Includi: tutti i seguenti filtri
× Data 2022
× Lingue Inglese
× Pubblicazione locale Tirolensia

Trovati 3 documenti.

Italiano or Deutsch candidate: Sophia Gatscher ; supervisor: Douglas Brown

Gatscher, Sophia

Italiano or Deutsch : language and identity: current issues, attitudes and challenges in South Tyrol : laurea/Bachelor of art in Global governance / candidate: Sophia Gatscher ; supervisor: Douglas Brown


Colour psychology as a Marketing strategy candidate: De Vita Giuditta ; supervisor: Aichner Thomas

De Vita, Giuditta

Colour psychology as a Marketing strategy : differentiation among cultures, with a study on italian-speaking and german-spikung south Tyrolians : Bachelor in Economics and Management : Bachelor thesis / candidate: De Vita Giuditta ; supervisor: Aichner Thomas


The Passer river Nicola Morandini ; curated by = a cura di = kuriert von Marco Cillis

Morandini, Nicola

The Passer river : assonances / Nicola Morandini ; curated by = a cura di = kuriert von Marco Cillis

Merano : Palais Mamming Museum, 2022

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Merano - Biblioteca CivicaScaffale aperto
779.307 445 383 23 MOR
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