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× Livello lingua B1
× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Letture
× Data 2010

Trovati 6 documenti.

Tales of the unreal Jerome K. Jerome, Mary E. Wilkins ; notes and activities Luisa Benigni, Ann Louise Schou Clarke, Eliana Giommetti

Jerome, Jerome K.

Tales of the unreal / Jerome K. Jerome, Mary E. Wilkins ; notes and activities Luisa Benigni, Ann Louise Schou Clarke, Eliana Giommetti

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B1

Rob Roy Sir Walter Scott ; text adaptation and activities by Kenneth Brodey ; illustrated by Gianni De Conno

Brodey, Kenneth

Rob Roy / Sir Walter Scott ; text adaptation and activities by Kenneth Brodey ; illustrated by Gianni De Conno

Genoa [etc.] : Black cat, 2010

Reading and training. Step Two B1.1

The picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde ; retold by Jane Bowie ; illustrated by Antonio van der Zee

Bowie Jane

The picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde ; retold by Jane Bowie ; illustrated by Antonio van der Zee

Recanati : ELI ; Stuttgart : Klett, 2010

Young adult readers [ELI]. Stage 3

Ernest Hemingway Scott Wheeldon

Wheeldon Scott

Ernest Hemingway / Scott Wheeldon

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Biographies [Hoepli]. Level B1

Abstract: Hemingway, romanziere e giornalista, raggiunse in vita popolarità e fama. Con il romanzo Il vecchio e il mare vinse il premio Pulitzer nel 1953 e l’anno successivo fu insignito del Premio Nobel per la letteratura. Dopo una turbolenta e intensa vita, morì suicida nel luglio 1961.. (

Berlin Express Michael Austen

Austen, Michael

Berlin Express / Michael Austen

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 4

The picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde ; retold by Jane Bowie ; illustrated by Antonio van der Zee

Bowie, Jane

The picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde ; retold by Jane Bowie ; illustrated by Antonio van der Zee

Recanati : ELI, c2010

Young adult Eli readers. stage 3