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× Data 2013

Trovati 154 documenti.

Deutsch kompakt neu Renate Lucher ; englische Bearbeitung John Stevens
Multimedia (kit)

Luscher, Renate

Deutsch kompakt neu : Selbstlernkurs Deutsch für Anfänger = a German self-study course for beginners : Zweisprachiges Arbeitsbuch = a German self-study course for beginners : bilingual workbook / Renate Lucher ; englische Bearbeitung John Stevens

Ismaning : Hueber, 2013

Delitto in crociera Valentina Mapelli

Mapelli, Valentina

Delitto in crociera / Valentina Mapelli

Milano : Le Monnier, 2013

Leggo in italiano

La preparación de la expresión escrita del DELE A2 M.a de los Ángeles Villegas, M.a Jesús Blázquez

Ángeles Villegas, Maria : de los

La preparación de la expresión escrita del DELE A2 : correspondencia ev español : nivel A2 / M.a de los Ángeles Villegas, M.a Jesús Blázquez

Barcelona : Octaedro, 2013

eleDele [Octaedro]

Dialogar em Português Helena Lemos

Lemos, Helena

Dialogar em Português / Helena Lemos

Segundo o novo acordo ortográfico

Lisboa : Lidel, 2013

Englisch rund um die Insel von Rebecca Davies

Davies, Rebecca

Englisch rund um die Insel : Quiz, Sprachrätsel und Skurriles / von Rebecca Davies

Stuttgart : PONS, 2013

Abstract: In 20 großen Quizthemen die Englisch-Kenntnisse erweitern und Großbritannien kennen lernen. Mit vielen unterhaltsamen Anekdoten und Skurrilitäten, Wortverzeichnis zu den schwierigsten Wörtern, Lösungen mit vielen Hintergrundinformationen

999 emergency adapted by Rod Smith

Smith, Rod

999 emergency / adapted by Rod Smith

London : Scholastic, 2013

DVD readers [Scholastic]

Abstract: The Scholastic DVD Readers combine graded reading with authentic audio-visual material that appeals to teenage students around the world

La guerre des boutons Louis Pergaud ; adaptation de Sarah Guilmault ; illustrations d'Alfredo Belli

Guilmault, Sarah

La guerre des boutons / Louis Pergaud ; adaptation de Sarah Guilmault ; illustrations d'Alfredo Belli

Genova [etc.] : Cideb, 2013

Lire et s'entrainer [Cideb]. Niveau deux A2

Abstract: Lebrac est le chef d’une bande de garçons âgés de sept à quatorze ans, qui font tous partis du village de Longeverne. Ils affrontent tous les jours leurs ennemis du village voisin, Velran. Un jour, un Longeverne révèle à sa bande pourquoi ils doivent se battre contre les Velrans. (

Venganza en la Habana Lorenzo Guerrero ; adaptación didáctica y actividades por Margarita Barberá Quiles ; ilustraciones de Ivan Canu

Quiles, Margarita Barberá

Venganza en la Habana / Lorenzo Guerrero ; adaptación didáctica y actividades por Margarita Barberá Quiles ; ilustraciones de Ivan Canu

Genova : Cideb, 2013

Leer y aprender [Cideb]. Nivel segundo A2

Hoy hablamos de.. Javier Leal Caballero

Leal Caballero, Javier

Hoy hablamos de.. : temas, actividades y tareas para las clases de conversación / Javier Leal Caballero

Madrid : Edinumen, 2013?

David Copperfield Charles Dickens ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan ; text adaptation and activities by Gina D. B. Clemen

Clemen, Gina D. B.

David Copperfield / Charles Dickens ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan ; text adaptation and activities by Gina D. B. Clemen

Genoa [etc.] : Black cat, 2013

Green apple.web [Black cat]. Step 2

Abstract: David’s life changes for the worse when his mother dies and he is left with a cruel stepfather who sends him to work in London. But he doesn’t want to work in a factory all his life, so he runs away and finds a kind relative who is willing to help him.. (

Dracula Bram Stoker ; adaptation and with activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Valerio Vitali

Borsbey, Janet

Dracula / Bram Stoker ; adaptation and with activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Valerio Vitali

