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× Nomi Kuhn, Krystyna
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Trovati 52 documenti.

Aktub wa-ta'allum

Aktub wa-ta'allum : al-huruf alhaga'ya

Syria : Rabie children books, c2009

Alif ba' lulu Salaq Ahmad

Ahmad, Salaq

Alif ba' lulu : lita 'lim al-sigar / Salaq Ahmad

Beirut : dar al-sarq al-'arabiyya, 1999?

Life cycles author: Sally Morgan ; illustrator: Mike Maydak

Morgan, Sally

Life cycles / author: Sally Morgan ; illustrator: Mike Maydak

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 15

Abstract: Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 15 books provide more complex plots and longer chapters to help develop reading stamina and to help develop sustained engagement with texts. Level 15Leggi tutto

World of football author: Daniel Nunn

Nunn, Daniel

World of football / author: Daniel Nunn

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 7

Abstract: Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 7 books include story lines with more episodes in time sequence, and may include imaginary happenings in the context of familiar experiences. There isLeggi tutto

Sesame and Apricot author: Shoo Rayner ; illustrator: Shoo Rayner

Rayner, Shoo

Sesame and Apricot / author: Shoo Rayner ; illustrator: Shoo Rayner

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 3

Abstract: Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 3 books introduce the concept of the story’, and include simple phonic sounds and very high-frequency words with simple spellings. Sesame and ApricotLeggi tutto

Bayt Kuku qissa: Isma'il al-Sagir ; rusum: Lamya' 'Abd al-Sahib

Al-Sagir, Isma'il

Bayt Kuku / qissa: Isma'il al-Sagir ; rusum: Lamya' 'Abd al-Sahib

Bayrut : Dar al-hada'iq, 2005?

Maktaba al-siyasan [Dar al-hada'iq]

Animal migration author: Deborah Chancellor ; illustrator: Kate Evans

Chancellor, Deborah

Animal migration / author: Deborah Chancellor ; illustrator: Kate Evans

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 13

Abstract: Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 13 books feature longer and more complex sentence structures. Sentences make use of a wide range of stylistic features which reflect progression in theLeggi tutto

al- Nuqta al-sawada' ta'lif wa rusumat Walid Tahir

Taher, Walid

al- Nuqta al-sawada' / ta'lif wa rusumat Walid Tahir

al-Qāhira : Dar al-Suruq, 2009

Shapes author] Monica Hughes

Hughes, Monica

Shapes / author] Monica Hughes

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 4

Abstract: Level 4 books are for children who are ready to start to read stories with simple single words or non-verbal sentences with 2 or 3 words, and with total support through illustrations and extensive use of repetition. Double spacing is used between words to ensure children see where each new word in a sentence begins and ends, and with the focus on reading core words. Shapes are all around us, and this simple non-fiction text explores the circles, squares, rectangles,Leggi tutto

Our new life in Abu Dhabi authors: Mahmoud Gaafar and Sahar Hassan El-Ayouti ; illustrator: Begoña Fernandez Corbalan

Gaafar, Mahmoud

Our new life in Abu Dhabi / authors: Mahmoud Gaafar and Sahar Hassan El-Ayouti ; illustrator: Begoña Fernandez Corbalan

London : Collins, c2016

Collins big cat. Level 12

Abstract: Mohamed’s father has a new job in Abu Dhabi and the family have to leave their home in Morocco for a new life. Read about the things Mohamed is sad to leave behind, the exciting new things he sees and the new friends that he makes as he learns all about living in Abu Dhabi. (

Bayda' al-talg Ya'qub Garim Wuylhim ; targama: 'Abd al-Fatah Daybun

Wuylhim Ya'qub Garim

Bayda' al-talg / Ya'qub Garim Wuylhim ; targama: 'Abd al-Fatah Daybun

Al-Qinitra : Dar al- Harf, 2000?

