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× Livello lingua A1
× Data 2010

Trovati 149 documenti.

Just so stories Rudyard Kipling ; illustrated by Daniele Fabbri ; adaptation and activities by Elisabeth Ann Moore

Moore, Elizabeth Ann

Just so stories / Rudyard Kipling ; illustrated by Daniele Fabbri ; adaptation and activities by Elisabeth Ann Moore

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2010

Green apple [Cideb]. Starter

True heroes of sport Donatella Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald, Donatella

True heroes of sport / Donatella Fitzgerald

Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2010

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level one

Abstract: Some people in the world of sport are heroes only beacuse they are the best at their sport. But sportsmen and sportswomen in this book [..] are all that and much more.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Changing places Alan Hines ; illustrated by Thomas Sperling

Hines, Alan

Changing places / Alan Hines ; illustrated by Thomas Sperling

Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2010

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Starter

Abstract: Hal works at the zoo every day and his life isn't exciting, until meets Tim. Tim is a movie star. He has a difficult life, and he is unhappy, until meets Hal.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Einstieg finnisch Siegfried Breiter ; herausgegeben von Hedwig Nosbers und Matthias Öhler
Multimedia (kit)

Breiter, Siegfried

Einstieg finnisch : für Kurzentschlossene / Siegfried Breiter ; herausgegeben von Hedwig Nosbers und Matthias Öhler

Ismaning : Hueber, 2010

Teacher's book Kate Pickering, Rob Metcalf & Frances Watkins

Pickering, Kate

Teacher's book / Kate Pickering, Rob Metcalf & Frances Watkins

Oxford : Macmillan, 2010

Fa parte di: Global beginner3

Abstract: Global is a ground-breaking 6-level adult course for today's learners of English. It enables you to learn English as it is used in our globalised world, to learn through English using information-rich topics and texts, and to learn about English as an international language. Global offers a comprehensive range of interactive digital components for use in class, out of class and even on the move. These include extra listening, video material and online practice (

Coursebook Kate Pickering & Jackie McAvoy

Pickering, Kate

Coursebook / Kate Pickering & Jackie McAvoy

Oxford : Macmillan, 2010

Fa parte di: Global beginner1

Abstract: Global is a ground-breaking 6-level adult course for today's learners of English. It enables you to learn English as it is used in our globalised world, to learn through English using information-rich topics and texts, and to learn about English as an international language. Global offers a comprehensive range of interactive digital components for use in class, out of class and even on the move. These include extra listening, video material and online practice (

Power-Sprachkurs Deutsch als Fremdsprache by Christine Breslauer ; assisted by Renate Weber

Breslauer, Christine

Power-Sprachkurs Deutsch als Fremdsprache / by Christine Breslauer ; assisted by Renate Weber

Stuttgart : Pons, 2010

Book2 Deutsch-Arabisch für Anfänger Johannes Schumann

Schumann, Johannes

Book2 Deutsch-Arabisch für Anfänger : ein Buch in 2 Sprachen / Johannes Schumann

München : Goethe-Verl., c2010

Abstract: Book2 gibt es in vielen Sprachen, eignet sich schon für Anfänger Niveaustufe A1 und A2. Audiodateien kann man kostenlos unter herunterladen.

Kurzgrammatik Portugiesisch Nair Nagamine Sommer, Maria José Peres Herhuth

Nagamine Sommer, Nair

Kurzgrammatik Portugiesisch : zum Nachschlagen und Üben / Nair Nagamine Sommer, Maria José Peres Herhuth

Ismaning : Hueber, 2010

Histoire d'un casse-noisette Alexandre Dumas ; adaptation et activités de Chiara Rovella ; illustrations d'Anna et Elena Balbusso

Rovella, Chiara

Histoire d'un casse-noisette / Alexandre Dumas ; adaptation et activités de Chiara Rovella ; illustrations d'Anna et Elena Balbusso

Genova : Cideb, 2010

Lire et s'entraîner [Cideb]. Niveau un A1

The teacher's secret and other folk tales retold by Joyce Hannam ; illustrated by Martina Farrow

Hannam, Joyce

The teacher's secret and other folk tales / retold by Joyce Hannam ; illustrated by Martina Farrow

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2010

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level one

Abstract: Are men cleverer than women? Is a poor man cleverer than a rich man? And what about teachers? Are they cleverer than their students? The people in these six well-known folk tales from around the world all want to be clever. But are some of them just stupid? (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Five Canterbury tales Geoffrey Chaucer ; text adaptation by Bill Bowler ; illustrated by Natalia Demidova

