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× Nomi Fogarolo, Flavio
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× Livello lingua B2
× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Apprendimento -- Manuali per stranieri

Trovati 75 documenti.

Short stories in English Olly Richards ; series and development editor Rebecca Moeller

Richards, Olly

Short stories in English : for intermediate learners : read for pleasure at your level and learn English the fun way / Olly Richards ; series and development editor Rebecca Moeller

London : Hodder and Stoughton, 2019

Teach yourself [Hodder and Stoughton]. For intermediate learners

Reading Naomi Styles

Styles, Naomi

Reading : B2+ upper intermediate / Naomi Styles

London : Collins, 2014

English for life [Collins]

Writing for first series editors: Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles

Writing for first : with answer key / series editors: Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles

London : Macmillan Education, 2014

Improve your skills [Macmillan Education]

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson ; edited by Rosi Dossena

Dossena, Rosi

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson ; edited by Rosi Dossena

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B1/B2

Abstract: Fin dalla prima pagina, il celeberrimo romanzo breve di Stevenson accompagna il lettore sulla scena di una fumosa Londra vittoriana, avvolta dal mistero e dall’ombra, invasa dall’incubo del male. Capolavoro a cavallo tra genere horror e detective story, romanzo psicologico e noir, Jekyll e Hyde non ha mai smesso, nel tempo, di raffigurare l’ambiguità intrinseca all’animo umano, un enigma che Sigmund Freud, contemporaneo di Stevenson, prese a studiare. (

Cambridge English Empower B2

Cambridge English Empower B2

Stuttgart : Klett, 2015

Upper intermediate workbook with answers Wayne Rimmer

Rimmer, Wayne

Upper intermediate workbook with answers / Wayne Rimmer

Stuttgart : Klett, 2015

Fa parte di: Cambridge English Empower B2

Student's book with answers Guy Brook-Hart and Vanessa Jakeman

Brook-Hart, Guy

Student's book with answers / Guy Brook-Hart and Vanessa Jakeman

Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 2012

Cambridge English [Cambridge University Press]

Fa parte di: Complete IELTS : Bands 5-6.5

Cambridge English first Nick Kenny, Lucrecia Luque-Mortimer

Kenny, Nick

Cambridge English first : practice tests plus 2 with key / Nick Kenny, Lucrecia Luque-Mortimer

New ed. for the 2015 exam specifications

Harlow : Pearson, c2014

Always learning [Pearson]

Cambridge English: First 2

Cambridge English: First 2 : with answers : authentic examination papers

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2016

Complete IELTS Guy Brook-Hart and Vanessa Jakeman

Brook-Hart, Guy

Complete IELTS : Bands 5-6.5 / Guy Brook-Hart and Vanessa Jakeman

Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 2012

Cambridge English [Cambridge University Press]

Shark Alley Rob Waring, series editor

Shark Alley / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2009

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Writing Genevieve White

White, Genevieve

Writing : B2+ upper intermediate / Genevieve White

London : Collins, 2014

English for life [Collins]

Pride and prejudice Jane Austen ; text adaption and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustated by Giorgio Baroni

Gascoigne, Jennifer

Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen ; text adaption and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustated by Giorgio Baroni

New ed.

Genova [etc.] : Black cat, 2013

Reading & training.web [Cideb]. Step five B2.2

Abstract: Mrs Bennet has five daughters to be married: Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia. So, when rich and friendly Mr Bingley comes to live in their village bringing an even richer, but unfriendly, Mr Darcy with him, Mrs Bennet is delighted and hopeful. However, something goes wrong, as Mr Bingley loses interest in Jane and Mr Darcy and Elizabeth clearly dislike each other.. or do they? (

Para-life rescue! Rob Waring, series editor

Para-life rescue! / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2009

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Abstract: In Brazil, one man has discovered a new way of saving, or rescuing, paople from the drowning in the ocean. This new rescue method involves a person using a moto-powered aircraft to work with lifeguards on the beach.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Misterious crop circles Rob Waring, series editor

Misterious crop circles / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2009

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Abstract: Several strange signs called 'crop circles' have been discovered in the fields of southern England. These mysterious circles are puzzling to everyone, even scientists. There are several theories about who-or what-made them. Could it be humans who did it? Or could it be something else.. (

Grammar and vocabulary for Cambridge first Luke Prodromou

Prodromou, Luke

Grammar and vocabulary for Cambridge first : for students preparing for the Cambridge English First exam / Luke Prodromou

2. ed

Harlow : Pearson, c2014

Always learning [Pearson]

Gold first Sally Burgess, Jacky Newbrook

Burgess, Sally

Gold first / Sally Burgess, Jacky Newbrook

Harlow : Pearson, c2014

Always learning [Pearson]

Fa parte di: Gold : exam maximiser with key1

Audiotraining Profi business english von Debby Rebsch und Angelique Slaats

Rebsch, Debby

Audiotraining Profi business english [Audioregistrazione] : für Fortgeschrittene und Profis hören, verstehen und sprechen / von Debby Rebsch und Angelique Slaats

Stuttgart : PONS, c2014

English idioms in use Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell

McCarthy, Michael

English idioms in use : intermediate : 62 units of vocabulary reference and practice : self-study and classroom use / Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell

2. ed

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017

Ghost-seeking Edward Frederic Benson, Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce ; notes and activities by Rosa Anna Rizzo

Benson, Edward Frederic

Ghost-seeking : stories / Edward Frederic Benson, Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce ; notes and activities by Rosa Anna Rizzo

Milano : Hoepli, c2012

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B1/B2

Abstract: Il volume presenta i racconti The Bus-Conductor di E.F. Benson e The Damned Thing di A.G. Bierce. Autori noti per i loro racconti del terrore, entrambi si sono interessati ai fenomeni psichici e ai fantasmi. (