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Teaching English as a foreign Language (EFL) in South Tyrol's German High Schools during the COVID-19 Pandemie Samantha Albanese ; [supervisor] Eva Maria Hirzinger-Untterrainer
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Albanese, Samantha
Teaching English as a foreign Language (EFL) in South Tyrol's German High Schools during the COVID-19 Pandemie
Titel / Autor: Teaching English as a foreign Language (EFL) in South Tyrol's German High Schools during the COVID-19 Pandemie : master's thesis : Masterstudium Lehramt Sekundarstufe.. Area of Language Didactics, Department of Subiect-Specific Education, Faculty of Education, University of Innsbruck / Samantha Albanese ; [supervisor] Eva Maria Hirzinger-Untterrainer
Veröffentlichung: 2021
Physische Beschreibung:
150 c. ; 30 cm. +1 disco ottico elettronico (DVD) in tasca
Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)
APA:Albanese, S..(2021). Teaching English as a foreign Language (EFL) in South Tyrol's German High Schools during the COVID-19 Pandemie master's thesis : Masterstudium Lehramt Sekundarstufe.. Area of Language Didactics, Department of Subiect-Specific Education, Faculty of Education, University of Innsbruck
MLA:Albanese, Samantha, . Teaching English as a foreign Language (EFL) in South Tyrol's German High Schools during the COVID-19 Pandemie master's thesis : Masterstudium Lehramt Sekundarstufe.. Area of Language Didactics, Department of Subiect-Specific Education, Faculty of Education, University of Innsbruck2021.
Chicago:Albanese, Samantha, . (2021). Teaching English as a foreign Language (EFL) in South Tyrol's German High Schools during the COVID-19 Pandemie master's thesis : Masterstudium Lehramt Sekundarstufe.. Area of Language Didactics, Department of Subiect-Specific Education, Faculty of Education, University of Innsbruck
Harvard:Albanese, S..(2021). Teaching English as a foreign Language (EFL) in South Tyrol's German High Schools during the COVID-19 Pandemie master's thesis : Masterstudium Lehramt Sekundarstufe.. Area of Language Didactics, Department of Subiect-Specific Education, Faculty of Education, University of Innsbruck