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eBook / testo digitale

Александр Пушкин


Interactive Media

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Titolo e contributi: Кирджали

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: rus
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Кирджали был родом булгар. Кирджали на турецком языке значит витязь, удалец. Настоящего его имени я не знаю. Кирджали своими разбоями наводил ужас на всю Молдавию. Чтоб дать об нем некоторое понятие, расскажу один из его подвигов. Однажды ночью он и арнаут Михайлаки напали вдвоем на булгарское селение. Они зажгли его с двух концов и стали переходить из хижины в хижину.

The Egyptian Nights

eBook / testo digitale

Alexander Pushkin

The Egyptian Nights

Interactive Media

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Titolo e contributi: The Egyptian Nights

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Charsky used every possible endeavour to rid himself of the intolerable appellation. He avoided the society of his literary brethren, and preferred to them the men of the world, even the most shallow-minded: but that did not help him. His conversation was of the most commonplace character, and never turned upon literature. In his dress he always observed the very latest fashion, with the timidity and superstition of a young Moscovite arriving in St. Petersburg for the first time in his life. In his study, furnished like a lady's bedroom, nothing recalled the writer; no books littered the table; the divan was not stained with ink; there was none of that disorder which denotes the presence of the Muse and the absence of broom and brush.

Египетские ночи

eBook / testo digitale

Александр Пушкин

Египетские ночи

Interactive Media

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Titolo e contributi: Египетские ночи

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: rus
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Молодой и успешный поэт Чарский чувствует приближение вдохновения, когда в его петербургскую квартиру входит приезжий итальянец в истёртом платье, напоминающий шарлатана. Незнакомец называет себя неаполитанским художником и выражает надежду на помощь со стороны "собрата". Чарский отвечает ему резко и холодно, будучи уязвлён таким уподоблением.

The Snowstorm

eBook / testo digitale

Alexander Pushkin

The Snowstorm

Interactive Media

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Titolo e contributi: The Snowstorm

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A seventeen-year-old girl, Maria Gavrilovna, falls in love with a young officer, Vladimir Nikolayevich. Her parents disapprove of the relationship, which continues into the winter through correspondence. Finally they decide to elope, marry quickly, and then throw themselves at the feet of her parents to beg forgiveness.


eBook / testo digitale

Александр Пушкин


Interactive Media

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Titolo e contributi: Метель

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: rus
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: В конце 1811 года, в эпоху нам достопамятную, жил в своем поместье Ненарадове добрый Гаврила Гаврилович. Он славился во всей округе гостеприимством и радушием; соседи поминутно ездили к нему поесть, попить, поиграть по пяти копеек в бостон с его женою, а некоторые для того, чтоб поглядеть на дочку их, Марью Гавриловну, стройную, бледную и семнадцатилетнюю девицу. Она считалась богатой невестою, и многие прочили ее за себя или за сыновей.

The Happy Prince and Other Tales

eBook / testo digitale

Oscar Wilde

The Happy Prince and Other Tales


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Titolo e contributi: The Happy Prince and Other Tales

Pubblicazione: Passerino

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Happy Prince and Other Tales (sometimes called The Happy Prince and Other Stories) is a collection of stories for children by Oscar Wilde first published in May 1888. It contains five stories: "The Happy Prince", "The Nightingale and the Rose", "The Selfish Giant", "The Devoted Friend", and "The Remarkable Rocket".Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) was an Irish poet and playwright. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, the early 1890s saw him become one of the most popular playwrights in London. He is best remembered for his epigrams and plays, his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, and the circumstances of his criminal conviction for "gross indecency", imprisonment, and early death at age 46.

Gioie medievali

eBook / testo digitale

Maccari, Liana

Gioie medievali

Edizioni Simple, 01/02/2020

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Titolo e contributi: Gioie medievali

Pubblicazione: Edizioni Simple, 01/02/2020

EAN: 9788869244827


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Nei racconti sono narrate gioie medievali: contemplazione, guarigione, lotta dell'amore contro il potere.Ma è nelle note che avviene l'apocalisse: i cieli si arrotolano, le terre si spalancano. Il lettore stenta a credere. Se il Medioevo fosse un film, è in queste "Gioie medievali" che troverebbe la sua scenografia.Con due mappe disegnate a mano dall'autrice.

The Tale of the Tenth Tablet

eBook / testo digitale

H. Bedford-Jones

The Tale of the Tenth Tablet

SIN Libris Digital

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Titolo e contributi: The Tale of the Tenth Tablet

Pubblicazione: SIN Libris Digital

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A story of the Orient

The Emperor's Amulet

eBook / testo digitale

H. Bedford-Jones

The Emperor's Amulet

SIN Libris Digital

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Titolo e contributi: The Emperor's Amulet

Pubblicazione: SIN Libris Digital

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A story of the Orient

Los Amantes de Teruel

eBook / testo digitale

Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch

Los Amantes de Teruel


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Titolo e contributi: Los Amantes de Teruel

Pubblicazione: Passerino

  • Lingua: spa
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: La historia o leyenda de los amantes de Teruel cuenta la historia de amor entre dos jóvenes turolenses, Isabel de Segura y Juan Martínez de Marcilla (también identificado como Diego de Marcilla), conocido a partir de las recreaciones del teatro barroco como Diego. Desde 1996 se celebra en Teruel, como recordatorio de la tradición, la recreación medieval teatralizada de Las Bodas de Isabel de Segura.Multitud de autores han reescrito esta historia, entre ellos los siguientes:Antonio SerónJuan Pérez de MontalbánAndrés Rey de ArtiedaTirso de MolinaTomás BretónJuan Eugenio HartzenbuschMariano Miguel de ValJuan Eugenio Hartzenbusch Martínez (Madrid, 6 de septiembre de 1806 - íbidem, 2 de agosto de 1880) fue un dramaturgo, poeta, traductor, filólogo y crítico español, uno de los más destacados representantes del drama romántico en su país. Es conocido principalmente por su pieza Los amantes de Teruel (1837). No hay que confundirlo con su hijo, el bibliógrafo Eugenio Hartzenbusch e Hiriart.

Breakfast at Twilight

eBook / testo digitale

Philip K. Dick

Breakfast at Twilight

Orpheus Editions

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Titolo e contributi: Breakfast at Twilight

Pubblicazione: Orpheus Editions

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Breakfast at Twilight is one of the first short stories written by Philip K. Dick. It was first published in 1954.A middle-class American finds their home in the middle of a wasteland after a freak explosion.Soldiers come to help them and explain that a nuclear war has begun.But there seems to be something wrong in the very fabric of time.What is really happening for this family, and what will they decide to do ?

Lucca capitale della Tuscia nell'alto Medioevo. Dal VI all'XI secolo

eBook / testo digitale

Mattei, Francesco

Lucca capitale della Tuscia nell'alto Medioevo. Dal VI all'XI secolo

Argot Edizioni, 27/02/2020

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Titolo e contributi: Lucca capitale della Tuscia nell'alto Medioevo. Dal VI all'XI secolo

Pubblicazione: Argot Edizioni, 27/02/2020

EAN: 9788832870848


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Un saggio che tratta le vicende storiche di Lucca nell'Alto Medioevo, per riscoprire la storia di una città, tra le più importanti d'Italia e d'Europa tra VI e XI secolo. Lucca fu capitale della Tuscia e punto di riferimento per viaggiatori, commercianti e religiosi.Uno studio, documentato ed esauriente, su Lucca, sulla vita dei suoi abitanti, sulla società e sul suo governo laico ed ecclesiastico e adesso raccolto in un volume unico, adatto all'esperto, ma scorrevole anche per chi è curioso e interessato alla storia di una città sempre affascinante e piena di sorprendenti meraviglie ancora da scoprire. 

Of Withered Apples

eBook / testo digitale

Philip K. Dick

Of Withered Apples

Orpheus Editions

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Titolo e contributi: Of Withered Apples

Pubblicazione: Orpheus Editions

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Of Withered Apples is one of the first short stories written by Philip K. Dick. It was first published in 1954.Lori hears a tapping from outside the living room window. She finds a strange leaf, and feels herself attracted to an old abandoned farm.What will she find there, and what will happen to her ?


eBook / testo digitale

Philip K. Dick


Orpheus Editions

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Titolo e contributi: Meddler

Pubblicazione: Orpheus Editions

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Meddler is a short story written by Philip K. Dick and first published in 1954.A man is sent in a time travel device in order to discover how to correct problems with said device.What will he discover, and how will it change his life ?

Il teatro

eBook / testo digitale

Goldoni, Carlo

Il teatro

Crescere, 28/02/2020

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Titolo e contributi: Il teatro

Pubblicazione: Crescere, 28/02/2020

EAN: 9788883377679


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: L'opera teatrale di Goldoni consta di cinque tragedie, sedici tragicommedie, centotrentasette commedie, cui sono da aggiungere, in musica, due azioni sacre, venti intermezzi, tredici drammi, quarantanove drammi giocosi, tre farse e cinquantasette scenari. Da questo risulta evidente come sia uno dei più grandi commediografi di tutti i tempi, ed a giusto titolo il padre della commedia moderna. Cittadino della Repubblica di Venezia, parte delle sue opere sono state scritte anche nell'idioma locale: in questa selezione, oltre a due suoi capolavori, "La locandiera" e la "Bottega del caffè", presentiamo anche un'opera con protagonista Arlecchino (Truffaldino ne "Il servitore di due padroni").

Tutte le donne del presidente

eBook / testo digitale

Scaccia, Pino - Raviglione, Anna

Tutte le donne del presidente

Argot Edizioni, 28/02/2020

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Titolo e contributi: Tutte le donne del presidente

Pubblicazione: Argot Edizioni, 28/02/2020

EAN: 9788832870992


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Gli amori, le passioni, i segreti, le perversioni delle donne che hanno legato la loro storia a quella di John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Marylin Monroe, Jackie Onassis, Maria Callas, affascinanti e desiderate, invidiate ed emulate, sono le donne messe a nudo nella tragica ricostruzione di vite turbate, malate, impaurite, abbandonate. Come lo scienziato Albert Einstein, sogno segreto di Marilyn, che non solo fu una donna in anticipo con i tempi, ma amava profondamente la cultura e la poesia, prediligendo Joyce, Camus e Dostoevskij. Oppure scoprire che fu Ted Kennedy probabilmente il vero grande amore di Jackie. E Maria Callas innamorata di Pier Paolo Pasolini con un amore che andò oltre gli stereotipi, morta di crepacuore per il tradimento di Onassis. Infine un cameo: le pagine sconvolgenti su Lady D. Dall'uomo alla guida della Uno Bianca che speronò l'auto di Dody e Diana a Parigi fino alla terribile frase di Grace Kelly: "Andando avanti sarà peggio!".

White Fang

eBook / testo digitale

London, Jack

White Fang

Enhanced Media Publishing, 16/01/2017

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Titolo e contributi: White Fang

Pubblicazione: Enhanced Media Publishing, 16/01/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A companion novel to Jack London's The Call of the Wild, White Fang is the story of a wild dog's journey toward becoming civilized in the Canadian territory of Yukon at the end of the nineteenth century. White Fang is characteristic of London's precise prose style and innovation use of voice and perspective. Much of the novel is written from the viewpoint of the animals, allowing London to explore how animals view their world and how they view humans.

Questions and answers about Islam

eBook / testo digitale

El-Manzalawy, Wael

Questions and answers about Islam

Tektime, 29/02/2020

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Titolo e contributi: Questions and answers about Islam

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 29/02/2020


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: In his book: "Questions And Answers About Islam", Wael El-Manzalawy is discussing many major issues: the presence of the God, the necessity of religion, the truth about the Christ, woman in Islam, the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims......etc. Did Islam spread by the sword? Is Islam the religion of terrorism? Using the technique of imagined dialogues, Wael El-Manzalawy answers these questions and many other questions.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

THE FLOWER PRINCESS - Four Short Fantasy Stories for Children

eBook / testo digitale

Abbie Farwell Brown

THE FLOWER PRINCESS - Four Short Fantasy Stories for Children

Abela Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: THE FLOWER PRINCESS - Four Short Fantasy Stories for Children