Recanati : ELI, 2013

Young adult readers [ELI]. Stage 2

Nuovo canta che ti passa Ciro Massimo Naddeo, Paolo Torresan, Giuliana Trama ; con la collaborazione di Beatrice Giudice

Naddeo, Ciro Massimo

Nuovo canta che ti passa : imparare l'italiano con la musica e le canzoni / Ciro Massimo Naddeo, Paolo Torresan, Giuliana Trama ; con la collaborazione di Beatrice Giudice

Firenze : Alma, 2013

A voi la parola Linda Barlassina, Roberta Bessolo-Zimmermann, Antonella Ferraris-Engel

Barlassina, Linda

A voi la parola : corso di conversazione d'italiano A1/A2 con CD audio / Linda Barlassina, Roberta Bessolo-Zimmermann, Antonella Ferraris-Engel

Barcellona : Difusión, c2013

Schreiben in Alltag und Beruf von Christian Seiffert

Seiffert, Christian

Schreiben in Alltag und Beruf : Intensivtrainer A2/B1 / von Christian Seiffert

München : Klett-Langenscheidt, 2013

Französisch rund um den Eiffelturm von Isabelle Langenbach

Langenbach, Isabelle

Französisch rund um den Eiffelturm : Quiz, Sprachrätsel und Skurriles / von Isabelle Langenbach

Stuttgart : PONS, 2013

Abstract: In 20 großen Quizthemen die Französisch-Kenntnisse erweitern undFrankreich kennen lernen. Mit vielen unterhaltsamen Anekdoten und Skurrilitäten, Wortverzeichnis zu den schwierigsten Wörtern, Lösungen mit vielen Hintergrundinformationen

PONS Taʿallum al-luġa al-Almānīya bi-suhūla Kristīn Brislauir ; bi-Musāʿadat: Rīnātā Wībir

Breslauer, Christine

PONS Taʿallum al-luġa al-Almānīya bi-suhūla / Kristīn Brislauir ; bi-Musāʿadat: Rīnātā Wībir

Bairūt : Maktabat aš-Šarqīya ; Stuttgart ; Pons , 2013

Night at the Museum adapted by Lynda Edwards

Edwards, Lynda

Night at the Museum : Battle of the Smithsonian : based on the novelization by Michael Anthony Steele : based on the screen story and screenplay by Robert Ben Garant & Thomas Lennon / adapted by Lynda Edwards

Rum : Helbling languages, 2013

Helbling readers movies [Helbling languages]

Leonardo da Vinci Alex Raynham

Raynham, Alex

Leonardo da Vinci / Alex Raynham

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2013

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Factfiles, Stage 2

Abstract: What does the world look like from the moon?' 'How do our bodies work?' 'Is it possible for people to fly?' 'Can I make a horse of bronze that is 8 metres tall?' 'How can we have cleaner cities?' All his life, Leonardo da Vinci asked questions. We know him as a great artist, but he was one of the great thinkers of all time, and even today, doctors and scientists are still learning from his ideas. Meet the man who made a robot lion, wrote backwards, and tried to win a warLeggi tutto

The final problem and other stories Arthur Conan Doyle ; adatptation and activities by Eleanor Donaldson ; illustrated by Fabio Visintin

Donaldson, Eleanor

The final problem and other stories / Arthur Conan Doyle ; adatptation and activities by Eleanor Donaldson ; illustrated by Fabio Visintin

Genova [etc.] : Black cat, 2013

Reading & training.web [Cideb]. Step one A2

Abstract: Sherlock Holmes is the world's only consulting detective. He helps Scotland Yard to solve mysteries they can't solve. Surely no-one can defeat Sherlock Holmes.. or can they? In this collection of short stories, Holmes comes face to face with some of his most difficult challenges and his main rival, Professor Moriarty.. (

Bel-ami Guy de Maupassant ; adaptation libre et activités de Domitille Hatuel ; illustrations de Evelina Floris

Hatuel, Domitille

Bel-ami / Guy de Maupassant ; adaptation libre et activités de Domitille Hatuel ; illustrations de Evelina Floris

Recanati : ELI, 2013

Lectures ELI seniors. Niveau 2

Abstract: Versione ridotta e semplificata ad uso scolastico, con vocabolario di 800 parole