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Trovati 111 documenti.

Han yu yu fa nan dian shi yi Zhen Yi De , Liu Yue Hua

Zhen, Yi De

Han yu yu fa nan dian shi yi / Zhen Yi De , Liu Yue Hua

Beijing : Hua yu jiao xue chu ban she, 1992

Biao zhun han yu jiao chen [seconda parte] Zheng Cheng Wang

Wang, Zheng Cheng

Biao zhun han yu jiao chen [seconda parte] / Zheng Cheng Wang

Beijing : Peking University press, 2004

Teacher's book Wu, Zhong Wei

Wu, Zhong Wei

Teacher's book / Wu, Zhong Wei

Beijing : Sinolingua, 2003

Fa parte di: Contemporary chinese

Rapid literacy in chinese Zhang Pengpeng

Zhang, Pengpeng

Rapid literacy in chinese / Zhang Pengpeng

Beijing : Sinolingua, 2001

New approaches to learning chinese

La storia e le storie Han Shaogong ; a cura di Chiara Romagnoli

Han, Shaogong

La storia e le storie / Han Shaogong ; a cura di Chiara Romagnoli

Milano : Hoepli, 2009

Piccoli discorsi cinesi

Mao mao chong chi shen me ne? illustrazioni di G. Vanetti ; testo di G. Mantegazza

Vanetti Giorgio

Mao mao chong chi shen me ne? / illustrazioni di G. Vanetti ; testo di G. Mantegazza

Xi'an : Wei lai chu ban she, 2018

Qi miao dong dong shu xi lie

Chinesisch Superleicht! Text Elinor Greenwood

Chinesisch Superleicht! : für Anfänger / Text Elinor Greenwood

London [etc.] : Dorling Kindersley, 2007

Superleicht! [Dorling Kindersley]

Schnellkurs Chinesisch
Multimedia (kit)

Vrobel, Susanne

Schnellkurs Chinesisch : Intensivkurs für Anfänger

2. Aufl

Ismaning : Hueber, 2005

Minecraft legends
PC / Videogioco

Minecraft legends [Videogioco] : deluxe edition

Mojang AB, 2023

Abstract: Sventola il tuo stendardo e motiva gli alleati! Pianifica la tua strategia per sconfiggere i famelici Piglin e salvare il Sopramondo nell'edizione deluxe, con sei ulteriori skin..

A nice lady in Shanghai and other stories Tor

A nice lady in Shanghai and other stories : turquoise level / Tor

Oxford : Macmillan, 2010

Tiantian Zhongwen graded Chinese readers [Macmillan]

Abstract: Part of the four-level "Tian Tian Zhongwen" series, a carefully graded Mandarin Chinese language reader series for upper-elementary to upper-intermediate Chinese language learners. The book contains a selection of 20 colorful stories and articles about China

Turpan love songs director: Jin Lini, Xi'erzati Yahefu
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Turpan love songs [Videoregistrazione] / director: Jin Lini, Xi'erzati Yahefu

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

2 become 1 director: Luo Yongchang
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

2 become 1 [Videoregistrazione] / director: Luo Yongchang

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

Chinese architecture (2.) director: Hong Mei ; produced by Beijing Wangtu Film & TV Production Consulting
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Chinese architecture (2.) [Videoregistrazione] / director: Hong Mei ; produced by Beijing Wangtu Film & TV Production Consulting

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations : Beijing Wangtu Film : TV Production Consulting, 2005?

The last matriarchal tribe in China producer: Yunnan TV Station
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

The last matriarchal tribe in China [Videoregistrazione] / producer: Yunnan TV Station

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations : Yunnan TV Station, 2005?

China in kleinen Geschichten von Susanne Hornfeck und Nelly Ma ; Illustrationen von He Gen De

Hornfeck, Susanne

China in kleinen Geschichten : chinesisch & deutsch / von Susanne Hornfeck und Nelly Ma ; Illustrationen von He Gen De


München : Dtv, 2013

dtv zweisprachig ; 9512

Abstract: Typisch chinesisch? – Keine einfach zu treffende Aussage für die Kultur eines Landes schier unermesslicher Dimensionen. Und doch gibt es Dinge, die für ganz China stehen. In bunter Folge bietet dieser Band Eindrücke von Land und Leuten, Gewohnheiten und Vorlieben, Festen und Bräuchen.

Kua Fu races with the sun adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Zhang Long and others

Yangguang, Wang

Kua Fu races with the sun / adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Zhang Long and others

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Legends of ten chinese traditional festivals illustrator Zhan Tong

Legends of ten chinese traditional festivals / illustrator Zhan Tong

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Nv Wa mends the sky adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Li Chunming and others

Yangguang, Wang

Nv Wa mends the sky / adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Li Chunming and others

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Jingwei filling up the sea adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Yu Juan and others

Yangguang, Wang

Jingwei filling up the sea / adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Yu Juan and others

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Yu Gong removed the mountains adapted by Cai Yunhui, Zhang Guangshuai ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Cai Yunhui, Zhang Guangshuai

Yunhui, Cai

Yu Gong removed the mountains / adapted by Cai Yunhui, Zhang Guangshuai ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Cai Yunhui, Zhang Guangshuai

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]