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× Livello lingua C1

Trovati 552 documenti.

Hight Expectations von Simon Heptinstall

Heptinstall, Simon

Hight Expectations : 20 landestypische Kurzgeschichten zum Englischlernen / von Simon Heptinstall

Stuttgart : PONS, 2018

Lektüre in Bildern. Englisch

Death of a superhero Anthony McCarten ; annotations by Susanne Freisen with Antje Blume

McCarten, Anthony

Death of a superhero / Anthony McCarten ; annotations by Susanne Freisen with Antje Blume

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2010

Abstract: Donald Delpe is a "terrible teen" by default, as obsessed with sex, music, videogames and drugs as the rest of his gang, but he is also suffering from a life-threatening form of leukemia. Famous psychologist Dr Adrian King is brought in to help - but will he break the rules, betray the parents' trust and risk everything to help Donald? Or will Donald be the one to save the doctor?.. (

Übungsgrammatik für die Oberstufe Karin Hall, Barbara Scheiner

Hall, Karin

Übungsgrammatik für die Oberstufe / Karin Hall, Barbara Scheiner

Ismaning : Hueber, 2014

Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Hueber]

Estação brasil Ana Cecília Bizon e Elizabeth Fontão

Bizon, Ana Cecília

Estação brasil : português para estrangeiros / Ana Cecília Bizon e Elizabeth Fontão

Campinas : Átomo, 2005

Abstract: Estação Brasil é um livro endereçado a alunos-aprendizes que já alcançaram uma proficiência média em Português-Língua Estrangeira (PLE). O material é composto por textos e atividades comunicativas que integram habilidades orais e escritas em tarefas e pequenos projetos, privilegiando o uso da língua em diferentes contextos. Não se trata de um material seqüenciado, cabendo ao professor e aos alunos escolherem os temas que lhes pareçam mais significativos e a ordem em que serão trabalhados.

Come prepararsi all'esame del CELI 4 Daniela Alessandroni .. [et al.] ; rilasciato dall'Università per stranieri di Perugia

Come prepararsi all'esame del CELI 4 : certificato di conoscenza della lingua italiana > livello C1 : italiano generale : livello avanzato C1 / Daniela Alessandroni .. [et al.] ; rilasciato dall'Università per stranieri di Perugia

Perugia : Guerra, 2008

Magari! A. De Giuli, C. Guastalla, C. M. Naddeo

De Giuli, Alessandro

Magari! : corso di lingua e cultura italiana di livello intermedio e avanzato / A. De Giuli, C. Guastalla, C. M. Naddeo

Firenze : Alma, 2008

Canyaking adventure Rob Waring, series editor

Canyaking adventure / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2010

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Abstract: A group of young athletes have travelled to the Indian Ocean to visit Reunion Island for a unique challenge: canyaking. This tough outdoor activity is a combination of two different sports and requires the cooperation of all team members. What two sports does canyaking involve? Will the team succeed in canyaking Reunion Island? (

Nuovo canta che ti passa Ciro Massimo Naddeo, Paolo Torresan, Giuliana Trama ; con la collaborazione di Beatrice Giudice

Naddeo, Ciro Massimo

Nuovo canta che ti passa : imparare l'italiano con la musica e le canzoni / Ciro Massimo Naddeo, Paolo Torresan, Giuliana Trama ; con la collaborazione di Beatrice Giudice

Firenze : Alma, 2013

Complete IELTS Guy Brook-Hart and Vanessa Jakeman

Brook-Hart, Guy

Complete IELTS : Bands 6.5-7.5 : Student's book with answers / Guy Brook-Hart and Vanessa Jakeman

Cambridge : Cambridge University press ; Stuttgart : Klett, 2013

Cambridge English [Cambridge University Press]

Fit fürs Goethe-Zertifikat C1 Evelyn Frey

Frey, Evelyn

Fit fürs Goethe-Zertifikat C1 : "Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung (neu)" : Prüfungstraining / Evelyn Frey

Ismaning : Hueber, 2007

Tipps und Übungen

Oxford practice grammar advanced George Yule

Yule, George

Oxford practice grammar advanced : with answers / George Yule

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2006

Spotlight on advanced Francesca Mansfield, Carol Nuttall and Language Testing 123 [i.e. Language 123]

Mansfield, Francesca

Spotlight on advanced : exam booster workbook / Francesca Mansfield, Carol Nuttall and Language Testing 123 [i.e. Language 123]

second edition

Andover : National Geographic Learning, c2015 (stampa 2014)

Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat C1 Hans-Jürgen Hantschel, Paul Krieger

Hantschel, Hans-Jürgen

Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat C1 / Hans-Jürgen Hantschel, Paul Krieger

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2008

Nuovissimo Progetto italiano 3 Maria Angela Cernigliaro

Cernigliaro, Maria Angela

Nuovissimo Progetto italiano 3 : corso di lingua e civiltà italiana / Maria Angela Cernigliaro

Roma : Edilingua, 2020

Ziel C1/2

Ziel C1/2 : Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Ismaning : Hueber, 2011

Abstract: Den sprachlichen Alltag besser bewältigen, die Deutschkenntnisse für Beruf oder Studium verbessern, eine Prüfung bestehen, ein Stipendium erhalten: Ihre Kursteilnehmer/innen in der Mittelstufe haben ganz unterschiedliche Ziele vor Augen. Und sie bringen unterschiedliche Vorkenntnisse und Lerngeschwindigkeiten mit – da brauchen Sie ein Lehrwerk, mit dem Sie individuelle Lernschwerpunkte setzen können!

Els castellers Oriol Chumillas

Chumillas, Oriol

Els castellers / Oriol Chumillas

Vic : Eumo ; Barcelona : Universitat de Barcelona, 2005

Català fàcil [Eumo]. Avançat ; 6

Space walk Rob Waring, series editor

Space walk / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2010

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

The exciting streets of Barcelona Rob Waring, series editor

The exciting streets of Barcelona / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2010

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Abstract: People from all over the world love to visit Barcelona, Spain - especially a place called "the Ramblas". This walking-only area is centrally located and full of interesting artists, street performers and other entertainers. What makes this area so exciting? .. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Extra tests

Iandelli, Norma

Extra tests : Norma Iandelli, Valentina Mei-Yin Chen

Recanati : ELI, c2016

Fa parte di: SmartGrammar

Giochi senza frontiere Roberta Ferencich, Paolo Torresan

Ferencich, Roberta

Giochi senza frontiere : attività ludiche per l'isegnamento dell'italiano / Roberta Ferencich, Paolo Torresan

Firenze : Alma, c2005