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There will be blood ; a Joanne Sellar, Ghoulardi Film Company productionwritten for the screen and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson ; based on Oil by Upton Sinclair ; produced by Joanne Sellar, Paul Thomas Anderson, Daniel Lupi
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There will be blood ; a Joanne Sellar, Ghoulardi Film Company production
There will be blood ; a Joanne Sellar, Ghoulardi Film Company production - Kopien
USA, a cavallo tra '800 e '900. La scalata al successo economico di Daniel Plainview, un ambizioso minatore che dopo aver acquisito un prezioso giacimento petrolifero diviene uno spietato mercante di oro nero. (Cinematografo)
Titel / Autor: There will be blood ; a Joanne Sellar, Ghoulardi Film Company production [Videoregistrazione] / written for the screen and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson ; based on Oil by Upton Sinclair ; produced by Joanne Sellar, Paul Thomas Anderson, Daniel Lupi
Veröffentlichung: Gran Bretagna : Buena Vista Home Entertainment [distributore], 2008?
Physische Beschreibung:
2 DVD (152') : color., son. ; 12 cm
Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)
There will be blood
Lingue: inglese
Sottotitoli: inglese, inglese per non udenti
Con contenuti extra
Vietato ai minori di anni 15 (censura inglese)
DVD area 2 ; PAL ; formato video: 2.40:1 ; formato audio: Dolby Digital 5.1, 2.0
APA:.(2008). There will be blood ; a Joanne Sellar, Ghoulardi Film Company production Buena Vista Home Entertainment [distributore].
MLA:. There will be blood ; a Joanne Sellar, Ghoulardi Film Company production Gran Bretagna: Buena Vista Home Entertainment [distributore].2008.
Chicago:. (2008). There will be blood ; a Joanne Sellar, Ghoulardi Film Company production Gran Bretagna: Buena Vista Home Entertainment [distributore].
Harvard:.(2008). There will be blood ; a Joanne Sellar, Ghoulardi Film Company production Gran Bretagna: Buena Vista Home Entertainment [distributore].