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Gefunden 352 Dokumente.

The dreams of the sparrows


The dreams of the sparrows [Videoregistrazione] / director: Hayder Mousa Daffar ; producer: Aaron Raskin

S.l. : The Iraq Eye Group, 2006 ; Italia : Harbinger Productions, 2007

Reportage Internazionale ; 59

Titel / Autor: The dreams of the sparrows [Videoregistrazione] / director: Hayder Mousa Daffar ; producer: Aaron Raskin

Veröffentlichung: S.l. : The Iraq Eye Group, 2006 ; Italia : Harbinger Productions, 2007

Physische Beschreibung: 1 DVD (77') : color. (PAL), son. ; 12 cm

Reihen: Reportage Internazionale ; 59


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

The dreams of sparrows
  • I sogni dei passeri
  • Lingue: inglese, arabo
  • Sottotitoli: italiano
  • Il tit. parallelo si ricava dall'etichetta
  • Per tutti
  • DVD area 2
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Abstract: Hayder Mousa Daffar e altri quattro registi iracheni conducono un'inchiesta attraverso l'Iraq del dopo Saddam Hussein, alle prese con l'occupazione americana. I cittadini iracheni incontrati per le strade di Baghdad e di Falluja spiegano cos'è per loro la democrazia, chi era Saddam Hussein, chi sono gli americani e cosa stanno facendo per il loro paese, il ruolo delle organizzazioni umanitarie internazionali, il petrolio. (Dal contenitore)



Youssef, Dhafer

Malak [Audioregistrazione] / Dhafer Youssef

Deutschland : Enja, 1999

Titel / Autor: Malak [Audioregistrazione] / Dhafer Youssef

Veröffentlichung: Deutschland : Enja, 1999

Physische Beschreibung: 1 compact disc (60 min., 26 sec.) : DDD ; 12 cm


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Guinea-Bissau

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Ne la thiass


Cheikh lo

Ne la thiass [Audioregistrazione] / Cheikh lo

S.l. : Sensible Records ; Italia : Radio Popolare, c1996

Arpa [Sensible Records] ; 5

Titel / Autor: Ne la thiass [Audioregistrazione] / Cheikh lo

Veröffentlichung: S.l. : Sensible Records ; Italia : Radio Popolare, c1996

Physische Beschreibung: 1 disco sonoro (CD) : Stereo ; 12 cm

Reihen: Arpa [Sensible Records] ; 5


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Audioregistrazione
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Lalla Ma'iza fi bilad al-arkan


Wagu, Sufiya

Lalla Ma'iza fi bilad al-arkan / nass wa-rusum: Sufiya Wagu ; targama: Muhammad Benalmalih

al-Dar al-Bayda' : Yandow al-kitab, 2008?

Silsilat Malika wa Karim [Yandow al-kitab]

Titel / Autor: Lalla Ma'iza fi bilad al-arkan / nass wa-rusum: Sufiya Wagu ; targama: Muhammad Benalmalih

Veröffentlichung: al-Dar al-Bayda' : Yandow al-kitab, 2008?

Physische Beschreibung: 1 v. (senza paginazione) : in gran parte ill. color. ; 21x21 cm

Reihen: Silsilat Malika wa Karim [Yandow al-kitab]

ISBN: 978995448633X


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Mauritania

  • ISBN 978-9954-486-33-X errato
  • Dati traslitterati dall'arabo
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Hikayat al-fusul


Dahir, Hasan

Hikayat al-fusul / ta'lif: Hasan Dahir

Bayrut : Dar al-Hadi, 2009

al-Alwan al-ard [Dar al-Hadi ]

Titel / Autor: Hikayat al-fusul / ta'lif: Hasan Dahir

Veröffentlichung: Bayrut : Dar al-Hadi, 2009

Physische Beschreibung: 1 v. (paginazione varia) : in gran parte ill. color. ; 23x23 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD) in tasca

Reihen: al-Alwan al-ard [Dar al-Hadi ]

ISBN: 9953303185


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: lh

  • The color of earth
  • Dati traslitterati dall'arabo
  • Cop. sagomata
  • Testo in arabo e inglese
  • Età: dai 5 ai 10 anni
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Innahu al-tilam


al-Karim gallab, 'Abd

Innahu al-tilam : riwaya qasira / 'Abd al-Karim gallab

Al-Ribat : Mansurat al-Ma'arif, 2010

Silsilat qișaș al-sabab [Mansurat al-Ma'arif] ; 6

Titel / Autor: Innahu al-tilam : riwaya qasira / 'Abd al-Karim gallab

Veröffentlichung: Al-Ribat : Mansurat al-Ma'arif, 2010

Physische Beschreibung: 79 p. ; 17 cm

Reihen: Silsilat qișaș al-sabab [Mansurat al-Ma'arif] ; 6

ISBN: 9954202447


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Mauritania

  • Dati traslitterati dall'arabo
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Italia patria di scienziati


Fiorentino, Waldimaro

Italia patria di scienziati / Waldimaro Fiorentino

Bolzano : Catinaccio, 2004

Titel / Autor: Italia patria di scienziati / Waldimaro Fiorentino

Veröffentlichung: Bolzano : Catinaccio, 2004

Physische Beschreibung: [3] v. ; 24 cm


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Testo solo in arabo
  • Nel colophon: ANPIE Associazione nazionale Pro italiani Egitto
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Arabe grammaticalement correct!


