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× Namen Melton, R. K.
× Datum 2017

Gefunden 42 Dokumente.

Dança da lua. Laços de sangue

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Peruto, Claudia

Dança da lua. Laços de sangue

Tektime, 31/03/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Dança da lua. Laços de sangue

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 31/03/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873040156


  • Lingua: portoghese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A vida de Envy era ótima. Ótimo irmão, ótimo namorado, e o melhor trabalho que a garota poderia pedir... atendente de bar nos clubes mais populares da cidade. Pelo menos era ótima até que recebeu um telefonema de um de seus melhores amigos sobre o seu namorado dançando limbo vertical na pista de dança da Moon Dance. Sua decisão de enfrentá-lo inicia uma cadeia de eventos que irá apresentá-la a um mundo paranormal perigoso escondido debaixo da monotonia cotidiana. Um mundo onde as pessoas podem se transformar em jaguares, vampiros da vida real percorrendo as ruas e anjos caídos andando entre nós. Devon é um homem-jaguar, um pouco rude ao se mover e um dos proprietários da Moon Dance. Seu mundo está inclinado em seu eixo quando espia uma raposa sedutora com cabelo vermelho dançando em seu clube, munida de um coração cínico e um taser. Com uma guerra de vampiros violenta em torno deles, Devon promete fazer esta mulher sua... e vai lutar com todas as forças para tê-la.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

La lune dansante. Les liens du sang

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Styx, Lorelya

La lune dansante. Les liens du sang

Tektime, 02/04/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: La lune dansante. Les liens du sang

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 02/04/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873040170


  • Lingua: francese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Envy avait tout pour être heureuse. Un frère génial, un petit copain extra, et le meilleur boulot qu'une fille puisse désirer... être barmaid dans l'un des clubs les plus en vogue de la ville. Du moins était-ce parfait jusqu'à ce qu'elle reçoive un appel de l'une de ses plus proches amies au sujet de son petit ami faisant du limbo à la verticale sur la piste de La Lune Dansante. Sa décision de lui faire face n'est que le prélude à une suite d'évènements qui vont la précipiter au sein d'un monde dangereux et paranormal caché derrière le quotidien. Un monde où les gens peuvent se transformer en jaguars, où de véritables vampires rôdent dans les rues, et où des anges déchus nous côtoient. Devon est un jaguar-garou, un peu brut de décoffrage et également l'un des copropriétaires de La Lune Dansante. Son univers à lui bascule lorsqu'il espionne une beauté aux cheveux rouges dansant au club, armée d'un cœur sceptique et d'un pistolet taser. Une guerre de vampires se déchaînant autour d'eux, Devon se jure de faire cette femme sienne... et remuera ciel et terre pour l'avoir.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Moon dance. Legami di sangue

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Favaro, Alberto

Moon dance. Legami di sangue

Tektime, 22/04/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Moon dance. Legami di sangue

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 22/04/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873040446


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Devon è un uomo-giaguaro dai modi un po' grezzi e uno dei soci del Moon Dance. Il suo mondo entra in bilico quando nota un'affascinante femmina dai capelli rossi nel suo club, armata di un cuore cinico e un taser. Con una guerra tra vampiri che infuriava intorno a loro, Devon giura di fare sua questa donna... e combatterà l'inferno per averla.La vita di Envy era fantastica. Un fratello perfetto, un fidanzato perfetto, e il lavoro migliore che una ragazza potesse chiedere... gestire il bar in uno dei locali più popolari della città. O almeno era fantastica finché non ricevette una telefonata da uno dei suoi migliori amici, riguardante il suo fidanzato che stava ballando il limbo sulla pista da ballo al Moon Dance. La sua decisione di affrontarlo da inizio ad una serie di eventi che la porteranno in un pericoloso mondo paranormale, celato nella monotonia quotidiana. Un mondo in cui le persone possono trasformarsi in giaguari, i vampiri in carne ed ossa vagano per le strade, e gli angeli caduti camminano in mezzo a noi.Devon è un uomo-giaguaro dai modi un po' grezzi e uno dei soci del Moon Dance. Il suo mondo entra in bilico quando nota un'affascinante femmina dai capelli rossi nel suo club, armata di un cuore cinico e un taser. Con una guerra tra vampiri che infuriava intorno a loro, Devon giura di fare sua questa donna... e combatterà l'inferno per averla.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Night light. Legami di sangue

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Fortuna, Ilaria

Night light. Legami di sangue

Tektime, 03/05/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Night light. Legami di sangue

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 03/05/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873040682


