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Changed from Glory to Glory

eBook / digitaler Text

Rev. Robert Tucker Sr.

Changed from Glory to Glory

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: Changed from Glory to Glory

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Rev. Tucker has written a study of the neglected, but greatly needed, subject of repentance. Often repentance is only considered to be necessary at the initial salvation experience. However, Rev. Tucker shows that if Christians are to mature into the full purpose of God for their lives, they must allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to them areas that need changing and respond to His leading. This work of the Holy Spirit will transform the people of God so that they are able to enter into the wonderful liberty and joy of being the ones who have been transformed into His image!


eBook / digitaler Text

Dr. Brian J. Bailey


Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: Genesis

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: When Christ was asked questions He would often refer people back to the beginning, to the origin of the plan of our Heavenly Father for His creation. In his commentary on the book of Genesis, Dr. Bailey shows how it is vital to understand God's intentions from the beginning in order to understand God's plan for mankind as well as the many spiritual truths that relate to the life of the believer today.

The Gospel of John

eBook / digitaler Text

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

The Gospel of John

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: The Gospel of John

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Dr. Bailey's excellent and easy to read commentary on the Gospel of John gives insight into some of the most beautiful teachings of Christ to His disciples. You will discover the heart of God as you see Christ as the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep, and Christ as the Bread of Life who came down from Heaven that we might have life abundantly. May your hearts be filled with the riches and fullness of God as you study this most beloved of Gospels.

The Holy Spirit

eBook / digitaler Text

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

The Holy Spirit

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: The Holy Spirit

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Comforter is not simply another book on theology, but a very practical and useful guide for finding a pathway into the Spirit-filled and Spirit-led life. Those who desire to intimately know and experience the Holy Spirit will be blessed as they read Dr. Bailey's discussion of seven aspects of the Holy Spirit:The Person of the Holy SpiritThe Ministry of the Holy SpiritThe Seven Spirits of the LordThe Baptism of the Holy SpiritThe Nine Gifts of the SpiritThe Nine Fruits of the SpiritThe Spirit-filled and Spirit-led Life

Pillars of Faith

eBook / digitaler Text

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

Pillars of Faith

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: Pillars of Faith

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: In his thought-provoking book Pillars of Faith, Dr. Bailey opens up our understanding of God's principles of faith. As we journey with him on the path to a more perfect way of faith, we are challenged afresh to enter into new realms of the Spirit where mountains are moved and faith becomes action!  

Hitting the Mark

eBook / digitaler Text

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

Hitting the Mark

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: Hitting the Mark

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Hitting the Mark is an exciting, easy to understand commentary on Paul's letter to the Philippians. Through the pages of this brief but insightful commentary, Dr. Brian Bailey shares how the Lord has a plan for each of our lives and as we walk with Him in obedience, He will cause us to hit the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 

Except the Lord build the House

eBook / digitaler Text

Rev. Robert Tucker Sr.

Except the Lord build the House

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: Except the Lord build the House

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: God intended marriage and family life to be like heaven on earth. So few these days find it to be so. Whatever your age, marital status, or cultural heritage, this book will help identify weaknesses and areas that need in improvement in your relationships and provide workable solutions to build an enduring marriage and family life.

God's Powerful Voice

eBook / digitaler Text

Rev. Robert Tucker Sr.

God's Powerful Voice

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: God's Powerful Voice

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Often, many Christians do not recognize God's voice or have been deceived into thinking another voice is His. Rev. Tucker will encourage readers that they can indeed hear the voice of God for themselves. He will answer the questions:How can we come to know God's voice?How can we distinguish it from the many other voices in the world?How can we avoid deception?What is the relationship between hearing His voice and faith, righteousness, and wisdom?

Foundations of the Faith

eBook / digitaler Text

Dr. Paul Caram

Foundations of the Faith

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: Foundations of the Faith

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: It has been said that our doctrine will determine our destiny. In his study of the doctrines of the Bible, Dr. Caram will explore the main doctrines upon which the Christian church is founded, giving us keys to recognizing right doctrine and how we can be transformed to be "living epistles," having the law of God written upon our hearts.

A More Excellent Way

eBook / digitaler Text

Rev. Daniel Caram

A More Excellent Way

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: A More Excellent Way

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Corinthian epistles give us a picture of a "mega" revival of a church in Corinth that had grown to about sixty or seventy thoUSDnd converts in four years and the problems associated with it. Rev. Caram shows how the Corinthian revival is a figure of the revival that is coming in the last days, as a net that is cast into the sea, wherein will be gathered all kinds, and the great need for spiritual mothers and fathers who are prepared to lead the church on to maturity. 

The Sermon on the Mount

eBook / digitaler Text

Rev. Dan Caram

The Sermon on the Mount

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: The Sermon on the Mount

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Old Testament message was one that man was never able to fulfill. However, Christ in His Sermon on the Mount gave a higher law to the New Testament Church. It is a message of grace and truth that enables mankind to triumph in all things. In his commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, Rev. Daniel Caram will give a clear and balanced explanation of Christ's higher law for the New Testament Church, so that we might be those saints who live a victorious and abundant life in Christ Jesus.

True Christianity

eBook / digitaler Text

Dr. Paul Caram

True Christianity

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: True Christianity

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Dr. Paul Caram's excellent and life changing study on the topic of True Christianity is a focus upon the most important subjects of life. Our Lord's discourses concentrated solely upon the most critical issues of the heart and that is what every true believer should do as well. Dr. Caram has searched the Scriptures in order to find the themes that will determine our eternal destiny so that we might obtain the full inheritance that God has in store for us.

