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Trovati 114 documenti.

Jane Eyre


Trewin, Anna

Jane Eyre / [original text written by] Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Anna Trewin ; illustrated by Hannah Peck ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

London [etc.] : Penguin books, 2020

Penguin readers [Penguin books]. Level 4

Titolo e contributi: Jane Eyre / [original text written by] Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Anna Trewin ; illustrated by Hannah Peck ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

Pubblicazione: London [etc.] : Penguin books, 2020

Descrizione fisica: 80 p. : ill. b/n ; 21 cm

Serie: Penguin readers [Penguin books]. Level 4

ISBN: 9780241430934


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Con breve apparato didattico
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Animal farm


Bullard, Nick

Animal farm / [original text written by] George Orwell ; retold by Nick Bullard ; illustrated by Adam Linley ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

London [etc.] : Penguin books, 2020

Penguin readers [Penguin books]. Level 3

Titolo e contributi: Animal farm / [original text written by] George Orwell ; retold by Nick Bullard ; illustrated by Adam Linley ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

Pubblicazione: London [etc.] : Penguin books, 2020

Descrizione fisica: 80 p. : ill. b/n ; 21 cm

Serie: Penguin readers [Penguin books]. Level 3

ISBN: 9780241430897


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Con breve apparato didattico
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Cheese-rolling races


Cheese-rolling races / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2009

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Titolo e contributi: Cheese-rolling races / Rob Waring, series editor

Pubblicazione: London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2009

Descrizione fisica: 24 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 disco ottico elettronico (DVD)

Serie: Footprint reading library [Heinle]

ISBN: 1424026350 (del DVD)


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Cheese-rolling races
  • Con breve apparato didattico
  • In cop.: National Geographic
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Abstract: Many towns have special events. However, one town in England has a very unusual one. At the start, someone pushes a piece of cheese down a hill. Then the people run sfter the cheese.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Peruvian weavers


Peruvian weavers / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Thomson, c2009

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Titolo e contributi: Peruvian weavers / Rob Waring, series editor

Pubblicazione: London : Heinle : Thomson, c2009

Descrizione fisica: 24 p. : ill. ; 21 cm

Serie: Footprint reading library [Heinle]

ISBN: 9781424026326 (del DVD)


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Peruvian weavers
  • Con breve apparato didattico
  • In cop.: National Geographic
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Abstract: In the village of Chinchero, Perù, weaving is an important tradition. Weavers use animal hair to make beautiful cloth. They have always used this cloth to stay warm. However, they are now also selling it to make money. How will this affect the local people and economy? (dalla 4. di cop.)

White Fang


Hill, David A.

White Fang / Jack London ; [adapted by David A. Hill]

Rum : Helbling Languages, 2011

Helbling readers classics. Red series, Level 3

Titolo e contributi: White Fang / Jack London ; [adapted by David A. Hill]

Pubblicazione: Rum : Helbling Languages, 2011

Descrizione fisica: 76 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Helbling readers classics. Red series, Level 3

ISBN: 9783852723013


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Australia

  • Con breve apparato didattico
  • La data di pubbl. si ricava dal CD alleg
  • Nome dell'adattatore dalla 4. di cop
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Abstract: White Fang is born part-dog, part-wolf, in the cold and snowy Northland of Alaska. He soon learns the laws of nature and before long he and his mother, Kiche, are fighting for survival. One day a native American, Gray Beaver, recognises Kiche and soon the mother and cub become his property. White Fang learns that men have laws, too, that can be both fair and cruel.

The phantom of the opera


Mackinnon, Mairi

The phantom of the opera / retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Elena Selivanova ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

London : Usborne, 2018

Usborne English readers. Level 2

Titolo e contributi: The phantom of the opera / retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Elena Selivanova ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

Pubblicazione: London : Usborne, 2018

Descrizione fisica: 39 p. : ill. color. ; 24 cm

Serie: Usborne English readers. Level 2

ISBN: 9781474947893


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Lettura facilitata ad uso scolastico con vocabolario di 800 parole
  • Con apparato didattico
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Doctor Who


Rice, Chris

Doctor Who : The woman who lived / a story based on the original script by Catherine Tregenna ; retold by Chris Rice ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

London : Pearson education, 2018

Pearson English readers. Level 3

Titolo e contributi: Doctor Who : The woman who lived / a story based on the original script by Catherine Tregenna ; retold by Chris Rice ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Pubblicazione: London : Pearson education, 2018

