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× Nomi Clare, Cassandra
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× Livello lingua A1
× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Letture -- Libri per ragazzi

Trovati 137 documenti.

Peter Pan J. M. Barrie ; [adapted by Geraldine Sweeney]

Barrie, James Matthew

Peter Pan / J. M. Barrie ; [adapted by Geraldine Sweeney]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2011

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Red series, Classics, level 1

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Biblioteca Succursale EuropaScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Non a scaffale
Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe ; [adapted by Jennifer Gascoigne]

De Foe, Daniel

Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe ; [adapted by Jennifer Gascoigne]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2016

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Red series, Classics, level 2

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Biblioteca Succursale EuropaScaffale aperto
E A1 def
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
The mystery of Manor Hall Jane Cammack ; illustrated by Jérôme Mireault

Cammack, Jane

The mystery of Manor Hall / Jane Cammack ; illustrated by Jérôme Mireault

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2013

Oxford bookworms library. Crime & mystery, Starter

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
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Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ada NegriScaffale aperto
CM CAM mys
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
The story of chocolate Jennifer Gascoigne

Gascoigne, Jennifer

The story of chocolate / Jennifer Gascoigne

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2006

Easy read [Cideb]. Level one

The story of moving pictures James McMenamin

McMenamin, James

The story of moving pictures / James McMenamin

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2006

Easy read [Cideb]. Level two

Beauty and the beast retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Laure Fournier ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

Mackinnon, Mairi

Beauty and the beast / retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Laure Fournier ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

London : Usborne, 2017

Usborne English readers. Level 1

Football fury Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Manuela Scarfò

Puchta, Herbert

Football fury / Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Manuela Scarfò

Rum : Helbling languages, 2019

The thinking train. Level C

Sandokan Emilio Salgari ; adapted by Sally M. Stockton ; activities by Eleanor Donaldson ; illustrated by Duilio Lopez

Stockton, Sally M.

Sandokan / Emilio Salgari ; adapted by Sally M. Stockton ; activities by Eleanor Donaldson ; illustrated by Duilio Lopez

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2007

Green apple [Cideb]. Starter

The secret of the stones Victoria Heward

Heward, Victoria

The secret of the stones / Victoria Heward

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2005

Green apple [Cideb]. Starter

Black Beauty Anna Sewell

Sewell, Anna

Black Beauty / Anna Sewell

Rum : Helbling languages, 2009

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Red series, Classics, level 1

Abstract: The much-loved children's story of a horse, Black Beauty. Black Beauty begins his life in a loving home. But when his owners have to sell him, his fortune changes.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

The secret of the stones Victoria Heward

Heward, Victoria

The secret of the stones / Victoria Heward

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2005

Green apple [Cideb]. Starter

Abstract: Twins Max and Laura spend an exciting summer in a small village near Stonehenge. A mysterious symbol, their uncle's old book of codes and secrets, strange people and much more.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

The desert race Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Lorenzo Sabbatini

Puchta, Herbert

The desert race / Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Lorenzo Sabbatini

Rum : Helbling languages, 2019

The thinking train. Level D

Sherlock Holmes and the Stolen Jewels Arthur Conan Doyle ; [adapted by Geraldine Sweeney]

Sweeney, Geraldine

Sherlock Holmes and the Stolen Jewels / Arthur Conan Doyle ; [adapted by Geraldine Sweeney]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2017

Helbling readers classics. Red series, Level 2

Dan in London Richard MacAndrew

MacAndrew, Richard

Dan in London / Richard MacAndrew

Rum : Helbling languages, 2017

Helbling readers fiction. Red series, level 2

Abstract: Dan and Sue are in London with their parents when they see two men acting in a very strange way outside their hotel. They decide to follow them and find out that the men are stealing handbags. What happens when the men discover that Dan and Sue know their secret? And what can their parents do to help? Join Dan and Sue in London and find out.

The wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum ; retold by Rosemary Border ; illustrated by Gillian McLean

Border, Rosemary

The wizard of Oz / L. Frank Baum ; retold by Rosemary Border ; illustrated by Gillian McLean

Oxford : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Fantasy & horror, Stage 1

Abstract: Dorothy lives in Kansas, USA, but one day a cyclone blows her and her house to a strange country called Oz. There, Dorothy makes friends with the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion.. (

Robin Hood Howard Pyle ; [adapted by Scott Lauder & Walter McGregor]

Pyle, Howard

Robin Hood / Howard Pyle ; [adapted by Scott Lauder & Walter McGregor]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2016

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Red series, Classics, level 2

The missing coins John Escott

Escott, John

The missing coins / John Escott

11. ed

Harlow : Pearson education, 2008

Pearson English readers. Level 1

A trip to the safari park Gigliola Pagano ; illustrated by Daniele Fabbri

Pagano, Gigliola

A trip to the safari park / Gigliola Pagano ; illustrated by Daniele Fabbri

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2008

Early reads [Cideb]. Level 1

I can't sleep Herbert Puchta, Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Francesca Assirelli

Puchta, Herbert

I can't sleep / Herbert Puchta, Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Francesca Assirelli

Rum : Helbling languages, 2019

The thinking train. Level A

Run for your life Stephen Waller

Waller, Stephen

Run for your life / Stephen Waller

9. ed

Harlow : Pearson education, 2008

Pearson English readers. Level 1