Guidère, Mathieu

Arabe grammaticalement correct! : grammaire alphabétique de l'arabe / Mathieu Guidère

Nouvelle éd. revue et corrigée

Paris : Ellipses, c2004

Titel / Autor: Arabe grammaticalement correct! : grammaire alphabétique de l'arabe / Mathieu Guidère

Nouvelle éd. revue et corrigée

Veröffentlichung: Paris : Ellipses, c2004

ISBN: 9782729819996


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: France

  • Grammaticalement correct!
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Gray's anatomy for students


Drake, Richard L.

Gray's anatomy for students / Richard L. Drake, Adam Mitchell, Wayne Vogel ; translator: Gh. Hassanzadeh .. [et al.]

2. ed.

S.l. : Khosravi, 2010

Titel / Autor: Gray's anatomy for students / Richard L. Drake, Adam Mitchell, Wayne Vogel ; translator: Gh. Hassanzadeh .. [et al.]

2. ed.

Veröffentlichung: S.l. : Khosravi, 2010

Physische Beschreibung: 3 v. : ill. ; 24 cm

ISBN: 9786005523300


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Tit. anche in caratteri arabi
  • Testo solo in caratteri arabi
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Singh, Malkit

Bhangra! [Audioregistrazione] : the best of Malkit Singh

S.l. : Ishtar ; S.l. : Sensible Records ; Italia : Radio Popolare ; Italia : Family Affair distribution, c1999

Arpa [Ishtar] ; 8

Titel / Autor: Bhangra! [Audioregistrazione] : the best of Malkit Singh

Veröffentlichung: S.l. : Ishtar ; S.l. : Sensible Records ; Italia : Radio Popolare ; Italia : Family Affair distribution, c1999

Physische Beschreibung: 1 disco sonoro (CD) : Stereo ; 12 cm

Reihen: Arpa [Ishtar] ; 8


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Audioregistrazione
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Sesame and Apricot


Rayner, Shoo

Sesame and Apricot / author: Shoo Rayner ; illustrator: Shoo Rayner

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 3

Titel / Autor: Sesame and Apricot / author: Shoo Rayner ; illustrator: Shoo Rayner

Veröffentlichung: London : Collins, c2015

Physische Beschreibung: [8] c. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 21 cm

Reihen: Collins big cat. Level 3

ISBN: 9780008131821


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Tit. dalla 2. di cop
  • V. con lettura da destra a sinistra
  • Nome degli A. dalla 2. di cop
  • Età: dai 0 ai 5 anni
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Abstract: Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 3 books introduce the concept of the story’, and include simple phonic sounds and very high-frequency words with simple spellings. Sesame and Apricot love to chase each other along the street, through the park, round and round But when one animal is in trouble, the other is sure to help. Shoo Rayner’s illustrations in this wonderfully humorous book bring the two central characters vividly to life, and provide lots for beginner readers to talk about. Included at the end of the book, following the story, is a simple story map that can be used to recap and check understanding. Lively and engaging illustrations to keep children interested. (

Animal migration


Chancellor, Deborah

Animal migration / author: Deborah Chancellor ; illustrator: Kate Evans

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 13

Titel / Autor: Animal migration / author: Deborah Chancellor ; illustrator: Kate Evans

Veröffentlichung: London : Collins, c2015

Physische Beschreibung: [16] c. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 21 cm

Reihen: Collins big cat. Level 13

ISBN: 9780008131593


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Tit. dalla 2. di cop
  • V. con lettura da destra a sinistra
  • Nome degli A. dalla 2. di cop
  • Età: dai 0 ai 5 anni
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Abstract: Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 13 books feature longer and more complex sentence structures. Sentences make use of a wide range of stylistic features which reflect progression in the teaching of Arabic grammar. Stories may also contain more literary, metaphorical language, including similes and other figurative language to help the reader create mental images, plus exaggeration for dramatic or humorous effect. Non-fiction titles contain longer, more formal sentences and a broader range of unfamiliar terms. Have you ever been amazed at how far animals migrate each year? Have you ever wondered why animals migrate for such long distances? Find out all about the journeys animals make in the sea, in the air and on land in this fascinating non-fiction information book, brought to life with stunning photographs. (

