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× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Letture -- Manuali per stranieri
× Data 2015

Trovati 12 documenti.



Gascoigne, Jennifer

Australia / Jennifer Gascoigne

London : Macmillan, 2015

Macmillan cultural readers. Upper level

Titolo e contributi: Australia / Jennifer Gascoigne

Pubblicazione: London : Macmillan, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 103 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +2 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Serie: Macmillan cultural readers. Upper level

ISBN: 9780230470224 (dei CD)


Lingua: Cinese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

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Abstract: This Reader provides an informative overview of Australian history, culture, its people, geography and climate, food, sport and more. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world and the only one that covers a whole continent. Despite its size, Australia has a small population at just over 23 million. Also comes with audio CD. (

The United States of America


Degnan-Vaness, Coleen

The United States of America / Coleen Degnan-Vaness with Chantal Veness

London : Macmillan, 2015

Macmillan cultural readers. Pre-intermediate level

Titolo e contributi: The United States of America / Coleen Degnan-Vaness with Chantal Veness

Pubblicazione: London : Macmillan, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 94 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +2 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Serie: Macmillan cultural readers. Pre-intermediate level

ISBN: 9780230436350 (dei CD)


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

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Great expectations


Gascoigne, Jennifer

Great expectations / Charles Dickens
 ; [adapted and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne]

Rum : Helbling Languages, 2015

Helbling readers classics. Blue series, Level 4

Titolo e contributi: Great expectations / Charles Dickens
 ; [adapted and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne]

Pubblicazione: Rum : Helbling Languages, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 95, [1] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Helbling readers classics. Blue series, Level 4

ISBN: 9783990452844


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Australia

  • Con breve apparato didattico
  • Nome dell'adattatrice dal colophon
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Abstract: When poor orphan Pip falls in love with the rich and beautiful Estella he never imagines that he, too, one day will have money. After Mr Jaggers tells Pip he has great expectations and a secret rich benefactor, Pip moves to London and starts a new life as a gentleman.

Weird stories


Aira, Carla

Weird stories / Howard Phillips Lovecraft ; adaptation, dossiers and activities by Carla Aira, Arlette Finotto and Jole Pignet

Torino : Edisco, 2015

Rainbows [Edisco]. Pre-intermediate

Titolo e contributi: Weird stories / Howard Phillips Lovecraft ; adaptation, dossiers and activities by Carla Aira, Arlette Finotto and Jole Pignet

Pubblicazione: Torino : Edisco, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 89, [5] p. : ill. ; 24 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD) in tasca

Serie: Rainbows [Edisco]. Pre-intermediate

ISBN: 9788844120115


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Con apparato didattico
  • Versione semplificata ad uso scolastico, con vocabolario di 1000 parole
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Degnan-Vaness, Coleen

Italy / Coleen Degnan-Vaness

London : Macmillan, 2015

Macmillan cultural readers. Pre-intermediate level

Titolo e contributi: Italy / Coleen Degnan-Vaness

Pubblicazione: London : Macmillan, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 95 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +2 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Serie: Macmillan cultural readers. Pre-intermediate level

ISBN: 9780230470132 (dei CD)


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

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Stories for the curious


Donaldson, Eleanor

Stories for the curious / M. R. James ; adatptation and activities by Eleanor Donaldson ; illustrated by Franco Rivolli

Genova [etc.] : Black cat, 2015

Reading & training.web [Cideb]. Step one A2

Titolo e contributi: Stories for the curious / M. R. James ; adatptation and activities by Eleanor Donaldson ; illustrated by Franco Rivolli

Pubblicazione: Genova [etc.] : Black cat, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 79 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Reading & training.web [Cideb]. Step one A2

ISBN: 9788853015143


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Con apparato didattico
  • Versione semplificata ad uso scolastico
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Vanity fair


Freeman, Michael Lacey

Vanity fair : a novel without a hero / William Makepeace Thackeray ; adaptation and activities by Michael Lacey Freeman ; illustrated by Gloria Pizzilli

Recanati : ELI, 2015

Young adult readers. Stage 5

Titolo e contributi: Vanity fair : a novel without a hero / William Makepeace Thackeray ; adaptation and activities by Michael Lacey Freeman ; illustrated by Gloria Pizzilli

Pubblicazione: Recanati : ELI, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 142, [1] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD), in tasca