Hikayat Halida

Lalla Ma'iza fi bilad al-arkan nass wa-rusum: Sufiya Wagu ; targama: Muhammad Benalmalih

Wagu, Sufiya

Lalla Ma'iza fi bilad al-arkan / nass wa-rusum: Sufiya Wagu ; targama: Muhammad Benalmalih

al-Dar al-Bayda' : Yandow al-kitab, 2008?

Silsilat Malika wa Karim [Yandow al-kitab]

Hikayat al-fusul ta'lif: Hasan Dahir

Dahir, Hasan

Hikayat al-fusul / ta'lif: Hasan Dahir

Bayrut : Dar al-Hadi, 2009

al-Alwan al-ard [Dar al-Hadi ]

The owel and the pussycat written and illustrated by Polly Dunbar

Dunbar, Polly

The owel and the pussycat / written and illustrated by Polly Dunbar

London : Collins, c2013

Collins big cat. Lilac

Abstract: This illustrated wordless version of the poem “The Owl and the Pussycat” by Edward Lear is told through the beautiful artwork of award-winning illustrator Polly Dunbar (

Jaddati Fatima Sharafeddine ; illustrator Lujaina Al Assile

Sharaf al-Din, Fatima

Jaddati / Fatima Sharafeddine ; illustrator Lujaina Al Assile

Dubai : Kalimat, 2017

Abstract: Mia nonna non somiglia alle nonne normali: non ama la maglia, non prepara ricette geniali! Attraverso il racconto di una nipotina, conosciamo una nonna speciale, con un passatempo speciale: costruire aeroplanini di carta! Divertente storia in rima, da leggere o da canticchiare, con illustrazioni a colori luminosi e tratti tondeggianti. Testo interamente vocalizzato.

Hal raa'yta ahrufiy? ta'lif Ranya Zagiyr ; rusumat Syma' Haddadiyn

Zagiyr, Ranya

Hal raa'yta ahrufiy? / ta'lif Ranya Zagiyr ; rusumat Syma' Haddadiyn

2. ed

Bayrut : Asala, 2010

Abstract: Filastrocca dove ogni verso è formato da parole che iniziano con la stessa lettera facilitando la memorizzazione delle lettere dell'alfabeto e dei nomi degli animali

Comptines marocaines Amina Ennceiri ; calligraphie Mohammed Idali

Ennceiri, Amina

Comptines marocaines / Amina Ennceiri ; calligraphie Mohammed Idali

Rabat : Yomad, 2014

Abstract: 24 ninne nanne, filastrocche e canzoni, tratte dal patrimonio orale marocchino, sono state raccolte e trascritte per la prima volta in questo album, accompagnato da CD. La collezione raccoglie canzoni in arabo standard moderno, arabo marocchino e berbero e i testi, in dialetto arabo, sono anche trascritti in caratteri latini così da raggiungere un pubblico più vasto.

Qissat al-khuld al-saghir alladhi yabhathu 'amman "fa'alaha" 'ala ra'sihi! Firnir Hulzvart, Vulf Irlbrukh ; khatt Yasmin Nashshabah

Holzwarth, Werner

Qissat al-khuld al-saghir alladhi yabhathu 'amman "fa'alaha" 'ala ra'sihi! / Firnir Hulzvart, Vulf Irlbrukh ; khatt Yasmin Nashshabah

Bayrut : Dar al-Asalah, 2012

Abstract: Una piccola talpa è vittima di uno strano incidente! La ricerca del colpevole le fa incontrare molti animali i quali per discolparsi mostrano le caratteristiche dei loro escrementi, sottolineando i suoni onomatopeici ad essi correlati. Un libro esilarante che aiuta ad affrontare un argomento a volte imbarazzante ma che fa sbellicare dalle risate tutti, grandi e piccoli.

Al- Arqam wa-l-a'dada

Al- Arqam wa-l-a'dada

Suriyaitra : Dar al-Qalam al-'arabi, 2010

Ta'lumIktub wa-imsah

Hal anta sa'īd? Rania Hussein Amin ; Hani Saleh

Amin, Rania Hussein

Hal anta sa'īd? / Rania Hussein Amin ; Hani Saleh

2. ed

Cairo : Dar Elshorouk, 2022