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Gefunden 70 Dokumente.

Hopes and impediments


Achebe, Chinua

Hopes and impediments : selected essays / Chinua Achebe

New York : Anchor books, 1990

Titel / Autor: Hopes and impediments : selected essays / Chinua Achebe

Veröffentlichung: New York : Anchor books, 1990

Physische Beschreibung: 188 [1] p. : ill. ; 21 cm

ISBN: 038541479X


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

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Trilingualism in family, school and community


Trilingualism in family, school and community / edited by Charlotte Hoffmann and Jehannes Ytsma

Clevedon [etc.] : Multilingual Matters, c2004

Bilingual education and bilingualism [Multilingual matters] ; 43

Titel / Autor: Trilingualism in family, school and community / edited by Charlotte Hoffmann and Jehannes Ytsma

Veröffentlichung: Clevedon [etc.] : Multilingual Matters, c2004

Physische Beschreibung: V, 242 p. ; 21 cm

Reihen: Bilingual education and bilingualism [Multilingual matters] ; 43

ISBN: 1853596922


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

Trilingualism in family, school and community
  • Scritti di vari
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The Canterville ghost


Wilde, Oscar

The Canterville ghost / Oscar Wilde ; text, adptation and activities by Gaia Ierace ; [illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia]

Genoa [etc.] : Black cat, c1999

Earlyreads. Level 5

Titel / Autor: The Canterville ghost / Oscar Wilde ; text, adptation and activities by Gaia Ierace ; [illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia]

Veröffentlichung: Genoa [etc.] : Black cat, c1999

Physische Beschreibung: 48 p. : in gran parte ill. ; 32 cm. +1 compact disc

Reihen: Earlyreads. Level 5

ISBN: 8877545208


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Nome dell'illustratore dalla cop.
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Ivaldi, Cristina

Bugaboo : the wicked witch / Cristina Ivaldi ; [illustrated by Claudio Decataldo]

Genoa [etc.] : Black cat, c2001

Earlyreads. Level 3

Titel / Autor: Bugaboo : the wicked witch / Cristina Ivaldi ; [illustrated by Claudio Decataldo]

Veröffentlichung: Genoa [etc.] : Black cat, c2001

Physische Beschreibung: 29 p. : in gran parte ill. ; 32 cm. +1 compact disc

Reihen: Earlyreads. Level 3

ISBN: 9788877545732


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Nome dell'illustratore dalla cop.
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Great men and women


Leavitt, Leslie W.

Great men and women / written within the vocabulary of new method reader 5 by Leslie W. Leavitt ; illustrated by Peter Horne

London : Longman, 1958

New method supplementary readers [Longman]. Stage 5

Titel / Autor: Great men and women / written within the vocabulary of new method reader 5 by Leslie W. Leavitt ; illustrated by Peter Horne

Veröffentlichung: London : Longman, 1958

Physische Beschreibung: 127 p. : ill. ; 19 cm

Reihen: New method supplementary readers [Longman]. Stage 5

ISBN: 0582535123


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

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Current issues in the history of masculinity


Tosh, John

Current issues in the history of masculinity / John Tosh

[Roma : Biblink], 2001

Titel / Autor: Current issues in the history of masculinity / John Tosh

Veröffentlichung: [Roma : Biblink], 2001

Physische Beschreibung: P. 63-78 ; 21 cm


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Tit. da p. 63
  • Descrizione basata sull'estratto, in fotocopia
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For whom the bell tolls


Hemingway, Ernest

For whom the bell tolls / by Ernest Hemingway

Stockholm [etc.] : The Continental Book Company AB, c1946

Zephyr ; 26

Titel / Autor: For whom the bell tolls / by Ernest Hemingway

Veröffentlichung: Stockholm [etc.] : The Continental Book Company AB, c1946

Physische Beschreibung: 461, [1] p. ; 19 cm

Reihen: Zephyr ; 26


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: sw

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From Dickens to Hardy


From Dickens to Hardy / edited by Boris Ford


Pelican books [Penguin books]

Teil von: The new Pelican guide to english literature6

Titel / Autor: From Dickens to Hardy / edited by Boris Ford

Veröffentlichung: 1982

Physische Beschreibung: 528 p.