The Journey of Israel

eBook / digitaler Text

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

The Journey of Israel

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: The Journey of Israel

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The study of Israel's journey from Egypt to the Promised Land is in reality a picture of the spiritual progression of a believer from new born babes in Christ to becoming mature fathers and mothers in the faith. Dr. Bailey will take you on a journey, where you will be given keys to attaining ever-greater heights in your relationship with Christ, until you come unto spiritual Mount Zion, and can say with the Apostle Paul, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

Steps To Spiritual Growth

eBook / digitaler Text

Rev. David Wallis

Steps To Spiritual Growth

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: Steps To Spiritual Growth

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: This is an extremely helpful book for believers, as it offers vital keys and essential truths that will help the believer grow in the knowledge of God. It is filled with numerous practical and scriptural guidelines, which pertain to the spiritual development of a believer. The subjects listed below are looked at extensively:What it means to be savedThe necessity of God's WordWater baptism, an ordinancePrayer, a priorityThe importance of communionThe significance of God's graceDeliverance from bondagesBeing filled with the Holy Spirit The use of this book is also recommended for pastors, teachers, and church leaders.  The handbook is a comprehensive overview of appropriate topics that will lay a good foundation for believers.  It will also supply you with an organized teaching structure to help you instruct and train all those whom God has entrusted to your care. 

A Message for Our Times

eBook / digitaler Text

Rev. Daniel Caram

A Message for Our Times

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: A Message for Our Times

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Epistles to the Thessalonians: A Message for Our Times is a complete verse-by-verse commentary on Paul's epistle to the church at Thessalonica.  Rev. Caram goes into detail about the struggles this church faced during the era of the Roman Empire, as well as the contrary messages about the Second Coming of Christ that were circulating through the churches.  This book will offer practical advice as to how we can be prepared to meet the Lord when He comes again.

Cambiados de gloria en gloria

eBook / digitaler Text

Robert A. Tucker

Cambiados de gloria en gloria

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: Cambiados de gloria en gloria

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: spa
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: El Rev. Tucker ha escrito un estudio del muchas veces descuidado, pero grandemente necesitado tema del arrepentimiento. Muchas veces el arrepentimiento sólo es considerado necesario para la experiencia inicial de salvación. Sin embargo, el Rev. Tucker muestra que si los Cristianos van madurar hacia el propósito completo de Dios para sus vidas, deben permitir que el Espíritu Santo los guíe continuamente a través de un proceso de revelación de la necesidad de cambiar y responder a Su guía. Esta obra del Espíritu Santo transformará al pueblo de Dios para que puedan entrar en la maravillosa libertad y gozo de ser aquellos que han sido transformados a Su imagen.

El viaje de Israel

eBook / digitaler Text

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

El viaje de Israel

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: El viaje de Israel

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: spa
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: El estudio del viaje de Israel de Egipto a la Tierra Prometida es en realidad un retrato de la progresión espiritual de un creyente, de ser bebés recién nacidos en Cristo hasta convertirse en padres y madres maduros en la fe. El Dr. Bailey lo llevará en un viaje, en el cuál se le darán claves para obtener una mayor estatura en su relación con Cristo, hasta que usted llegue al Monte Sion espiritual, y pueda decir junto con el apóstol Pablo: "Prosigo a la meta, al premio del supremo llamamiento de Dios en Cristo Jesús."

Pilares de la Fe

eBook / digitaler Text

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

Pilares de la Fe

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: Pilares de la Fe

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: spa
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: En este libro de Pilares de la Fe que invita a la reflexión, el Dr. Bailey abre nuestro entendimiento acerca de los principios de la fe de Dios. Mientras caminamos con Él por el sendero hacia un camino de fe más perfecto, somos desafiados otra vez para entrar a nuevos ámbitos del Espíritu, ¡donde las montañas son movidas y la fe se convierte en acción!

Conozca su Biblia

eBook / digitaler Text

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

Conozca su Biblia

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: Conozca su Biblia

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: spa
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Como cristianos es vital que seamos bien establecidos en la verdad de la Palabra de Dios para permanecer firmes en los días que están por venir. Tener una comprensión general de la Biblia es un deber, y se convertirá en una realidad a través de la lectura de este libro ungido.Este estudio de los 66 libros de la Biblia incluye un breve comentario sobre el periodo intertestamental de la historia bíblica. El Dr. Bailey se ha centrado en los conceptos claves de cada uno de los estudios, y ha entremezclado varias revelaciones maravillosas de su vasta experiencia. A través de este estudio bien escrito, usted llegará a comprender fácilmente las verdades destacadas que fluyen a través de las páginas del Libro de Dios, y ganará un mayor deseo de estudiar Su Palabra.

La poderosa voz de Dios

eBook / digitaler Text

Rev. Robert A. Tucker Sr.

La poderosa voz de Dios

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titel / Autor: La poderosa voz de Dios

Veröffentlichung: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: spa
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A menudo, muchos cristianos no reconocen la voz de Dios o han sido engañados pensando que otra voz es la Suya. El Reverendo Tucker animará a los lectores a que ellos mismos puedan oír efectivamente la voz de Dios. El responderá las preguntas:¿Cómo podemos conocer la voz de Dios?¿Cómo podemos distinguirla en medio de muchas otras voces en el mundo?¿Cómo podemos evitar ser engañados?¿Cómo se relacionan la fe, la justicia y la sabiduría con el hecho de escuchar la voz de Dios?