Descrizione fisica: 58 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD) in tasca

Serie: Pearson English readers. Level 3

ISBN: 9781292205892


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Varianti del titolo:
  • The woman who lived
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Mackinnon, Mairi

Pinocchio / retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Pablo Pino ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

London : Usborne, 2017

Usborne English readers. Level 2

Titolo e contributi: Pinocchio / retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Pablo Pino ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

Pubblicazione: London : Usborne, 2017

Descrizione fisica: 39, [1] p. : ill. color. ; 24 cm

Serie: Usborne English readers. Level 2

ISBN: 9781474924641


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Lettura facilitata ad uso scolastico con vocabolario di 800 parole
  • Con apparato didattico
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The story of the hula


The story of the hula / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2009

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Titolo e contributi: The story of the hula / Rob Waring, series editor

Pubblicazione: London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2009

Descrizione fisica: 24 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 disco ottico elettronico (DVD)

Serie: Footprint reading library [Heinle]

ISBN: 9781424026227 (del DVD)


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

The story of the hula
  • Con breve apparato didattico
  • In cop.: National Geographic
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The Mummy


Revell, Jane

The Mummy : Tomb of the Dragon Emperor / adapted by: Jane Revell

Rum : Helbling Languages, 2013

Helbling Readers Movies. Level 3

Titolo e contributi: The Mummy : Tomb of the Dragon Emperor / adapted by: Jane Revell

Pubblicazione: Rum : Helbling Languages, 2013

Descrizione fisica: 56 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Helbling Readers Movies. Level 3

ISBN: 9783852726847


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

Varianti del titolo:
  • Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
  • Nome dell'A. dal verso del front
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Abstract: Rick und Evy O'Connell reisen nach China und treffen dort zufällig auf Ihren Sohn Alex. Dieser findet das Grab des gefürchteten Drachenkaisers, den einst eine Zauberin zu Ton erstarren ließ. Dabei erwacht die kaiserliche Mumie zum Leben.

Deadly business


Billy, Gina

Deadly business / Gina Billy, Joseph Sykes

München : Compact, 2018

Lernkrimi Englisch

Titolo e contributi: Deadly business / Gina Billy, Joseph Sykes

Pubblicazione: München : Compact, 2018

Descrizione fisica: 154 p. ; 20 cm

Serie: Lernkrimi Englisch

ISBN: 9783817419692


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

  • Con apparato didattico
  • In cop.: Lernkrimi 3 Kurzkrimis
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Abstract: Geheimnisvolle Drohbriefe an einen Geschäftsmann, ein heimtückischer Mord an einem Adeligen und ein totes 15jähriges Mädchen in einer Seilbahn - it's Crime Time!

Three men in a boat


Peet, Alex

Three men in a boat / Jerome K. Jerome ; adaptation and activities by Alex Peet ; illustrated by Riccardo Guasco

Recanati : ELI, 2015

Young adult readers. Stage 2

Titolo e contributi: Three men in a boat / Jerome K. Jerome ; adaptation and activities by Alex Peet ; illustrated by Riccardo Guasco

Pubblicazione: Recanati : ELI, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 94 p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD), in tasca

Serie: Young adult readers. Stage 2

ISBN: 9788853620262


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Lettura facilitata ad uso scolastico con vocabolario di 800 parole
  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Was kann drei Freunden und ihrem Hund bei einer sorglosen Bootsfahrt auf der Themse schon passieren? Praktisch.. alles! Während sie historische Stätte entlang des Flusses besichtigen, müssen die drei mit unglaublich lustigen Situationen fertig werden.

New Yorkers


Mowat, Diane

New Yorkers : short stories / O. Henry ; retold by Diane Mowat

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Human interest, Stage 2

Titolo e contributi: New Yorkers : short stories / O. Henry ; retold by Diane Mowat

Pubblicazione: Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Descrizione fisica: [8], 56 p. : ill. b/n ; 20 cm

Serie: Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Human interest, Stage 2

ISBN: 0194229815


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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Volcano trek


Volcano trek / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2008

Footprint reading library [Heinle]. Amazing science

Titolo e contributi: Volcano trek / Rob Waring, series editor

Pubblicazione: London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2008

Descrizione fisica: 24 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 disco (audio e DVD)

Serie: Footprint reading library [Heinle]. Amazing science

ISBN: 1424026199 (dell'alleg.)


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Volcano trek
  • Livello pre-intermedio, con vocabolario di 800 parole
  • Con apparato didattico
  • In cop.: National Geographic
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Abstract: Two scientists are travelling in Ethiopia to study a very old volcano. Volcanoes can be dangerous, because they have hot, melted rock inside. But they also offer important information. Will the scientists make it safely to the volcano? What will they learn? (

Fear street


Keson, Britt

Fear street : the perfect date / R. L. Stine ; edited by Britt Keson ; illustrated by Allied Artists, Neil Reed

Copenhague : Easy readers, 2006

Easy readers. B

Titolo e contributi: Fear street : the perfect date / R. L. Stine ; edited by Britt Keson ; illustrated by Allied Artists, Neil Reed

Pubblicazione: Copenhague : Easy readers, 2006

Descrizione fisica: 90 p. : ill. ; 19 cm

Serie: Easy readers. B

ISBN: 9783125352445


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Danimarca

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: After his girlfriend's gruesome death one year ago, Brady is finally ready to get on with his life. He's met Rosha and he's fallen hard. But he's also fallen into trouble. Terrible accidents seem to happen whenever Rosha's around. And a strange figure with a scarred face is following Brady everywhere he goes. Is Rosha really Brady's dream girl? Or has she brought his worst nightmare back to life?

White Fang


Bladon, Rachel

White Fang / Jack London ; retold by Rachel Bladon

Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann, 2008

Macmillan readers [Macmillan Heinemann]. Elementary

Titolo e contributi: White Fang / Jack London ; retold by Rachel Bladon

Pubblicazione: Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann, 2008

Descrizione fisica: 71 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. +2 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Serie: Macmillan readers [Macmillan Heinemann]. Elementary

ISBN: 9780230026735


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Letture facilitate con conoscenza fino a 1100 vocaboli

The fall of the house of Usher and other writings


Kelly, Adrian

The fall of the house of Usher and other writings / Edgar Allan Poe ; retold by Adrian Kelly ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2008

Pearson English readers. Level 3

Titolo e contributi: The fall of the house of Usher and other writings / Edgar Allan Poe ; retold by Adrian Kelly ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Pubblicazione: Harlow : Pearson Education, 2008

Descrizione fisica: VII, [1], 60, [1] p. : ill. ; 20 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD) Mp3 in tasca

Serie: Pearson English readers. Level 3

ISBN: 9781405862356


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Lettura semplificata con vocabolario di 1200 parole
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The last of the Cheju divers


The last of the Cheju divers / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle, c2008

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Titolo e contributi: The last of the Cheju divers / Rob Waring, series editor

Pubblicazione: London : Heinle, c2008

Descrizione fisica: 24 p. : ill. ; 21 cm

Serie: Footprint reading library [Heinle]

ISBN: 1424010659


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

The last of the Cheju divers
  • Con breve apparato didattico
  • In cop.: National Geographic
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Abstract: Cheju in South Korea is known for its traditional women divers. They have dived the ocean to look for seafood for a long time. It's dangerous, but there were no other jobs available. Now, women in Cheju have more choices. What jobs can they do? What will happen to the Cheju divers?

Great expectations


Gascoigne, Jennifer

Great expectations / Charles Dickens
 ; [adapted and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne]

Rum : Helbling Languages, 2015

Helbling readers classics. Blue series, Level 4

Titolo e contributi: Great expectations / Charles Dickens
 ; [adapted and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne]

Pubblicazione: Rum : Helbling Languages, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 95, [1] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Helbling readers classics. Blue series, Level 4

ISBN: 9783990452844


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Australia

  • Con breve apparato didattico
  • Nome dell'adattatrice dal colophon
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Abstract: When poor orphan Pip falls in love with the rich and beautiful Estella he never imagines that he, too, one day will have money. After Mr Jaggers tells Pip he has great expectations and a secret rich benefactor, Pip moves to London and starts a new life as a gentleman.

Jason and the Augonauts


Prentice, Andy

Jason and the Augonauts / retold by Andy Prentice ; illustrated by Natalie Dombois ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

London : Usborne, 2019

Usborne English readers. Level 2

Titolo e contributi: Jason and the Augonauts / retold by Andy Prentice ; illustrated by Natalie Dombois ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

Pubblicazione: London : Usborne, 2019

Descrizione fisica: 39 p. : ill. color. ; 24 cm

Serie: Usborne English readers. Level 2

ISBN: 9781474947930


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Lettura facilitata ad uso scolastico con vocabolario di 800 parole
  • Con apparato didattico
  • Età: dai 9 ai 14 anni
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