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Gefunden 110 Dokumente.

Yu Gong removed the mountains


Yunhui, Cai

Yu Gong removed the mountains / adapted by Cai Yunhui, Zhang Guangshuai ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Cai Yunhui, Zhang Guangshuai

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Titel / Autor: Yu Gong removed the mountains / adapted by Cai Yunhui, Zhang Guangshuai ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Cai Yunhui, Zhang Guangshuai

Veröffentlichung: Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Physische Beschreibung: 45, [1] p. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 26 cm

Reihen: Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

ISBN: 7801385675


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

  • Tit. e testo in inglese e cinese
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Houyi shoots down the suns


Zhiwei, Wang

Houyi shoots down the suns / adapted by Wang Zhiwei ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Yan Wensheng and others

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Titel / Autor: Houyi shoots down the suns / adapted by Wang Zhiwei ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Yan Wensheng and others

Veröffentlichung: Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Physische Beschreibung: 45, [1] p. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 26 cm

Reihen: Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

ISBN: 7801385373


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

  • Tit. e testo in inglese e cinese
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Standard course HSK 3


Jiang, Liping

Standard course HSK 3 / lead author: Jiang Liping ; authors: Yu Miao, Li Lin

Beijing : Beijing language and culture university press, 2014

Titel / Autor: Standard course HSK 3 / lead author: Jiang Liping ; authors: Yu Miao, Li Lin

Veröffentlichung: Beijing : Beijing language and culture university press, 2014

Physische Beschreibung: 191 p. : ill. ; 29 cm

ISBN: 9787561938188


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

  • HSK 3
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Hei tao



Hei tao / Ai'errè

China : Casterman, c2001

Dingding li xian ji

Titel / Autor: Hei tao / Ai'errè

Veröffentlichung: China : Casterman, c2001

Physische Beschreibung: 62 p. : quasi del tutto ill. ; 22 cm

Reihen: Dingding li xian ji

ISBN: 7500760868


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

  • L'ile noire -
  • Testo a fumetto
  • Dati traslitterati dal cinese
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Xiaolong, piccolo drago

eBook / digitaler Text

Xiaolong, piccolo drago [Risorsa elettronica] : corso bilingue cinese italiano

Italia : Vannini, 1999

Titel / Autor: Xiaolong, piccolo drago [Risorsa elettronica] : corso bilingue cinese italiano

Veröffentlichung: Italia : Vannini, 1999

Physische Beschreibung: 1 disco ottico elettronico (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

Xiaolong, piccolo drago
  • Tit. sull'etichetta anche in cinese
  • Requisiti minimi di sistema: processore Pentium 90 o superiore; almeno 16 MB RAM; Windows 95, 98 o superiori; scheda video Super VGA display 640x480 a 256 colori; scheda audio; lettore CD-ROM
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Cinese interattivo


Cinese interattivo : cinese mandarino : cinese-italiano

Beijing : Sinolingua, 2007

Titel / Autor: Cinese interattivo : cinese mandarino : cinese-italiano

Veröffentlichung: Beijing : Sinolingua, 2007

Physische Beschreibung: 1 kit (8 v., 8 CD-ROM, 8 CD) ; 27x19x9 cm (in contenitore)

ISBN: 780200229X (del contenitore)


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

Cinese interattivo
  • Tit. dal cofanetto
  • Tit. anche in cinese
  • Contiene: libri di testo, espressioni e proverbi, elementi di fonetica, poesie e prove di esame
  • Requisiti minimi di sistema per i CD-ROM: processore superiore a Pentium III, 550 MHz; 64 MB RAM, 800 MB RAM liberi su disco fisso; Windows 98 e/o superiore, sistema operativo in diverse lingue; doppia scheda sonora; scheda audio; microfono; lettore CD-ROM 8x
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Abstract: Software interattivo con parole, suoni, immagini, animazioni e musica che propone un metodo di studio graduale partendo dall'alfabeto fonetico cinese. Ogni parola o frase in cinese viene spiegata in italiano.