Reihen: Pelican books [Penguin books]

ISBN: 0140222693


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

From Dickens to Hardy
  • 998048242508896 - The new Pelican guide to english literature - 6 -
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Medieval literature


Medieval literature : the European inheritance : with an anthology of medieval literature in the vernacular / edited by Boris Ford


Pelican books [Penguin books]

Teil von: The new Pelican guide to english literature1.2

Titel / Autor: Medieval literature : the European inheritance : with an anthology of medieval literature in the vernacular / edited by Boris Ford

Veröffentlichung: 1984

Physische Beschreibung: 622, [1] p.

Reihen: Pelican books [Penguin books]

ISBN: 0140222723


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

Medieval literature
  • 998048242508896 - The new Pelican guide to english literature - 1.2 -
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Africa is not a country


Faloyin, Dipo

Africa is not a country : breaking stereotypes of modern Africa / Dipo Faloyin

London : Harvill Secker, 2022

Titel / Autor: Africa is not a country : breaking stereotypes of modern Africa / Dipo Faloyin

Veröffentlichung: London : Harvill Secker, 2022

Physische Beschreibung: 380 p. ; 23 cm

ISBN: 9781529114829


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

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African Americans


African Americans : history, politics and culture / various athors ; herausgegeben von Susanne Heinz

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2020

The bigger picture

Titel / Autor: African Americans : history, politics and culture / various athors ; herausgegeben von Susanne Heinz

Veröffentlichung: Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2020

Physische Beschreibung: 223 p. : graf. ; 20 cm

Reihen: The bigger picture

ISBN: 9783125800168


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

African Americans
  • Scritti di vari
  • Con espansioni online
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In english come lo diresti?


Hoyt, Phoebe

In english come lo diresti? : dialoghi realistici ed esercizi mirati per conversare in maniera spigliata e disinvolta / Phoebe Hoyt

Milano : Rizzoli, 2025

Activ english [Rizzoli]

Titel / Autor: In english come lo diresti? : dialoghi realistici ed esercizi mirati per conversare in maniera spigliata e disinvolta / Phoebe Hoyt

Veröffentlichung: Milano : Rizzoli, 2025

Physische Beschreibung: 268 p. ; 20 cm

Reihen: Activ english [Rizzoli]

ISBN: 9788817191166


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Con QRcode per espansione online
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Abstract: Questo libro propone 21 dialoghi realistici che ti permettono di imparare a parlare un inglese autentico in tutte le occasioni. Grazie a esercizi mirati e ai dialoghi letti dall’autrice (che si ascoltano semplicemente inquadrando i QR code che troverai nel libro), potrai prendere confidenza con le espressioni di chi è madrelingua, imparerai a utilizzarle nei contesti giusti, acquisirai fiducia nel tuo inglese e potrai parlare bene in tutte le situazioni.

Oxford essential Arabic dictionary


Oxford essential Arabic dictionary : English-Arabic, Arabic-English

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2010

Titel / Autor: Oxford essential Arabic dictionary : English-Arabic, Arabic-English

Veröffentlichung: Oxford : Oxford University press, 2010

Physische Beschreibung: XII, 374 p. ; 18 cm

ISBN: 9780199561155


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

Oxford essential Arabic dictionary
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How reading has changed


De Kerckhove, Derrick

How reading has changed : the library as a cognitive accelerator in the digital culture : abstract / Derrick de Kerckhove

Milano : [s.n.], 2005

Titel / Autor: How reading has changed : the library as a cognitive accelerator in the digital culture : abstract / Derrick de Kerckhove