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Kat Santos non vedeva il proprietario del Night Light da anni. Finché Quinn non decide improvvisamente di rapirla e la accusa di averlo incastrato per gli omicidi dei vampiri. Realizzando che il nemico si sta prendendo gioco di loro, le due famiglie uniscono le proprie forze per impedire ai vampiri di terrorizzare la città.Quinn Wilder l'aveva guardata con gli occhi affamati di un puma dal giorno in cui era nata. Quando lei divenne adolescente, la tentazione di rivendicarla come compagna divenne rapidamente un ostacolo tra lui e i fratelli iperprotettivi di lei. Quando i loro padri si uccisero a vicenda in battaglia, i legami tra le due famiglie furono interrotti e lei fu portata al sicuro lontano da lui. Seguendola da lontano, Quinn scopre che la guerra tra vampiri ha i suoi lati positivi, quando lei dimentica di stare lontana.Kat Santos non vedeva il proprietario del Night Light da anni. Finché Quinn non decide improvvisamente di rapirla e la accusa di averlo incastrato per gli omicidi dei vampiri. Realizzando che il nemico si sta prendendo gioco di loro, le due famiglie uniscono le proprie forze per impedire ai vampiri di terrorizzare la città. Mentre la guerra sotterranea impazza, le fiamme del desiderio fanno altrettanto, quando quello che era iniziato come un sequestro di persona si trasforma rapidamente in un pericoloso gioco di seduzione.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Lumière nocturne. Les liens du sang

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Styx, Lorelya

Lumière nocturne. Les liens du sang

Tektime, 04/05/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Lumière nocturne. Les liens du sang

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 04/05/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873040705


  • Lingua: francese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Kat Santos n'avait pas vu le propriétaire du Night Light depuis des années. Jusqu'à ce que Quinn décide brusquement de l'enlever et l'accuse de lui avoir mis les meurtres du vampire sur le dos. Réalisant que l'ennemi joue avec eux, les deux familles unissent leurs forces pour empêcher les vampires de semer la terreur au sein de leur ville.Quinn Wilder la regardait avec les yeux affamés d'un couguar depuis le jour où elle était née. Quand elle devint adolescente, la tentation de la réclamer comme sienne devint rapidement un sujet de désaccord entre lui et les frères possessifs de la demoiselle. Lorsque leurs pères s'entre-tuèrent à l'occasion d'un combat, les liens entre les deux familles furent rompus et elle avait été emmenée en sécurité loin de lui. La traquant de loin, Quinn trouve que la guerre des vampires a ses bons côtés, lorsqu'elle oublie de tenir ses distances. Kat Santos n'avait pas vu le propriétaire du Night Light depuis des années. Jusqu'à ce que Quinn décide brusquement de l'enlever et l'accuse de lui avoir mis les meurtres du vampire sur le dos. Réalisant que l'ennemi joue avec eux, les deux familles unissent leurs forces pour empêcher les vampires de semer la terreur au sein de leur ville. La guerre souterraine gagne en violence, tout comme les flammes du désir, et ce qui commence comme un rapt tourne rapidement en un dangereux jeu de séduction.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Cose pericolose. Legami di sangue

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Fortuna, Ilaria

Cose pericolose. Legami di sangue

Tektime, 22/05/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Cose pericolose. Legami di sangue

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 22/05/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873040941


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Steven Wilder era caduto ai piedi della tentatrice armata di mazza non solo colpendo il pavimento... lui la voleva. Scoprire che era promessa al mafioso gli diede il pretesto di cui aveva bisogno per rapirla e farla diventare la propria compagna... per la sua protezione, naturalmente.Tutti dicono che ci sono due strade nella vita, ma per Jewel Scott entrambe sembravano essere molto pericolose. Una portava ad Anthony, uno psicopatico licantropo omicida, che era anche il capo della mafia della città e il suo fidanzato... contro la sua volontà. L'altra strada conduceva a Steven, un uomo-puma che lei aveva colpito con una mazza da baseball al loro primo incontro. Lui si vendicò rapendola e facendola sua.Steven Wilder era caduto ai piedi della tentatrice armata di mazza non solo colpendo il pavimento... lui la voleva. Scoprire che era promessa al mafioso gli diede il pretesto di cui aveva bisogno per rapirla e farla diventare la propria compagna... per la sua protezione, naturalmente.Anthony Valachi era ossessionato da Jewel da quando lei era solo una bambina e, con le leggi della mafia, aveva acquisito il controllo della sua futura sposa. Se qualcuno pensava di potergliela portare via si sbagliava da morire.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Des choses dangereuses. Les liens du sang

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Styx, Lorelya

Des choses dangereuses. Les liens du sang

Tektime, 08/06/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Des choses dangereuses. Les liens du sang

