999 emergency

Smith, Rod

999 emergency

Abstract: The Scholastic DVD Readers combine graded reading with authentic audio-visual material that appeals to teenage students around the world

Titel / Autor: 999 emergency / adapted by Rod Smith

Veröffentlichung: London : Scholastic, 2013

Physische Beschreibung: 48 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 disco ottico elettronico (DVD) in tasca

Reihen: DVD readers [Scholastic]

ISBN: 9781908351852


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • In cop.: Level A2, Content area, social studies
Allgemeine Daten (100)
  • Datumstyp: Jahr (bestimmtes Datum)
  • Datum: 2013
  • Target: a
Texte (105)
  • Genre: Belletristik


APA:Smith, R..(2013). 999 emergency Scholastic.

MLA:Smith, Rod, . 999 emergency London: Scholastic.2013.

Chicago:Smith, Rod, . (2013). 999 emergency London: Scholastic.

Harvard:Smith, R..(2013). 999 emergency London: Scholastic.

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