Serie: Young adult readers. Stage 5

ISBN: 9788853620347


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Lettura facilitata ad uso scolastico con vocabolario di 2500 parole
  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Vanity Fair was written 200 years ago, but it is a thoroughly modern story that provides us with universal truths about what it means to be human, in all its splendour – and with all its imperfections. It is a story full of memorable characters who accompany you on a fascinating journey through the first part of the nineteenth century

Global eyes today


Ferruta, Laura

Global eyes today / L. Ferruta, M. Rooney

Milano : Mondadori education, 2015

Mondadori for English

Titolo e contributi: Global eyes today / L. Ferruta, M. Rooney

Pubblicazione: Milano : Mondadori education, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 168 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD), MP3 in tasca

Serie: Mondadori for English

ISBN: 9788864261522


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Contenuti digitali integratividisponibili online
  • In cop.: Libro+web, MEbook
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The age of innocence


Ferretti, Elizabeth

The age of innocence / Edith Wharton ; adaptation and activities by Elizabeth Ferretti ; illustrated by Rodolfo Brocchini

Recanati : ELI, 2015

Young adult readers [ELI]. Stage 3

Titolo e contributi: The age of innocence / Edith Wharton ; adaptation and activities by Elizabeth Ferretti ; illustrated by Rodolfo Brocchini

Pubblicazione: Recanati : ELI, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 110, [1] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD), in tasca

Serie: Young adult readers [ELI]. Stage 3

ISBN: 9788853620293


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Lettura facilitata ad uso scolastico con vocabolario di 1000 parole
  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Newland Archer, heir to one of New York City’s best families, is planning a proper marriage, a perfect product of New York society. One night he meets May’s cousin, the Countess Ellen Olenska. This exotic and beautiful woman has returned to New York from Poland after a mysterious scandal. Newland becomes caught in a battle between duty and mystery, between tradition and the power of love. (

The eighth sister


Heward, Victoria

The eighth sister / Victoria Heward ; illustrated by Rodolfo Brocchini

Genova [etc.] : Black cat, 2015

Reading & training.web [Cideb]. Step two B1.1

Titolo e contributi: The eighth sister / Victoria Heward ; illustrated by Rodolfo Brocchini

Pubblicazione: Genova [etc.] : Black cat, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 79 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Reading & training.web [Cideb]. Step two B1.1

ISBN: 9788853015136


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Un misterioso regalo di compleanno turba la vita di Helen, portandola alla scoperta di un terribile segreto e di una maledizione che pesa da secoli sulla sua famiglia. In una corsa contro il tempo, Helen tenterà di risolvere il mistero legato al dono e di evitare che la maledizione si abbatta sui suoi cari. (

From the earth to the moon


Hardy-Gould, Janet

From the earth to the moon / Jules Verne ; founder editors: Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter ; text adaptation by Janet Hardy-Gould ; illustrated by Alvaro Fernandez Villa

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2015

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. One

Titolo e contributi: From the earth to the moon / Jules Verne ; founder editors: Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter ; text adaptation by Janet Hardy-Gould ; illustrated by Alvaro Fernandez Villa

Pubblicazione: Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2015

Descrizione fisica: [4], 51 p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm

Serie: Dominoes [Oxford University press]. One

ISBN: 9780194652469


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Audio scaricabile, previo inserimento del codice, al sito
  • Con apparato didattico
  • Letture semplificate con vocabolario di 400 parole
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Abstract: No-one has gone to the Moon before, and many people, like the great Captain Nicholl, believe that it cannot be done. What will happen when Barbicane and Nicholl meet? And will the men who try to go to the Moon come back alive?

Three men in a boat


Peet, Alex

Three men in a boat / Jerome K. Jerome ; adaptation and activities by Alex Peet ; illustrated by Riccardo Guasco

Recanati : ELI, 2015

Young adult readers. Stage 2

Titolo e contributi: Three men in a boat / Jerome K. Jerome ; adaptation and activities by Alex Peet ; illustrated by Riccardo Guasco

Pubblicazione: Recanati : ELI, 2015

Descrizione fisica: 94 p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD), in tasca

Serie: Young adult readers. Stage 2

ISBN: 9788853620262


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Lettura facilitata ad uso scolastico con vocabolario di 800 parole
  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Was kann drei Freunden und ihrem Hund bei einer sorglosen Bootsfahrt auf der Themse schon passieren? Praktisch.. alles! Während sie historische Stätte entlang des Flusses besichtigen, müssen die drei mit unglaublich lustigen Situationen fertig werden.