Momo Palestina


Gaillot, Robert

Momo Palestina / testo e immagini di Robert Gaillot

Milano : Jaca book, 2002

Titel / Autor: Momo Palestina / testo e immagini di Robert Gaillot

Veröffentlichung: Milano : Jaca book, 2002

Physische Beschreibung: [10] c. di tav. : ill. color. ; 21x21 cm

ISBN: 8816572019


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Momo Palestine -
  • Altro tit. in arabo
  • Testo in arabo e italiano
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La poesia araba moderna e Il regno di Abdallah


Abou Abdallah, Albert

La poesia araba moderna e Il regno di Abdallah / raccolta di Hamid Saiid ; [entrambe a cura di] Albert Abou Abdallah

Padova : Calusca, stampa 1996

Titel / Autor: La poesia araba moderna e Il regno di Abdallah / raccolta di Hamid Saiid ; [entrambe a cura di] Albert Abou Abdallah

Veröffentlichung: Padova : Calusca, stampa 1996

Physische Beschreibung: VI, 165 p. : ill. ; 24 cm


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Trad. italiana a fronte
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Altre voci


Altre voci : poesie e racconti di autori arabi contemporanei / traduzione, introduzione, commenti note e disegni di Pietralberta Viviani ; scelta dei testi di Pietralba Viviani e Mohemmed Ali Shraydeh ; prefazione di Isabella Camera d'Afflitto

Reggio Emilia : CGIL, Camera del lavoro territoriale, stampa 1999

Titel / Autor: Altre voci : poesie e racconti di autori arabi contemporanei / traduzione, introduzione, commenti note e disegni di Pietralberta Viviani ; scelta dei testi di Pietralba Viviani e Mohemmed Ali Shraydeh ; prefazione di Isabella Camera d'Afflitto

Veröffentlichung: Reggio Emilia : CGIL, Camera del lavoro territoriale, stampa 1999

Physische Beschreibung: 112 p. : ill. ; 24 cm


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

Altre voci
  • Testo orig. a fronte
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Bayda' al-talg


Wuylhim Ya'qub Garim

Bayda' al-talg / Ya'qub Garim Wuylhim ; targama: 'Abd al-Fatah Daybun

Al-Qinitra : Dar al- Harf, 2000?

Hikayat Halida

Titel / Autor: Bayda' al-talg / Ya'qub Garim Wuylhim ; targama: 'Abd al-Fatah Daybun

Veröffentlichung: Al-Qinitra : Dar al- Harf, 2000?

Physische Beschreibung: [2] c. : ill. ; 33 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Reihen: Hikayat Halida


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Mauritania

  • Dati traslitterati dall'arabo
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Law Sa'Alouk



Law Sa'Alouk [Audioregistrazione] / Warda

Emirati Arabi Uniti : EMI Music Arabia ; France : Virgin France [distributore], c2000

Arabian Masters

Titel / Autor: Law Sa'Alouk [Audioregistrazione] / Warda

Veröffentlichung: Emirati Arabi Uniti : EMI Music Arabia ; France : Virgin France [distributore], c2000

Physische Beschreibung: 1 CD ca. 60'

Reihen: Arabian Masters


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: France

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Ramzy, Ossam

Ro-He [Audioregistrazione] / Ossam Ramzy, Essam Rashad

Austria : ARC Music, c1995

Titel / Autor: Ro-He [Audioregistrazione] / Ossam Ramzy, Essam Rashad

Veröffentlichung: Austria : ARC Music, c1995

Physische Beschreibung: 1 CD ca. 38'1 fasc. ([16] p. : color. ; 12)


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

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Murkus, Amal

Amal [Audioregistrazione] / Amal Murkus

S.l. : EMI Records, c2000


Titel / Autor: Amal [Audioregistrazione] / Amal Murkus

Veröffentlichung: S.l. : EMI Records, c2000

Physische Beschreibung: 1 CD ca. 48'1 fasc. ([16] p. : color. ; 12 cm)

Reihen: Hemisphere


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Dati anche dal contenitore
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Sif Safaa


Seligman, Gerald

Sif Safaa [Audioregistrazione] : new music from the Middle East / compilation produced by Gerald Seligman ; songs by Hamdi Ahmed .. [et al.]

S.l. : EMI Records ; S.l. : EMI, 1995


Titel / Autor: Sif Safaa [Audioregistrazione] : new music from the Middle East / compilation produced by Gerald Seligman ; songs by Hamdi Ahmed .. [et al.]

Veröffentlichung: S.l. : EMI Records ; S.l. : EMI, 1995

Physische Beschreibung: 1 disco sonoro (CD) ; 12 cm : Stereo1 c. ripieg.

Reihen: Hemisphere


Sprache: Arabisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Guinea-Bissau

  • Audioregistrazione.
  • Dati anche dal contenitore
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