Veröffentlichung: Milano : [s.n.], 2005

Physische Beschreibung: [2] c. ; 30 cm


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Relazione tenuta in occasione del Convegno Le teche della lettura: leggere in biblioteca al tempo della rete, tenuto a Milano, Palazzo delle Stelline, dal 17 al 18 marzo 2005
  • Saggio presentato al Convegno (Milano, 17-18 marzo 2005): si occupa di un aspetto centrale della vita delle biblioteche: la pratica della lettura. Negli ultimi tempi, infatti, si è riacceso in molti ambienti l'interesse per la lettura, come dimostrano alcuni importanti convegni e indagini. Il che ha reso ancora più urgente per le biblioteche individuare il ruolo che intendono giocare all'interno di un progetto di rilancio della lettura. In questo senso il saggio si propone di focalizzare l'attenzione sulla teoria e la pratica del leggere, sulle abitudini e i comportamenti di lettura in un ambiente sempre più marcatamente multimediale nel quale la lettura è destinata ad assumere un carattere polimorfo
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The upper Adige


The upper Adige : the rights and duties of Italy

Roma : Evaristo Armani, 1918?

Titel / Autor: The upper Adige : the rights and duties of Italy

Veröffentlichung: Roma : Evaristo Armani, 1918?

Physische Beschreibung: 27 p., [1] c. geogr. ; 17 cm


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

The upper Adige
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Language policy and linguistic minorities in India


Benedikter, Thomas

Language policy and linguistic minorities in India : an appraisal of the linguistic rights of minorities in India / Thomas Benedikter

Berlin : Lit, c2009

Studies on Asia [Lit] ; 3

Titel / Autor: Language policy and linguistic minorities in India : an appraisal of the linguistic rights of minorities in India / Thomas Benedikter

Veröffentlichung: Berlin : Lit, c2009

Physische Beschreibung: 229 p. : tab., fot. ; 21 cm

Reihen: Studies on Asia [Lit] ; 3

ISBN: 9783643102317


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Guinea-Bissau

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Abstract: India not only is concerned with inevitable multilinguism, but also with the rights of many millions of speakers of minority languages. Linguistic minorities in India often feel discriminated and they experience on a daily basis that their mother tongues are deemed worthless dialects that have little utility in modern life. Is the extinction of so many languages the inevitable price to be paid for economic modernization, cultural homogenisation and the multilingual fabric of India's society at large?

The origin of language


Ruhlen, Merritt

The origin of language : tracing the evolution of the mother tongue / Merritt Ruhlen

New York : John Wiley & sons, c1994

Titel / Autor: The origin of language : tracing the evolution of the mother tongue / Merritt Ruhlen

Veröffentlichung: New York : John Wiley & sons, c1994

Physische Beschreibung: XI, 239 p. ; 25 cm

ISBN: 0471159638


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

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Hobart, Ruth

Cinderella / retold by Ruth Hobart ; illustrated by Giovanni Manna

Genoa : Black cat, 2006

Earlyreads. Level 3

Titel / Autor: Cinderella / retold by Ruth Hobart ; illustrated by Giovanni Manna

Veröffentlichung: Genoa : Black cat, 2006

Physische Beschreibung: 29 p. : in gran parte ill. ; 24 cm

Reihen: Earlyreads. Level 3

ISBN: 9788853004932


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

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Biggest, fastest, tallest.. and many more record-breakinh extremes


Stobbart, Darran.

Biggest, fastest, tallest.. and many more record-breakinh extremes / Darran Stobbart, Kasia Serafin.

London : Usborne, 2019.

Lift the flap

Titel / Autor: Biggest, fastest, tallest.. and many more record-breakinh extremes / Darran Stobbart, Kasia Serafin.

Veröffentlichung: London : Usborne, 2019.

Physische Beschreibung: 15 p. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 31 cm.

Reihen: Lift the flap

ISBN: 9781474950855


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Dati dalla copertina.
  • V. cartonato con finestrelle apribili.
  • Età: dai 0 ai 5 anni.
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Felice Fontana life and works


Knoefel, Peter K.

Felice Fontana life and works / Peter. K. Knoefel

Trento : Società di studi trentini di scienze storiche, stampa 1984

Studi su Felice Fontana ; 2

Titel / Autor: Felice Fontana life and works / Peter. K. Knoefel

Veröffentlichung: Trento : Società di studi trentini di scienze storiche, stampa 1984

Physische Beschreibung: XIX, [1], 422 p. : ill. ; 24 cm

Reihen: Studi su Felice Fontana ; 2


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

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