Bowler, Bill

Five Canterbury tales / Geoffrey Chaucer ; text adaptation by Bill Bowler ; illustrated by Natalia Demidova

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2010

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level one

Abstract: The year is 1386 and the first flowers of spring are here. A number of pilgrims are going to Canterbury to visit the tomb of Saint Thomas Becket, and they all tell stories on the way.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

A little trouble in Dublin Richard MacAndrew

MacAndrew, Richard

A little trouble in Dublin / Richard MacAndrew

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University press, 2010

Cambridge discovery readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 1

Abstract: The graded readers series of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks especially written for teenagers. Twins, Andy and Mary, are in Dublin on a school trip. When Mary discovers that she has been given a forged EURO20 note, she thinks she knows the identity of the forger. The twins start to investigate, but it soon becomes clear that the forgers know who Andy and Mary are too.. (

Lesen & Hören. von Theo Scherling und Elke Burger

Scherling, Theo

Lesen & Hören.. Der Filmstar / von Theo Scherling und Elke Burger

Berlin [etc.] : Langenscheidt, c2010

Lektüre [Langenscheidt]. A1

Fa parte di: Der Filmstar

Abstract: Gasan ist Informatiker, aber er ist mit seinem Job unzufrieden. Er sucht eine neue Stelle und bewirbt sich in der Gastronomie. In einer Anzeige sucht ein Filmstudio Schauspieler. Gasans Traum von einem Leben als Filmstar beginnt.. (

Lehrbuch mit 2 Audio-CDs neu bearbeitet von Irma Adler, Ljudmila Bolgova

Adler, Irma

Lehrbuch mit 2 Audio-CDs / neu bearbeitet von Irma Adler, Ljudmila Bolgova

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2010

Fa parte di: MOST 12

Abstract: MOCT, zu deutsch "Die Brücke", heißt das zweiteilige Russisch-Lehrwerk für die Erwachsenenbildung. Es richtet sich in erster Linie an Lerner an Volkshochschulen und anderen Einrichtungen der Erwachsenenbildung, aber auch an ältere Jugendliche, die Russisch als spät einsetzende Fremdsprache lernen.MOCT führt schrittweise in diekyrillische Schrift ein, wobei Druck- und Schreibschrift von Anfang an gleichrangig behandelt werden.In den Lektionen des Lehrbuches wird derLeggi tutto

Global e workbook Robert Campbell, Adrian Tennant

Campbell, Robert

Global e workbook / Robert Campbell, Adrian Tennant

Oxford : Macmillan, 2010

Fa parte di: Global beginner2

Abstract: Global is a ground-breaking 6-level adult course for today's learners of English. It enables you to learn English as it is used in our globalised world, to learn through English using information-rich topics and texts, and to learn about English as an international language. Global offers a comprehensive range of interactive digital components for use in class, out of class and even on the move. These include extra listening, video material and online practice (

Lustige Sprachrätsel Deutsch A1

Lustige Sprachrätsel Deutsch A1

Ismaning : Hueber, 2010

Twenty thousand leagues under the sea Jules Verne ; text adaptation by Lesley Thompson ; illustrated by Fausto Bianchi

Thompson, Lesley

Twenty thousand leagues under the sea / Jules Verne ; text adaptation by Lesley Thompson ; illustrated by Fausto Bianchi

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2010

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level one

Abstract: When ship after ship goes down in the Atlantic, Dr Pierre Aronnax and his servant, Conseil, journey from Paris to learn more. What - or who - is attacking these ships? Aronnax, Conseil, and the Canadian, Ned Land, find the answer to this question when they meet the strange Captain Nemo. After a long journey under the sea in Nemo's submarine, the Nautilus, the doctor and his friends plan to leave for the surface. (

Langenscheidt Vokabeltrainer Englisch
eBook / testo digitale

Langenscheidt Vokabeltrainer Englisch [Risorsa elettronica] : mit der Langenscheidt-Erfolgsmethode Wortschatz trainieren und aufbauen

Version 5.0

München : Langenscheidt, c2010

Les 500 exercices de phonétique Doninique Abry, Marie-Laure Chalaron

Abry, Dominique

Les 500 exercices de phonétique : avec corrigés / Doninique Abry, Marie-Laure Chalaron

Paris : Hachette, c2010