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 08/06/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041252


  • Lingua: francese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Steven Wilder avait succombé à cette tentatrice au coup de batte facile de bien d'autres manières qu'en tombant simplement au sol... il voulait la garder à ses côtés. Apprendre qu'elle était promise à un mafieux suffit à le pousser à la kidnapper et à en faire sa compagne… pour sa propre protection, bien entendu.Tout le monde dit qu'il y a deux chemins dans la vie, mais pour Jewel Scott, les deux paraissent tout aussi dangereux. L'un mène à Anthony, un loup-garou meurtrier et psychopathe, qui est également à la tête de la mafia de la ville, et son fiancé… contre sa propre volonté. L'autre chemin mène à Steven, un couguar-garou qu'elle a tenté d'assommer à coups de batte de base-ball à leur première rencontre. Il avait riposté en la kidnappant et en faisant d'elle sa compagne. Steven Wilder avait succombé à cette tentatrice au coup de batte facile de bien d'autres manières qu'en tombant simplement au sol... il voulait la garder à ses côtés. Apprendre qu'elle était promise à un mafieux suffit à le pousser à la kidnapper et à en faire sa compagne… pour sa propre protection, bien entendu.Anthony Valachi était obsédé par Jewel quand elle n'était encore qu'une enfant et, selon la loi du plus fort, il avait fait en sorte qu'elle devienne sa fiancée. Si quiconque pensait pouvoir la lui enlever, il avait tort… mortellement tort.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Calore. Legami di sangue

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Fortuna, Ilaria

Calore. Legami di sangue

Tektime, 14/06/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Calore. Legami di sangue

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 14/06/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041313


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Damon si era unito ai suoi fratelli per un motivo... la ragazza che gli interessava e che lo credeva morto viveva lì e sotto la protezione dei vampiri. Quando finiscono per salvare la vita di Alicia, più volte di quanto lui riuscisse a ricordare, Damon decide che qualcuno doveva tenerla sotto controllo, prima che la piccola gatta finalmente trovasse un modo per sfuggirgli, facendosi uccidere. La gelosia diventa un gioco pericoloso quando lei va in calore ed inizia ad attrarre più di semplici mostri.Alicia Wilder è stanca di essere protetta dal mondo dai suoi fratelli iperprotettivi. Cercando di dimostrare di poter gestire la guerra tra vampiri, finisce per essere maltrattata, morsa, baciata, picchiata, e, cosa ancora più incredibile, vivere con tre vampiri molto sexy, uno dei quali aveva iniziato per primo la guerra tra vampiri. Quando capisce di essere in calore, Alicia realizza che la sua rete protettiva potrebbe essere la sua rovina.Damon si era unito ai suoi fratelli per un motivo... la ragazza che gli interessava e che lo credeva morto viveva lì e sotto la protezione dei vampiri. Quando finiscono per salvare la vita di Alicia, più volte di quanto lui riuscisse a ricordare, Damon decide che qualcuno doveva tenerla sotto controllo, prima che la piccola gatta finalmente trovasse un modo per sfuggirgli, facendosi uccidere. La gelosia diventa un gioco pericoloso quando lei va in calore ed inizia ad attrarre più di semplici mostri.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Moon dance. Blood bound

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Moon dance. Blood bound

Tektime, 17/06/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Moon dance. Blood bound

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 17/06/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041368


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Envy's life was great. Great brother, great boyfriend, and the best job a girl could ask for... tending bar at the most popular clubs in the city. At least it was great until she got a call from one of her best friends about her boyfriend doing the vertical limbo on the dance floor at Moon Dance. Her decision to confront him begins a chain of events that will introduce her to a dangerous paranormal world hidden beneath the everyday humdrum. A world where people can transform into jaguars, real life vampires roam the streets, and fallen angels walk among us. Devon is a werejaguar, a little rough around the edges and one of the joint owners of Moon Dance. His world is tilted on its axis when he spies an alluring vixen with red hair dancing in his club, armed with a cynical heart and a taser. With a vampire war raging around them, Devon vows to make this woman his... and will fight like hell to have her.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Night light. Blood bound series

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Night light. Blood bound series

Tektime, 19/06/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Night light. Blood bound series

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 19/06/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041382


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Kat Santos hadn't seen the owner of Night Light for years. That is until Quinn suddenly decides to kidnap her and accuse her of setting him up for the vampire murders. Realizing the enemy is playing them, the two families combine their strength to stop the vampires from terrorizing their city.Quinn Wilder has watched her with the hungry eyes of a cougar since the day she was born. When she became a teenager, the temptation to claim her as his mate quickly became a rift between him and her overprotective brothers. When their fathers killed each other in battle, the ties between the two families were severed and she was taken safely out of his reach. Stalking her from a distance, Quinn finds the vampire war has its good points when she forgets to stay away. Kat Santos hadn't seen the owner of Night Light for years. That is until Quinn suddenly decides to kidnap her and accuse her of setting him up for the vampire murders. Realizing the enemy is playing them, the two families combine their strength to stop the vampires from terrorizing their city. As the underground war escalates, so do the flames of desire as what started out as a kidnapping quickly turns into a dangerous game of seduction.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Dangerous things. Blood bound series

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Dangerous things. Blood bound series

Tektime, 19/06/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Dangerous things. Blood bound series

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 19/06/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041405


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Steven Wilder had fallen for the bat-wielding temptress in more ways than just hitting the floor… he wanted to keep her. Finding out she was promised to the mob gave him the reason he needed to kidnap her and make her his mate… for her own protection, of course.Everyone says there are two paths in life, but for Jewel Scott it looked like both of them were very dangerous. One led toward Anthony, a murdering psychopathic Werewolf who was also the head of the city mob and her fiancé… against her will. The other road led toward Steven, a Werecougar whom she had knocked out with a baseball bat on their first meeting. He retaliated by kidnapping her and making her his mate.Steven Wilder had fallen for the bat-wielding temptress in more ways than just hitting the floor… he wanted to keep her. Finding out she was promised to the mob gave him the reason he needed to kidnap her and make her his mate… for her own protection, of course.Anthony Valachi had become obsessed with Jewel when she was no more than a child and, under mob rule, he'd gained control of his bride to be. If anyone thought they could steal her away from him they were wrong… dead wrong.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Heat. Blood bound series

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Heat. Blood bound series

Tektime, 21/06/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Heat. Blood bound series

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 21/06/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041443


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Damon moved in with his brothers for one reason… the girl that had staked him and left him for dead was living there and under vampire protection. When they wind up saving Alicia's life more times than he cared to count, Damon decides someone needs to get her under control before the little she-cat finally finds a way to escape him by getting herself killed. Jealousy becomes a dangerous game when she goes into heat and begins attracting more than just monsters.Alicia Wilder is tired of being shielded from the world by her over protective brothers. Trying to prove she can handle the vampire war gets her mauled, bit, kissed, shot at, and oddly enough, living with three very sexy vampires, one of which started the vampire war in the first place. When she finds herself going into shifter heat, Alicia realizes her safety net may be her undoing.Damon moved in with his brothers for one reason… the girl that had staked him and left him for dead was living there and under vampire protection. When they wind up saving Alicia's life more times than he cared to count, Damon decides someone needs to get her under control before the little she-cat finally finds a way to escape him by getting herself killed. Jealousy becomes a dangerous game when she goes into heat and begins attracting more than just monsters.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Blood bound. Blood bound

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Blood bound. Blood bound

Tektime, 21/06/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Blood bound. Blood bound

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 21/06/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041467


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: With the blood spell broken, Kane clawed his way out of the ground and searched for the soul mate that had freed him only to find that she'd vanished. With nothing left to lose and revenge on his mind, he started a war. The last thing he expected was to find his elusive soul mate in the path of destruction he'd caused. Quickly becoming obsessed, he watches when she isn't looking, listens when he's not been invited, and stalks her every move… and the demon that haunts him knows she is his weakness. To protect her, Kane vows to make her hate him, even if he has to join the demon side to do it. But how can he protect her from her greatest enemy of all when that enemy is himself?PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Tainted blood. Blood bound

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Tainted blood. Blood bound

Tektime, 28/06/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Tainted blood. Blood bound

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 28/06/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041597


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Making a deal with a demon is binding, even if you don't know the person is a demon. Using that to his advantage, Zachary broke the sacred rule and deliberately offered Tiara a deal. He would become her only lover until she found a true mate… which he intended on her never finding. Sealing the deal, his dark side emerges when Tiara runs from him thinking she is now on PIT's hit list because of her tainted blood. Zachary fights fire with fire when he catches her hiding within the arms of the enemy.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Shadow of death. Blood bound

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Shadow of death. Blood bound

Tektime, 02/07/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Shadow of death. Blood bound

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 02/07/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041665


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Within the heart of the Demon War nothing can be taken for granted as it sends the destinies of those involved into a most dangerous and seductive form of chaos. One man finds out that strangers can collide in the dark for a moment of blinding passion, only to be separated by the cold hand of fate without even a name to help in his hunt for her. Another man will find that when the Shadow of Death becomes a stalker, the most seductive of enemies can quickly become his strongest ally… even if it's against his will. And can the heart of one soul mate keep the two men who love her from killing each other?PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Sanctuary. Blood bound

