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× Sprachniveau A1
× Namen Enthofer, Clemens
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Gefunden 2020 Dokumente.

Saturday storm Julia Newsome

Newsome, Julia

Saturday storm / Julia Newsome

Oxford : Richmond, 1997

Richmond readers. Level 2

The mysteries of Easter Island Antonella Ferri

Ferri, Antonella

The mysteries of Easter Island / Antonella Ferri

Milano : Principato, 2007

My english bookshelf [Principato]

Food for thought Pauline Francis

Francis, Pauline

Food for thought / Pauline Francis

New ed.

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2008

Penguin readers. Level 3

Abstract: Farm work isn't Joe's idea of holiday fun. He wanted to spend the summer surfing, but when he finds himself in the middle of a disagreement about GM (genetically-modified) crop trials, life becomes more interesting. He also meets two very different girls. But what do they really want from him?

C'est mon métier! de Joy Olivier
Spiele und Unterhaltung

Olivier, Joy

C'est mon métier! [Gioco] / de Joy Olivier

Recanati : ELI, 2018

Le Français en s'amusant

Giallo al Grand Hotel du Lac Maria Grazia Di Bernardo ; illustrazioni di Emiliano Ponzi

Di Bernardo, Maria Grazia

Giallo al Grand Hotel du Lac / Maria Grazia Di Bernardo ; illustrazioni di Emiliano Ponzi

Genova : Cideb, 2011

Imparare leggendo [Cideb]. Livello Uno A2

So geht's noch besser neu A2-B1 Anni Fischer-Mitziviris, Sylvia Janke-Papanikolaou

Fischer-Mitziviris, Anni

So geht's noch besser neu A2-B1 : Fertigkeitentraining für das Goethe-/ÖSD-Zertifikat B1 / Anni Fischer-Mitziviris, Sylvia Janke-Papanikolaou

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2014

Bel-ami Guy de Maupassant ; adaptation libre et activités de Domitille Hatuel ; illustrations de Evelina Floris

Hatuel, Domitille

Bel-ami / Guy de Maupassant ; adaptation libre et activités de Domitille Hatuel ; illustrations de Evelina Floris

Recanati : ELI, 2013

Lectures ELI seniors. Niveau 2

Abstract: Versione ridotta e semplificata ad uso scolastico, con vocabolario di 800 parole

La cocina mexicana texto: Miryam Audiffred

Audiffred, Miryam

La cocina mexicana / texto: Miryam Audiffred

Barcelona : Difusión, c2012

America latina

Tristan and Isolde text adaptation by George Gibson ; activities by Alexandra Gray ; illustrated by Alida Massari

Gibson, George

Tristan and Isolde / text adaptation by George Gibson ; activities by Alexandra Gray ; illustrated by Alida Massari

Genova : Cideb, 2007 ; Canterbury : Black cat

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step one A2

Beyond Robert Campbell, Rob Metcalf, Rebecca Robb Benne

Campbell, Robert

Beyond : A2+ / Robert Campbell, Rob Metcalf, Rebecca Robb Benne

London : MacMillan, 2014

Abstract: The Student's Book Premium Pack consists of the print Student's Book with a code that provides access to the Online Workbook, as well as the Student's Resource Centre. The Online workbook is an online version of the Beyond Print Workbook which contains interactive versions of all the Workbook activities, providing students with fun and engaging learning. Also, included is an integrated teacher-operated Markbook which allows instant feedback and progression checks. TheWeiterlesen

44 kommunikative Spiele Susanne Daum und Hans-Jürgen Hantschel

Daum, Susanne

44 kommunikative Spiele : Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Susanne Daum und Hans-Jürgen Hantschel

Stuttgart : Klett, 2015

Generación Y Susana Orozco Gonzáles

Orozco Gonzáles, Susana

Generación Y / Susana Orozco Gonzáles

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Novelas rosas [Hoepli]. Nivel A2

Abstract: I Racconti sentimentali sono storie inedite create per un pubblico di giovani lettori, ricche di episodi vicini alla vita e alle esperienze degli studenti per favorire un approccio originale e avvincente allo studio della lingua. Un'appassionante storia d'amore ambientata in una Barcellona dei nostri tempi che ha per protagonisti due ragazzi come tanti. Ana ha sedici anni e una grande passione per il teatro, Javier è un giovane di buona famiglia. Sono innamorati e felici,Weiterlesen

Orientierung im Beruf Intensivtrainer Angelika Braun, Petra Szablewski-Çavus

Orientierung im Beruf Intensivtrainer / Angelika Braun, Petra Szablewski-Çavus

Berlin [etc.] : Langenscheidt, c2010

Deutsch für .. Ihren Beruf Gloria Bosch, Kristine Dahmen, Ulrike Haas

Bosch, Gloria

Deutsch für .. Ihren Beruf / Gloria Bosch, Kristine Dahmen, Ulrike Haas

Ismaning : Hueber, c2009

Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Hueber]

Teil von: Schritte plus im Beruf

Abstract: Kopiervorlagen für zwanzig verschiedene Berufe vermitteln den relevanten Fachwortschatz und berufstypische Redemittel, die die Kursteilnehmer in Rollenspielen frei anzuwenden lernen. Pro Beruf umfassen die Materialien 6 bis 8 Seiten und enthalten eine großformatige vierfarbige Illustration des Arbeitsplatzes (z.B. Friseur/in, Krankenpfleger/in, Kellner/in, Reinigungskraft, Lagerkraft). Auf den folgenden Seiten werden die für diesen Beruf wichtigsten Verben und RedemittelWeiterlesen

Writing sentences Dorothy E. Zemach

Zemach, Dorothy E.

Writing sentences : the basics of writing : student book / Dorothy E. Zemach

Oxford : Macmillan Education, c2011

Macmillan writing series

Fibnal del juego Julio Cortázar ; Sprecher: Carlos Heberle und Beatriz Smith

Cortázar, Julio

Fibnal del juego [Audioregistrazione] / Julio Cortázar ; Sprecher: Carlos Heberle und Beatriz Smith

München : Digital publishing, c2007

Interaktives Hörbuch. Spanisch. A2

Tales of the unexpected Roald Dahl ; Sprecher: David Creedon

Dahl, Roald

Tales of the unexpected [Audioregistrazione] / Roald Dahl ; Sprecher: David Creedon

München : Digital publishing, c2010

Interaktives Hörbuch. Englisch. A2

Einfach schreiben Sandra Hohmann

Hohmann, Sandra

Einfach schreiben : Deutsch als Zweit- und Fremdsprache A2-B1 : [Übungsbuch] / Sandra Hohmann

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2011

The cape of good hope LONi


The cape of good hope / LONi

London : Delta Publishing ; Stuttgart : Klett, 2021

Delta readers. Crime and thriller

The heart of Boston rap Dwain Pickett

Pickett, Dwain

The heart of Boston rap / Dwain Pickett

London : Delta Publishing, 2020 ; Stuttgart : Klett

Delta Readers. Me and my world

Abstract: Sarah and Alicia are very good friends. When rapper Ritchie, Alicia’s boyfriend, gets the opportunity to record a professional video for one of his raps, he asks Alicia and Sarah to dance in the video. But the more time they all spend together, the more Sarah no longer knows what her feelings for Ritchie are. Caught in this triangle, both Sarah and Ritchie need to decide what to do. Or do they?