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A collection of four short fantasy stories, including: The Flower Princess, The Little Friend, The Mermaid's Child and The Ten Blowers.There is a beautiful Princess named Fleurette, who loves flowers. She lives in a marble palace on a hill. Many princes come from near and wide and become enamoured with her beauty and seek her hand in marriage. But Fleurette tells each of the princes that if he wants to marry her he has to tell her what her favourite flower is.She tells them "I have no mind to exchange hearts, save with him who can find mine, where it is hidden among my flowers. Guess me my favourite flower, dear Prince, and I am yours." As yet, no prince has been successful in naming her favourite flower.Princess Fleurette loves the flowers in her palace garden, so much so, that every morning before the palace has risen, she visits her garden. She greets each one affectionately and basks in their beauty as well as savours the perfume of her blooms. She takes good care of them, removing the weeds and dead-heads the withered flowers. Even though she has gardeners, she does whatever needs to be done. Once done, she returns to the palace for breakfast.One morning while she is in the garden, a handsome youth, clad in green, named Joyeuse appears. He is a minstrel, a swordsman and herbalist.. Princess Fleurette is quite taken aback because of this intrusion into her personal space. Joyeuse has is unaware he is speaking to the Princess and thinks her to be one of the palace maidens.The Princess has a liking for Joyeuse and gives him tasks to determine if he is authentic, and capable of performing the tasks he claims to be proficient in. When she pricked her finger on a rose thorn, she asked him how he will cure her, and he tells her what to put on her finger. The next day there is no trace that her finger was ever injured. She asks him to play music and he plays beautiful music which delights her no end. The next time they meet she requests he teach her how to play to prove his worth as a teacher, and once again he delivers. They are so engrossed in what they are doing that time passes and a gardener appears. The Princess flees and Joyeuse is arrested for trespassing.The next morning he appeared before the court and realised the maiden was no ordinary maiden at all. Even though he isn't a prince, Joyeuse takes the opportunity to ask for her hand in marriage. The Princess consults her advisers and they tell her that Joyeuse has to prove that is courageous. Being an expert swordsman, he easily does this without harming his opponent.Overnight he analysed what the princess had said when telling suitors how they can win her hand in marriage, and in doing so he realises something that other suitors have not yet discovered and that that the morning glory has to be her favourite flower.When asked by the Princess he announces what he believes the favourite flower to be. But, is he correct? Does he become a Prince or is he thrown out of the palace?KEYWORDS/TAGS: The Flower Princess, Little Friend, Mermaid's Child, Ten Blowers, Folklore, fairy tale, myth, legend, fable, childrens story, storyteller, baby, beauty, blonde, Child, Christmas, dove, fair, family, Fleurette, flower, Fortemain, garden, Gil, heart, hill, Jan, Joyeuse, King, lost love, Mermaid, merry, morning mother, music, palace, Pierre, Prince, Princess, race, Sea-child, secret, snow, Stork, strange, throne, time, village, voice, words, Let Him Prove It, Princess Fleurette, Clap Her Hands, Joy, Help Comes, Blow For Our King,

Plurapod Pathogen: Empire Revealed ⋇ Book 1

eBook / testo digitale

Kari Kilgore

Plurapod Pathogen: Empire Revealed ⋇ Book 1

Spiral Publishing, Ltd.

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Titolo e contributi: Plurapod Pathogen: Empire Revealed ⋇ Book 1

Pubblicazione: Spiral Publishing, Ltd.

EAN: 9781948890465

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A gripping adventure of new worlds and unknown alliances.Hard work on an aqua-farm orbiting beyond Jupiter with her plurapod companion Les suits Seetha Deergathca just fine.Calvin Seuma spends his days tending the fisher fleet on distant Ajar 12, working the seas with his plurapod friend Bel and aquatic Ajarans.A strange harvest awaits. One with ancient and dangerous origins.Can they survive a threat from light years beyond the range of humanity?An excerpt from Plurapod Pathogen:A Deadly Threat Out of Nowhere"We need to figure out what happened," Seetha said. "Did you get a chance to re-check the seaweed flats?""I did not. I will as soon as I can.""Not during rest days you won't, Les. I'm sure you kept a sample of the spoiled seed. I'll take it up to the main platform lab tomorrow."Cold, seaweed-scented water splashed along Seetha's legs and back. Les held two of hir tentacle hands on the surface, ready to send more after it."Rest days apply to humans as well.""Don't worry, I'll rest. Besides, you're impossible once you're out of your routines. You fretting over empty growing space would drive me crazy."Les shifted from side to side in the tank, somehow managing not to slop water out. A plurapod version of pacing."Whatever this is may incubate and show up elsewhere later. As long as you do not spend all day working, I suppose that is acceptable.""Thank you for your approval, my dear Les. I'll return as soon as possible, solution in hand."