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Sanctuary. Blood bound

Tektime, 05/07/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Sanctuary. Blood bound

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 05/07/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Michael is the one everyone expected to keep his cool in the most dangerous situations… but they soon realize it's the calm ones you have to watch out for. His power and temper spirals out of control when he becomes obsessed with a girl that keeps stroking his passion only to vanish before he can find out anything about her. With every taste he gets of her, his obsession quickly turns into an addiction.Aurora is bound against her will to Samuel, an ancient and powerful demon who is still stalking her every move. Keeping her freedom means she must stay one step ahead of the possessive demon. When she finds herself drawn to an amethyst eyed lover, she quickly finds her passion for this stranger is leading Samuel directly to her and the man she wants to protect.Samuel vows to do whatever it takes to keep Aurora bound to his side. In his need to force Aurora's obedience, he unwittingly stokes the fires of a power he has no hope of extinguishing… the righteous fury of a Sun God.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Jaded blood. Blood bound

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Jaded blood. Blood bound

Tektime, 08/07/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Jaded blood. Blood bound

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 08/07/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041764


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Being a werewolf, Jade has always been under the impression that all Alpha males are nothing more than self-centered, murdering macho-bullies that use pack members as nothing more than stepping stones to become king of the hill. She should know. Her brother, her fiancé, and her kidnapper were all Alphas of the worst kind. Having all the proof she needed that Alphas are bad news, Jade vowed to never trust a werewolf of any kind… much less fall for one. She struggles to keep that vow when she is rescued by a blond haired blue eyed Alpha with the body of a Greek God. No matter how hard she fights, Jade fears this is one Alpha that she will lose to.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Addictive blood. Blood bound

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Addictive blood. Blood bound

Tektime, 08/07/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Addictive blood. Blood bound

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 08/07/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041788


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Michael finds that sometimes the blood of powerful immortals do not mix even when they are soul mates and in the heat of passion. A mating mark is a symbol of possession but for Michael that tiny taste of blood is his downfall. The blood of the Fallen is deceptively seductive to a Sun God and the powerful rush Michael receives is very addictive. In order to protect Aurora from himself, Michael begins to hunt down the most powerful demons in the city to satisfy his dark craving. As the black blood pulses within his veins Michael loses himself to the rush and becomes just as dangerous as the demons he is hunting.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Death wish. Blood bound

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Death wish. Blood bound

Tektime, 08/07/2017

Logo mlol

Titel / Autor: Death wish. Blood bound

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 08/07/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041801


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Ren thought he'd caught him a little thief only to find that hidden under layers of boy clothes and dirt was the most desirable temptress he'd ever seen. Realizing that she'd been branded with a demon's mark and seemed to have a death wish, Ren quickly decides that the only way to keep her alive is to not let her out of his sight. If the demons were suicidal enough to think they were going to steal her away from him, he would give them their own death wish.Getting mixed up with the underground thievery ring run by demons had been easy… it was escaping them once they decided to kill her that Lacey was having trouble with. When her partner dies just to give her a head start, she doesn't let his sacrifice go to waste and runs like a horde of demons are chasing her… which they are. How was she to know that her escape route would lead her straight into the middle of a demon war and into the arms of a sexy stranger that was more powerful than her worse nightmare? Ren thought he'd caught him a little thief only to find that hidden under layers of boy clothes and dirt was the most desirable temptress he'd ever seen. Realizing that she'd been branded with a demon's mark and seemed to have a death wish, Ren quickly decides that the only way to keep her alive is to not let her out of his sight. If the demons were suicidal enough to think they were going to steal her away from him, he would give them their own death wish.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Blood rain. Blood bound

eBook / digitaler Text

Blankenship, Amy - Melton, R. K. - Blankenship, Amy

Blood rain. Blood bound

Tektime, 08/07/2017

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Titel / Autor: Blood rain. Blood bound

Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 08/07/2017

EAN-Code: 9788873041825


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The essence of Blood is a mystery that has many meanings. Blood is the bringer of life… but if spilled, it can destroy life in the blink of an eye. Legends say that Blood is also the link that binds soulmates together… even if one of those souls has shattered. Tempers and morals of the L.A. paranormal are tested when innocence, regardless of its origins, is threatened. They are reminded that not all demons are evil… sometimes even demons need to be saved from the things that really do slither in the night. During revelations full of death, rebirth, and acceptance of the inevitable, a new weapon is forged by the falling of the Blood Rain.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME