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× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Letture -- Libri per ragazzi

Trovati 1326 documenti.

Beowulf retold by Victoria Spence ; activities by Kenneth Brodey, Robert Hill ; illustrated by Ivan Canu

Spence, Victoria

Beowulf / retold by Victoria Spence ; activities by Kenneth Brodey, Robert Hill ; illustrated by Ivan Canu

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2007

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Was ziehen wir heute an? Susanne Böse, Miryam Specht

Böse, Susanne

Was ziehen wir heute an? / Susanne Böse, Miryam Specht

München : Bi:libri, c2011

Bilibrini..die kleinen Zweisprachigen [Bi:libri]

Dear diary edited by Liz Ferretti ; illustrated by Francesca Capellini

Dear diary : a collection of the world's best diaries / edited by Liz Ferretti ; illustrated by Francesca Capellini

Recanati : ELI, 2014

Teen ELI readers. Stage 2

Abstract: In questo libro trovate i diari di persone molto diverse tra loro. Ci sono scrittori, artisti, musicisti e gente che ha storie importanti da raccontare. Alcuni sono famosi - Anne Frank, George Orwell o Kurt Cobain – altri da incontrare per la prima volta sulle pagine di questo libro.

The Canterville ghost Oscar Wilde ; adaptation, dossiers and activities by Rossana Aimo and Liam O'Connor ; illustrations by Sergio Gerasi

Aimo, Rossana

The Canterville ghost / Oscar Wilde ; adaptation, dossiers and activities by Rossana Aimo and Liam O'Connor ; illustrations by Sergio Gerasi

Torino : Edisco, 2007

Rainbows [Edisco]. Beginner

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado ArchimedeScaffale aperto
R 428 AIM
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Ugo FoscoloScaffale aperto
R 428 AIM
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: An American family buys an old English castle all the furnishings, .. including its ghost. At first they don't believe it exists but then, when the supernatural being appears to the family, they treat him with indifference and the terrible twins even play nasty triks on him..

Tom Sawyer Mark Twain ; [testi a cura di Margherita Giromini ; illustrazioni di Giulia Pianigiani]

Giromini, Margherita

Tom Sawyer / Mark Twain ; [testi a cura di Margherita Giromini ; illustrazioni di Giulia Pianigiani]

Nuova ed

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti junior, 2010

Scuola d'inglese con CD [Giunti junior]. 2. livello

Tom e il segreto del castello infestato Stéphanie Benson

Benson, Stéphanie

Tom e il segreto del castello infestato / Stéphanie Benson

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti junior, 2017

Fun reading. Livello 1

Abstract: Alla ricerca di un ragazzo scomparso tra le mura di un castello scozzese, per imparare l'inglese in modo naturale e senza fatica.

The enchanted castle E. Nesbit ; adapted by Lesley Sims ; illustrated by Alan Marks

Bland, Edith Nesbit

The enchanted castle / E. Nesbit ; adapted by Lesley Sims ; illustrated by Alan Marks

London : Usborne, 2007

Usborne young reading. Series two

Activity book by: Sarah Medina

Medina, Sarah

Activity book / by: Sarah Medina

Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010

Oxford read and discover [Oxford University press]. Discover 4

Fa parte di: Incredible earth

Abstract: Read and discover more about the world! This series of non-fiction readers provides interesting and educational content, with activities and project work

The jungle book Rudyard Kipling ; simplified by D. K. Swan ; illustrated by Alan Marks

Swan, D. K.

The jungle book / Rudyard Kipling ; simplified by D. K. Swan ; illustrated by Alan Marks

6th ed

London : Longman, 1991

Longman classics. Stage 1 ; 6

The last of Mohicans James Feinmore Cooper ; retold by Martin Solly ; exercises by Martin Solly, Maria Grazia Carrà

Solly, Martin

The last of Mohicans / James Feinmore Cooper ; retold by Martin Solly ; exercises by Martin Solly, Maria Grazia Carrà

Torino : Petrini, 2001

Pre-intermediate [Petrini]

Three men in a boat Jerome K. Jerome ; retold by Diane Mowat

Mowat, Diane

Three men in a boat / Jerome K. Jerome ; retold by Diane Mowat

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 1990

Oxford bookworms. Stage 4

Abstract: Letture facilitate per l'apprendimento della lingua, con un vocabolario di 1400 parole. (dalla p. contro il front.)

David Copperfield Charles Dickens ; retold by Clare West

West, Clare

David Copperfield / Charles Dickens ; retold by Clare West

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 5

Abstract: 'Please, Mr Murdstone! Don't beat me! I've tried to learn my lessons, really I have, sir!' sobs David. Although he is only eight years old, Mr Murdstone does beat him, and David is so frightened that he bites his cruel stepfather's hand. For that, he is kept locked in his room for five days and nights, and nobody is allowed to speak to him.. (

Lion King

Disney, Walt <1901-1966>

Lion King

Londra : Ladybird, c. 2003

Walt Disney's Classic

Asterix and Obelix all at sea written and illustrated by Albert Uderzo ; translated by Anthea Bell and Derek Hockridge

Uderzo, Albert

Asterix and Obelix all at sea / written and illustrated by Albert Uderzo ; translated by Anthea Bell and Derek Hockridge

London : Orion, 2003

Asterix [Orion] ; 30

Stories of pirates Russell Punter ; illustrated by Christyan Fox ; reading consultant: Alison Kelly
Multimedia (kit)

Punter, Russell

Stories of pirates / Russell Punter ; illustrated by Christyan Fox ; reading consultant: Alison Kelly

London : Usborne, 2006

Usborne young reading

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Scuola primaria Don BoscoScaffale aperto
371.58 KIT
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Castles and knights Gina D. B. Clemen

Clemen, Gina D. B.

Castles and knights / Gina D. B. Clemen

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Easy read [Cideb]. Level one

The three little pigs illustrazioni: Andrea Goroni

The three little pigs / illustrazioni: Andrea Goroni

Monte San Vito : Raffaello, c2004

Windmill readers [Raffaello]. Level 1

Peter Pan J. M. Barrie ; [illustrazioni: Andrea Goroni]

Barrie, James Matthew

Peter Pan / J. M. Barrie ; [illustrazioni: Andrea Goroni]

Monte San Vito : Raffaello, c2004

Windmill readers [Raffaello]. Level 2

Mistery in San Francisco Gina D. B. Clemen

Clemen, Gina D. B.

Mistery in San Francisco / Gina D. B. Clemen

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Green apple [Cideb]. Step 1

The adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain ; retold by Judith Ray

Ray, Judith

The adventures of Tom Sawyer / Mark Twain ; retold by Judith Ray

Limassol : Burlington ; Firenze : Le Monnier, c2003

Burlington readers. Media