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Titolo e contributi: Tabloid suite ; Grand Canyon suite [Audioregistrazione] : four pictures of a modern newspaper : five pictures of the Grand Canyon / Ferde Grofé ; [musiche eseguite da] Metropole Orchestra ; conducted by Jan Stulen
APA:Grofé, F..(2004). Tabloid suite ; Grand Canyon suitefour pictures of a modern newspaper : five pictures of the Grand Canyon Basta.
MLA:Grofé, Ferde, . Tabloid suite ; Grand Canyon suitefour pictures of a modern newspaper : five pictures of the Grand Canyon Olanda : Basta.2004.
Chicago:Grofé, Ferde, . (2004). Tabloid suite ; Grand Canyon suitefour pictures of a modern newspaper : five pictures of the Grand Canyon Olanda : Basta.
Harvard:Grofé, F..(2004). Tabloid suite ; Grand Canyon suitefour pictures of a modern newspaper : five pictures of the Grand Canyon Olanda : Basta.