Dizionario cinese-italiano, italiano-cinese


Viotti Bonfanti, Alessandra

Dizionario cinese-italiano, italiano-cinese / Alessandra Viotti Bonfanti

Firenze : Le lettere, 1991

I dizionari [Le lettere]

Titel / Autor: Dizionario cinese-italiano, italiano-cinese / Alessandra Viotti Bonfanti

Veröffentlichung: Firenze : Le lettere, 1991

Physische Beschreibung: 2 v. (LXXV, 1997 p. compless.) ; 25 cm

Reihen: I dizionari [Le lettere]

ISBN: 8871667808


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Tit. anche in cinese
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Experiencing Hong Kong


Experiencing Hong Kong [Videoregistrazione] / producer: Li Xin ; director: Ma Xiangyu

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

Titel / Autor: Experiencing Hong Kong [Videoregistrazione] / producer: Li Xin ; director: Ma Xiangyu

Veröffentlichung: Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

Physische Beschreibung: 1 DVD (30') : color. (PAL), son. ; 12 cm


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

Experiencing Hong Kong
  • Descrizione basata sul contenitore
  • Lingue: cinese, inglese, francese, spagnolo, arabo, giapponese, russo, tedesco, italiano, portoghese
  • Con contenuti speciali
  • Tit. di testa in cinese sottotitolati in varie lingue
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Dizionario cinese-italiano, italiano-cinese


Viotti Bonfanti, Alessandra

Dizionario cinese-italiano, italiano-cinese / Alessandra Viotti Bonfanti

Milano : Le lettere, 1991

I dizionari

Titel / Autor: Dizionario cinese-italiano, italiano-cinese / Alessandra Viotti Bonfanti

Veröffentlichung: Milano : Le lettere, 1991

Physische Beschreibung: LXXV, 1997 p. ; 25 cm

Reihen: I dizionari

ISBN: 887166051X


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Tit. anche in cinese
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Full moon over Liangzhou


Full moon over Liangzhou [Videoregistrazione] / director: Wang Xingjun

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

Titel / Autor: Full moon over Liangzhou [Videoregistrazione] / director: Wang Xingjun

Veröffentlichung: Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

Physische Beschreibung: 1 DVD (105') : color. (PAL), son. ; 12 cm


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

Full moon over Liangzhou
  • Descrizione basata sul contenitore
  • Lingue: cinese, inglese, francese, spagnolo, arabo, giapponese, russo, tedesco, italiano, portoghese
  • Con contenuti speciali
  • Tit. di testa in cinese sottotitolati in varie lingue
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Turpan love songs


Turpan love songs [Videoregistrazione] / director: Jin Lini, Xi'erzati Yahefu

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

Titel / Autor: Turpan love songs [Videoregistrazione] / director: Jin Lini, Xi'erzati Yahefu

Veröffentlichung: Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

Physische Beschreibung: 1 DVD (90') : color. (PAL), son. ; 12 cm


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

Turpan love songs
  • Descrizione basata sul contenitore
  • Lingue: cinese, inglese, francese, spagnolo, arabo, giapponese, russo, tedesco, italiano, portoghese
  • Con contenuti speciali
  • Tit. di testa in cinese sottotitolati in varie lingue
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2 become 1


2 become 1 [Videoregistrazione] / director: Luo Yongchang

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

Titel / Autor: 2 become 1 [Videoregistrazione] / director: Luo Yongchang

Veröffentlichung: Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

Physische Beschreibung: 1 DVD (100') : color. (PAL), son. ; 12 cm


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

2 become 1
  • Two become one
  • Descrizione basata sul contenitore
  • Lingue: cinese, inglese, francese, spagnolo, arabo, giapponese, russo, tedesco, italiano, portoghese
  • Con contenuti speciali
  • Tit. di testa in cinese sottotitolati in varie lingue
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Chinese architecture (2.)


Chinese architecture (2.) [Videoregistrazione] / director: Hong Mei ; produced by Beijing Wangtu Film & TV Production Consulting

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations : Beijing Wangtu Film : TV Production Consulting, 2005?

Titel / Autor: Chinese architecture (2.) [Videoregistrazione] / director: Hong Mei ; produced by Beijing Wangtu Film & TV Production Consulting

Veröffentlichung: Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations : Beijing Wangtu Film : TV Production Consulting, 2005?

Physische Beschreibung: 1 DVD (30') : color. (PAL), son. ; 12 cm


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

Chinese architecture (2.)
  • Descrizione basata sul contenitore
  • Lingue: cinese, inglese, francese, spagnolo, arabo, giapponese, russo, tedesco, italiano, portoghese
  • Credits: art director: You Fei ; director of photography: Guan Dongpei
  • Con contenuti speciali
  • Tit. di testa in cinese sottotitolati in varie lingue
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The last matriarchal tribe in China


The last matriarchal tribe in China [Videoregistrazione] / producer: Yunnan TV Station

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations : Yunnan TV Station, 2005?

