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× Nomi Ogunjobi, Rotimi
× Data 2021

Trovati 42 documenti.

The high-powered christian entrepreneur. How to achieve your life and financial goals
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi

The high-powered christian entrepreneur. How to achieve your life and financial goals

Tektime, 04/01/2021

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Abstract: It is the desire of every rational person to achieve measurable success in their occupation. However, most persons pass through life unhappy with most aspects of their lives. We crave a good life but rarely carry our aspirations beyond the belief it could be achieved through hard work often in the wrong professions. We regularly work at tasks for which we are not suited and regrettably end up with a poor imitation of what we imagine success to be.The High-PoweredLeggi tutto

The Bata Dancer
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi

The Bata Dancer

Tektime, 04/01/2021

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Abstract: A theatre scriptwriter loses his job, his marriage and his only child. He travels to a rural town in search of a quiet place to reorganize his confused life. Here he again meets with a legendary Bata dancer and the reunion rekindles his ambition to write a new play. But his success will depend on how much he is able to understand the mysterious language of the Bata drums and dance His bitter past has left him with the fear of another relationship and when the charming andLeggi tutto

eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Areniello, Monja


Tektime, 26/01/2021

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Abstract: Leopard diventa amico di un animale scaltro chiamato Scalliwaty che divora tutti i cuccioli del Leopardo. Il Leopardo fa molti tentativi per intrappolare Scalliwatty, senza fortuna.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Freddie la volpe intelligente. Ediz. greca
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Anexi, Eleni

Freddie la volpe intelligente. Ediz. greca

Tektime, 26/01/2021

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Abstract: Ο Φρέντι η αλεπού δεν ήθελε να γίνει δείπνο για το λιοντάρι και έτσι καταστρώνει ένα πανέξυπνο σχέδιο.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Freddie Schlaufuchs
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Triebenbacher, Katharina

Freddie Schlaufuchs

Tektime, 26/01/2021

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Abstract: Freddie Fuchs will kein Löwenfutter werden, also heckt er einen schlauen Plan aus.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Freddie el zorro astuto
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Carballo, Erick

Freddie el zorro astuto

Tektime, 26/01/2021

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Abstract: Freddie el zorro no quería convertirse en la cena del león, así que preparó un plan inteligente.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Freddie la volpe intelligente
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Favaro, Alberto

Freddie la volpe intelligente

Tektime, 26/01/2021

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Abstract: Freddie la volpe non voleva diventare la cena del leone e perciò prepara un piano intelligente.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Tejinder


Tektime, 28/01/2021

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Abstract: Er war nur ein weiterer arbeitsloser Jugendlicher, der seine Misserfolge satt hatte und sogar über Selbstmord nachdachte. Aber er entdeckt, dass er eine erstaunliche Gabe hat, in den Lotterien zu gewinnen, und das macht ihn sehr reich. Die Lotteriebetreiber sind nicht amüsiert, aber ihre mehreren Versuche, ihn zu ermorden, scheitern. Am Ende muss er jedoch zu seinem Leidwesen feststellen, dass die Dinge nie so sind, wie man sie sich erträumt.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Freddie le renard futé
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Baumier, Florence

Freddie le renard futé

Tektime, 02/02/2021

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Abstract: Freddie le renard ne voulait pas finir en dîner pour lion, il prépara donc un plan futé.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Scalliwatty. Ediz. spagnola
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Donato, Mariano

Scalliwatty. Ediz. spagnola

Tektime, 06/02/2021

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Abstract: Leopardo se hace amigo de un astuto animal llamado Scalliwaty que se come a todos los cachorros de Leopardo. Leopardo realiza muchos intentos para atrapar a Scalliwatty, sin suerte.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Freddie a raposa esperta
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Costa, Irina

Freddie a raposa esperta

Tektime, 12/02/2021

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Abstract: Freddie a raposa não queria tornar-se o jantar do leão, então preparou um plano engenhoso.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Freddie Yule Mbweha Mjaja
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Njoroge, Ephraim Kamau

Freddie Yule Mbweha Mjaja

Tektime, 18/02/2021

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Abstract: Freddie yule mbweha mjanja hakutaka kuwa chakula cha jioni, na kwa hivyo akauda mpango wa busaraPUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Fredi dhelpra e zgjuar
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Rainbow

Fredi dhelpra e zgjuar

Tektime, 19/02/2021

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Abstract: Dhelpra Fredi nuk donte të bëhej darka e luanit, ndaj ai përgatit një plan të zgjuar.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Freddie la volpe intelligente. Ediz. giapponese
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Yamagami, Natsuko

Freddie la volpe intelligente. Ediz. giapponese

Tektime, 22/02/2021

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Abstract: きつねのフレディはライオンの夕食になりたくなかったので、うまい計画を作り上げる。PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Der Scalliwatty
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Kern, Carolin

Der Scalliwatty

Tektime, 27/02/2021

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Abstract: Der Leopard freundet sich mit einem listigen Tier an, der Scalliwatty genannt wird und alle Jungen des Leoparden frisst. Der Leopard unternimmt viele Versuche den Scalliwatty zu fangen, aber ohne Glück.Der Leopard freundet sich mit einem gerissenen Tier an, der Scalliwatty genannt wird und alle Jungen des Leoparden frisst. Der Leopard unternimmt viele Versuche den Scalliwatty zu fangen, aber ohne Glück.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

La storia più lunga
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Brilli, Andreaceleste

La storia più lunga

Tektime, 05/03/2021

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Abstract: La piccola Minnie Makerpiece voleva vincere un viaggio a Disneyland raccontando la storia più lunga, così andò a parlare con il nonno Makepiece.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

La plus longue histoire
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Nesto

La plus longue histoire

Tektime, 06/03/2021

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Abstract: La petite Minnie Makepiece voulait gagner un voyage de vacances à Disneyland en racontant la plus longue histoire, alors elle est allée parler avec grand-père Makepiece.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

La historia más larga
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - -

La historia más larga

Tektime, 08/03/2021

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Abstract: La pequeña Minnie Makepiece deseaba ganar un viaje de vacaciones a Disneyland contando la historia más larga, por lo que se dirigió a hablar con su abuelo Makepiece.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

La storia più lunga. Ediz. araba
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Aldewan, Mushtaq

La storia più lunga. Ediz. araba

Tektime, 11/03/2021

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Abstract: أرادت (ميني ماكيبسي) الصغيرة الفوز برحلة عطلة إلى (ديزني لاند) عن طريق سرد أطول قصة ، لذا ذهبت للتحدث مع الجد (ماكيبسي).PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Kaval Rebane Freddie
eBook / testo digitale

Ogunjobi, Rotimi - Taavel

Kaval Rebane Freddie

Tektime, 17/03/2021

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Abstract: Rebane Freddie ei tahtnud lõvi esimeseks õhtusöögiks saada, seega nuputas ta välja kavala plaani.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME