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× Datum 1999
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Gefunden 1 Dokumente.

GAS news


<The Glass Art Society <Seattle

GAS news / The GAS Glass Art Society

Seattle : The Glass Art Society, [1999?]-

Titel / Autor: GAS news / The GAS Glass Art Society

Veröffentlichung: Seattle : The Glass Art Society, [1999?]-

Physische Beschreibung: ill. ; 28 cm


Sprache: ng (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • GAS news
  • Bimestrale
  • Trimestrale 1999 (mar.-apr.-may)
  • Editor: Scott Benefield
  • Compl. del tit.: issue 3, vol. 12 (may-jun. 2001)- : the newsletter of The Glass Art Society
  • Il formato cambia: issue 3, vol. 12 (may-jun. 2001)- : 44 cm
  • Descrizione basata su: 1999 (mar.-apr.-may)
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