated to charities.KEYWORDS/TAGS: baba indaba, children's stories, folklore, fairy, tales, myths, legends, storyteller, bedtime story, moral stories, West Africa, Anansi, Lion, Trickster Spider, Aunt Nancy, , afraid, Anansi, balls of string, bay, beg, blow, bones, brother, bundle, callalou, called, catch, child, children, cord, dinner, eat, eat, Eel, empty, farther, fast, fat, firkins, fish, fly, forty-eleven, fried, frying pan, fun, gentleman, Good, Greedy, Green, half, half-a-dozen, Head-fish, home, kill, King, life, lighted, Lion, little, long, man, meddle, Miss, morning, mountains, Nancy, old, pan, porridge, pretty, ravenous, revenge, rogue, sacks, sands, sea, Shame, shore, slippery, spinach, string, strong, tied up, tight, town, travel, tree, trees, trickster, Trickster Spider, turn, water, Well, wood, wriggle