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Longman Dictionary of contemporary English


Longman Dictionary of contemporary English : for advanced learners

6th ed

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2014

Titolo e contributi: Longman Dictionary of contemporary English : for advanced learners

6th ed

Pubblicazione: Harlow : Pearson Education, 2014

Descrizione fisica: XIV, 2161, A48 p., : ill. ; 23 cm

ISBN: 9781447954200


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

Longman Dictionary of contemporary English
  • Compl. del tit. dalla cop
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All hail the King

Videoregistrazioni: DVD

All hail the King [Videoregistrazione] : a 75 year tribute to Elvis Presley

New Malden : Chrome Dreams, 2010

Titolo e contributi: All hail the King [Videoregistrazione] : a 75 year tribute to Elvis Presley

Pubblicazione: New Malden : Chrome Dreams, 2010

Descrizione fisica: 2 dischi ottici elettronici (DVD), (143' compless.) : color., son. ; 12 cm


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

All hail the King
  • In custodia
  • Sulla custodia: DVD collector's box
  • Lingue: inglese
  • La data di pubbl. si ricava dal sito
  • DVD area 0 ; formato video: 4:3 ; formato audio: non indicato
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Abstract: It was back in January 1935 that Elvis Aaron Presley entered the world and, within a couple of decades, changed it whole heartedly for the better. The man who not only created what has come to be known as Rock N' Roll in all its contexts, but also changed forever the meaning and perception of the word performance, humbly came into being in a ramshackle home in east Mississippi, living the first part of his life barely above the poverty line.. (

Post office


Bukowski, Charles

Post office : a novel / by Charles Bukowski

New York : Ecco, 2007

Titolo e contributi: Post office : a novel / by Charles Bukowski

Pubblicazione: New York : Ecco, 2007

Descrizione fisica: 196 p. ; 21 cm

ISBN: 9780061177576


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

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Abstract: "It began as a mistake." By middle age, Henry Chinaski has lost more than twelve years of his life to the U.S. Postal Service. In a world where his three true, bitter pleasures are women, booze, and racetrack betting, he somehow drags his hangover out of bed every dawn to lug waterlogged mailbags up mud-soaked mountains, outsmart vicious guard dogs, and pray to survive the day-to-day trials of sadistic bosses and certifiable coworkers.. (

15th affair


Patterson, James

15th affair / James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

London : Arrow books, 2016

Titolo e contributi: 15th affair / James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

Pubblicazione: London : Arrow books, 2016

Descrizione fisica: 463 p. ; 18 cm

ISBN: 9780099594598


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Varianti del titolo:
  • Fifteenth affair
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The hate u give


Thomas, Angie

The hate u give / Angie Thomas

London : Walker books, 2017

Titolo e contributi: The hate u give / Angie Thomas

Pubblicazione: London : Walker books, 2017

Descrizione fisica: 437, [25] p. ; 20 cm

ISBN: 9781406372151


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

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Abstract: Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed. (

The protection of minorities in Europe


Toggenburg, Gabriel N.

The protection of minorities in Europe : a legal-political compendium leading from A-Z / Gabriel N. Toggenburg, Günther Rautz

Trento : Autonomous region Trentino-Südtirol, c2012

Titolo e contributi: The protection of minorities in Europe : a legal-political compendium leading from A-Z / Gabriel N. Toggenburg, Günther Rautz

Pubblicazione: Trento : Autonomous region Trentino-Südtirol, c2012

Descrizione fisica: 252 p. : ill. ; 21 cm


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

Varianti del titolo:
  • ABC des Minderheitenschutzes in Europa -
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Who stole my spear?


Samuels, Tim

Who stole my spear? : how to be a man in the twenty-first century / Tim Samuels

London : Century, 2016

Titolo e contributi: Who stole my spear? : how to be a man in the twenty-first century / Tim Samuels

Pubblicazione: London : Century, 2016

Descrizione fisica: 357 p. ; 23 cm

ISBN: 9781780894997


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

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Course book


Boobyer, Victoria

Course book : level 4 advanced / author: Victoria Boobyer

London : Dorling Kindersley, 2016

Fa parte di: English for everyone : level 4 advanced1

Titolo e contributi: Course book : level 4 advanced / author: Victoria Boobyer

Pubblicazione: London : Dorling Kindersley, 2016

Descrizione fisica: 288 p. : ill. ; 24 cm

ISBN: 9780241242322


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • 998082381508896 - English for everyone : level 4 advanced - 1 -
  • Free audio website and app
  • Nome dell'A. dalla p. contro il front
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Für immer Single?

Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Für immer Single? [Bildtonträger] : zu blöd für die Liebe / Buch und Regie: Tom Gormican ; Produzenten: Justin Nappi ..

München : Universum Film, 2014

Titolo e contributi: Für immer Single? [Bildtonträger] : zu blöd für die Liebe / Buch und Regie: Tom Gormican ; Produzenten: Justin Nappi ..

Pubblicazione: München : Universum Film, 2014

Descrizione fisica: 1 DVD (90') : Farbe (PAL), Tonfilm ; 12 cm


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

That awkward moment
  • Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
  • Untertitel: Deutsch für Hörgeschädigte
  • Enthält Bonusmaterial
  • Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren
  • Ländercode: 2 ; Videosystem und -format: PAL 1,85:1 (16:9 anamorph) ; Tonformat: Dolby Digital 5.1
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Abstract: Nachdem für Mikey unerwartet Schluss mit seiner Ehe ist, beschließen seine beiden besten Freunde, der draufgängerische Jason und der beziehungsscheue Daniel, ihn auf andere Gedanken zu bringen. Der Plan ist so simpel wie einleuchtend: Statt Herzschmerz soll nun das Single-Dasein genossen werden. Männerfreundschaft und Partys sind ab sofort der Fokus in ihrem Leben, auf eine ernsthafte Beziehung wollen sie sich nach all den Enttäuschungen nicht mehr einlassen. Fortan nutzen sie die Freiheit der Ungebundenheit und klappern New Yorks Clubs und Bars auf der Suche nach One-Night-Stands ab. Doch bald schon lernt Jason die charmante Ellie kennen und beginnt - ganz gegen seine Art - Gefühle für sie zu entwickeln. Als sich herausstellt, dass auch Daniel und Mikey sich in ihre jeweiligen Traumfrauen verguckt haben, stellt sich für die drei Freunde die Frage, wie es mit ihren jeweiligen Beziehungen weiter gehen soll, aber noch viel wichtiger: wie sie die heimliche Beziehung jeweils voreinander verstecken. Nicht nur deshalb kommt es dabei zu einer nicht enden wollenden Kette von peinlichen aber urkomischen Situationen.

For members only ; Great Scott!


Shirley Scott Trio <gruppo musicale>

For members only ; Great Scott! [Audioregistrazione] / Shirley Scott Trio ; produced by Bob Thiele

United States of America : Impulse! : Verve, 2011

Titolo e contributi: For members only ; Great Scott! [Audioregistrazione] / Shirley Scott Trio ; produced by Bob Thiele

Pubblicazione: United States of America : Impulse! : Verve, 2011

Descrizione fisica: 1 compact disc (69 min., 57 sec.) ; 12 cm


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Great Scott! -
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