The boy who new two much


The boy who new two much

Titel / Autor: The boy who new two much [Audioregistrazione] / Mika

Veröffentlichung: Gran Bretagna : Casablanca Music, p2009

Physische Beschreibung: 1 disco sonoro (CD) : stereo ; 12 cm. +1 opusc. ([8] c.)


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

Notizen des Inhaltes:
  • We Are Golden -- Blame it on the Girls -- Rain -- Dr. John -- I See You -- Blue Eyes -- Good Gone Girl -- Touches You -- By the Time -- One Foot Boy -- Toy Boy -- Pick Up Off the Floor
  • Descrizione basata anche sul contenitore
Allgemeine Daten (100)
  • Datumstyp: Jahr (bestimmtes Datum)
  • Datum: 2009
Texte (105)
  • Genre: Belletristik


APA:Mika, .(2009). The *boy who new two much Casablanca Music.

MLA:Mika, . The *boy who new two much Gran Bretagna: Casablanca Music.2009.

Chicago:Mika, . (2009). The *boy who new two much Gran Bretagna: Casablanca Music.

Harvard:Mika, .(2009). The *boy who new two much Gran Bretagna: Casablanca Music.

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