Controversies and conflicts in setting up an immersion school

Schweigkofler, Anny

Controversies and conflicts in setting up an immersion school

Abstract: The introduction of an immersion programme in the German-Italian bilingual province of South Tirol in Northern Italy is the objective of this study. Arguments for and against the implementation of Immersion are collected by a questionnaire. The different language realities of the German language minority and the Italian language majority have always been an issue of debate within the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. Oggetto di questo studio è l’introduzione di un programma di immersione nella provincia bilingue Alto Adige/Südtirol nell’Italia del Nord. Argomenti a favore e contrari sono stati raccolti attraverso un questionario. Le diverse realtà linguistiche della minoranza tedesca e della maggioranza italiana sono state tema di dibattito nella provincia autonoma di Bolzano.

Titel / Autor: Controversies and conflicts in setting up an immersion school : a case study of Bolzano / Anny Schweigkofler ; supervisor: Delyth Jones

Veröffentlichung: A. a. 1999

Physische Beschreibung: 109 c.


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Dattiloscritto
  • Verso delle c. bianco
  • In cop.: Dissertation, M.A. Bilingual studies: a european dimension, Trinity College Carmarthen
Allgemeine Daten (100)
  • Datumstyp: Jahr (bestimmtes Datum)
  • Datum: 1999
  • Target: Erwachsene
Texte (105)
  • Genre: Belletristik


APA:Schweigkofler, A..(1999). Controversies and conflicts in setting up an immersion school a case study of Bolzano

MLA:Schweigkofler, Anny, . Controversies and conflicts in setting up an immersion school a case study of Bolzano1999.

Chicago:Schweigkofler, Anny, . (1999). Controversies and conflicts in setting up an immersion school a case study of Bolzano

Harvard:Schweigkofler, A..(1999). Controversies and conflicts in setting up an immersion school a case study of Bolzano

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