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Trovati 592 documenti.

Silas Marner George Eliot ; retold by Clare West

West, Clare

Silas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe / George Eliot ; retold by Clare West

Oxford : Oxford university press, 2008

Oxford bookworms library. Classics. Stage 4

Y generation Olga Lee Rachello

Rachello, Olga Lee

Y generation / Olga Lee Rachello

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Love stories [Hoepli]. Level A2

Abstract: [..] Lei è Margaret. Ha sedici anni, è dolce e carina e ha un grande talento per il teatro. Lui è Jack. Bello, ricco e di buona famiglia. Si incontrano, s’innamorano, sono felici. Ma la famiglia di lui si frappone tra i due e il loro legame si spezza. Jack lascia la città, Margaret continua la sua vita che però, senza di lui, non è più quella di prima. [..] Il volume presenta un ricco apparato di esercizi di comprensione, grammatica e lessico, attività centrate sullaLeggi tutto

Book boy Antoinette Moses

Moses, Antoinette

Book boy / Antoinette Moses

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Starter level

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Edgar Allan Poe ; adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Alberto Macone

Borsbey, Janet

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / Edgar Allan Poe ; adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Alberto Macone

Recanati : ELI, 2014

Young adult ELI readers. Stage 2

Abstract: Jekyll is a famous London doctor, but something unusual is happening in his house. Who is his strange young friend? Why does Jekyll like him? And why does no-one else like him? Stevenson’s dark thriller is the story of one man’s need to find himself in the dark, foggy London of Victorian times. (

Dracula Bram Stoker ; adaptation and with activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Valerio Vitali

Borsbey, Janet

Dracula / Bram Stoker ; adaptation and with activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Valerio Vitali

Recanati : ELI, 2013

Young adult readers [ELI]. Stage 2

A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens ; adaptation, exercises and notes by Barbara Chatwin ; language consultant Gabrielle Hodson-Hirst ; drawings Philip Norton

Chatwin, Barbara

A Christmas Carol / Charles Dickens ; adaptation, exercises and notes by Barbara Chatwin ; language consultant Gabrielle Hodson-Hirst ; drawings Philip Norton

Milano : La spiga languages, c. 1999

Very easy readers - Activity books. Elementary

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Vittorio AlfieriScaffale aperto
A.ING. 75
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Salorno - BibliotecaSezione ragazzi saggistica
R 428 CHA
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
The vampire Gary Avon ; drawings Hugh Hops ; editing Fiona Frandy

Avon, Gary

The vampire / Gary Avon ; drawings Hugh Hops ; editing Fiona Frandy

Milano : La spiga languages, 2000

Very easy readers - Activity books. Elementary

The adventures of Baron Münchausen Rudolf Erich Raspe ; retold by F. Casalone

Casalone, Franca

The adventures of Baron Münchausen / Rudolf Erich Raspe ; retold by F. Casalone

Torino : Petrini, 2000

Easy way to reading. Level 1

The misterious island Jules Verne ; simplified by D K Swan

Swan, D K

The misterious island / Jules Verne ; simplified by D K Swan

Harlow : Longman, 1988

Longman classics. Stage 2

Henry William Shakespeare ; script by John McDonald ; adapted for ELT by Brigit Viney

McDonald, John

Henry : the graphic novel / William Shakespeare ; script by John McDonald ; adapted for ELT by Brigit Viney

Australia [etc.] : Heinle Cengage Learning, c2009

Classical comics [Heinle Cengage Learning]

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Karen and the artist Elizabeth Laird

Laird, Elizabeth

Karen and the artist / Elizabeth Laird

London : Penguin books, 2000

Penguin readers. Level 1

Amistad Pete Wright

Wright, Pete

Amistad / Pete Wright

Milano : La spiga languages, c. 1999

Intermediate readers - Pre-Intermediate

Babe: pig in the city adapted from the novelization by Justine Korman and Ron Fontes ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by George Miller, Judy Morris, Mark Lamprell ; based on characters by Dick King-Smith.

Korman, Justine

Babe: pig in the city / adapted from the novelization by Justine Korman and Ron Fontes ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by George Miller, Judy Morris, Mark Lamprell ; based on characters by Dick King-Smith.

London : Penguin books, 1999

Readers level 2. Elementary

The scarlet letter retold by Chris Rice ; Nathaniel Hawthorne ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Rice, Christopher

The scarlet letter / retold by Chris Rice ; Nathaniel Hawthorne ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

London : Penguin books, 2000

Penguin readers. Level 2

Dracula's teeth Pete Wright ; drawings Max Brickmann ; editing by Fiona Frandy

Wright, Pete

Dracula's teeth / Pete Wright ; drawings Max Brickmann ; editing by Fiona Frandy

Milano : La spiga languages, 199-?

Easy readers - Activity books. Pre-Intermediate

Brad Pitt Nancy Taylor ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Taylor, Nancy

Brad Pitt / Nancy Taylor ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

London : Penguin books, 2000

Penguin readers. Level 2

A death in Oxford Richard MacAndrew

MacAndrew, Richard

A death in Oxford / Richard MacAndrew

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Beginner

The grapes of wrath John Steinbeck ; retold by Gina D. B. Clemen ; activities by Matt Renzi

Clemen, Gina D. B.

The grapes of wrath / John Steinbeck ; retold by Gina D. B. Clemen ; activities by Matt Renzi

5th ed

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2003

Reading and training [Cideb]. Intermediate

The black cat and other stories Edgar Allan Poe ; retold by David Wharry ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Wharry, David

The black cat and other stories / Edgar Allan Poe ; retold by David Wharry ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Harlow : Pearson Education ; München : Langenscheidt, 2008

Pearson English readers. Level 3

The importance of being Earnest Oscar Wilde ; introduction, notes and activities by Brian Hodgkiss

Wilde, Oscar

The importance of being Earnest / Oscar Wilde ; introduction, notes and activities by Brian Hodgkiss

Genova : CIDEB, 1992

Reading classic