Titel / Autor: The last matriarchal tribe in China [Videoregistrazione] / producer: Yunnan TV Station

Veröffentlichung: Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations : Yunnan TV Station, 2005?

Physische Beschreibung: 1 DVD (26') : color. (PAL), son. ; 12 cm


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

The last matriarchal tribe in China
  • Descrizione basata sul contenitore
  • Lingue: cinese, inglese, francese, spagnolo, arabo, giapponese, russo, tedesco, italiano, portoghese
  • Con contenuti speciali
  • Tit. di testa in cinese sottotitolati in varie lingue
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Che piao qu na er le


Liu, Xugong

Che piao qu na er le / Liu Xugong

Wu han : Chang jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2020

Titel / Autor: Che piao qu na er le / Liu Xugong

Veröffentlichung: Wu han : Chang jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2020

Physische Beschreibung: 1 v. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 22x29 cm

ISBN: 9787572101014


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

  • 车票去哪儿了
  • Dati traslitterati
  • Tit. in cinese
  • Età: dai 0 ai 5 anni
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Bodyguard and assassins


Bodyguard and assassins [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Teddy Chan ; produced by Peter Chan, Huang Jianxin ; written by Chun Tin-nam

Gran Bretagna : E1 Entertainment, c2010

Titel / Autor: Bodyguard and assassins [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Teddy Chan ; produced by Peter Chan, Huang Jianxin ; written by Chun Tin-nam

Veröffentlichung: Gran Bretagna : E1 Entertainment, c2010

Physische Beschreibung: 1 disco ottico elettronico (DVD), (133') : color., son. ; 12 cm


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

Shi yue wei cheng
Notizen des Inhaltes:
  • Contiene anche: Behind the scenes footage
  • Descrizione basata sul sito
  • Lingue: mandarino (con sottotitoli inglesi)
  • Con contenuti speciali
  • Vietato ai minori di anni 15 (censura inglese)
  • DVD area 2 ; PAL ; formato video: 16:9, anamorphic
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Abstract: In 1905, Sun Wen intends to go abroad to Hong Kong, a British colony, to discuss his plans with fellow Tongmenghui members to overthrow China's corrupt and crumbling Qing Dynasty. Empress Dowager Cixi sends a group of assassins, led by Yan Xiaoguo, to kill Sun. Revolutionary Chen Shaobai arrives in Hong Kong a few days before Sun's arrival, to meet Li Yutang, a businessman who provides financial aid for the revolutionaries. As Sun Wen's arrival day draws near, trouble begins brewing in Hong Kong as Chen Shaobai's acquaintances are murdered and Chen himself is kidnapped by the assassins during a raid.. (

Hewing the mountain to rescue mother


Wei, Wu

Hewing the mountain to rescue mother / adapted by Wu Wei ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Li Haiyan

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Titel / Autor: Hewing the mountain to rescue mother / adapted by Wu Wei ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Li Haiyan

Veröffentlichung: Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Physische Beschreibung: 45, [1] p. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 26 cm

Reihen: Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

ISBN: 7801385632


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

  • Tit. e testo in inglese e cinese
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Kua Fu races with the sun


Yangguang, Wang

Kua Fu races with the sun / adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Zhang Long and others

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Titel / Autor: Kua Fu races with the sun / adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Zhang Long and others

Veröffentlichung: Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Physische Beschreibung: 45, [1] p. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 26 cm

Reihen: Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

ISBN: 7801385357


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

  • Tit. e testo in inglese e cinese
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Legends of ten chinese traditional festivals


Legends of ten chinese traditional festivals / illustrator Zhan Tong

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Titel / Autor: Legends of ten chinese traditional festivals / illustrator Zhan Tong

Veröffentlichung: Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Physische Beschreibung: 1 v. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 26 cm

ISBN: 7801380037


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

Legends of ten chinese traditional festivals
  • Tit. e testo in inglese e cinese
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Nv Wa mends the sky


Yangguang, Wang

Nv Wa mends the sky / adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Li Chunming and others

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Titel / Autor: Nv Wa mends the sky / adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Li Chunming and others

Veröffentlichung: Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Physische Beschreibung: 45, [1] p. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 26 cm

Reihen: Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

ISBN: 7801385314


Sprache: Chinesisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Cocos Islands

  • Tit. e testo in inglese e cinese
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