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Ogunjobi, Rotimi
The high-powered christian entrepreneur. How to achieve your life and financial goals
Titel / Autor: The high-powered christian entrepreneur. How to achieve your life and financial goals
Veröffentlichung: Tektime, 04/01/2021
- Lingua: inglese
- Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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It is the desire of every rational person to achieve measurable success in their occupation. However, most persons pass through life unhappy with most aspects of their lives. We crave a good life but rarely carry our aspirations beyond the belief it could be achieved through hard work often in the wrong professions. We regularly work at tasks for which we are not suited and regrettably end up with a poor imitation of what we imagine success to be.The High-Powered Christian Entrepreneur is a book for Bible-believing Christians, both young and the old. It illustrates through instructions and activities how to rise again from life failures and create a new life enterprise suited to what God has fashioned you to be.The High-Powered Christian Entrepreneur shows how to use proven goal-setting principles in tandem with sound Christian principles to achieve life and financial goals in spite of the times. Though written for practicing Christians this book is meant for anyone in earnest search for measurable goals, progress, and achievements in their life and earnestly able to commit themselves to that search. CONTENTS:Chapter 1How do you know whether your life is on course or not? It is often quite easy to find out if you know the tell-tale signs. Give your life an audit.Chapter 2 If you are convinced that you are going wrong in life, it is necessary to do rid yourself of the pains. Examine all your bad decisions, influences, and quantifiable failures. Decide to forgive yourself.Chapter 3Many of those things and persons that you had previously relied on are nothing but unnecessary props. Resolve to get rid of them.Chapter 4Begin to build up your spirit by speaking good things to and about yourself. Set a purposeful goal and make plans on how to actualize it.Chapter 5Take inventory of your skills. Decide which ones you will need to actualize your goal and what new skill you will need to learn.Chapter 6A reaction is always a natural result of an action. Examine those obstacles which could hinder and completely halt your progress, and deal with them.Chapter 7It is now time to start implementing your plan, but how positive are you about success, and how well prepared are you for failure? Pursuing a goal is a lot like war, and you need to make contingency battle plans.Chapter 8Success requires an uncommon attitude or several of those attitudes. Get yourself a brand new routine and earnestly forge ahead with your goal constantly in sight.Chapter 9It is a natural law is that you cannot sow oranges and harvest apples. Similarly, to reap money you must needlessly sow money. Chapter 10Always having a goal is important, but having a vision is more life-fulfilling. How would you like to be remembered? Learn how to create a vision to crown your life.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME