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× Livello lingua B2

Trovati 1035 documenti.

Bravissimo! 4

Bravissimo! 4 : corso di italiano

Barcellona : Casa delle lingue, 2015-2016

Großes Übungsbuch Deutsch Sabine Dinsel ; Susanne Geiger

Dinsel, Sabine

Großes Übungsbuch Deutsch : Grammatik ; [Niveau A2 - B2] / Sabine Dinsel ; Susanne Geiger

1. Aufl., 1. Dr.

Ismaning : Hueber, 2009

Entre palabras Manuel Carrera Dìaz, Paolo Silvestri

Carrera Dìaz, Manuel

Entre palabras : grammatica contrastiva della lingua spagnola / Manuel Carrera Dìaz, Paolo Silvestri

Torino : Loescher, 2010

Lo spagnolo
Multimedia (kit)

Lo spagnolo

Chivasso : Assimil Italia, stampa 2009

Senza sforzo [Assimil Italia]

In italiano, il corso Gaia e Angelo Chiuchiù ; con la collaborazione di Giuseppe e Marion Pace Asciak

Chiuchiù, Gaia

In italiano, il corso : volume 3 : livello B2-C1 / Gaia e Angelo Chiuchiù ; con la collaborazione di Giuseppe e Marion Pace Asciak

Milano : Hoepli, c2016

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
IT 312 CHI 2
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
L'inglese di Anthony Bulger ; adattamento italiano di Daniela Mondino

Bulger, Anthony

L'inglese / di Anthony Bulger ; adattamento italiano di Daniela Mondino

Chivasso : Assimil, 2017

Senza sforzo

Entorno Empresarial B2 Marisa de Prada, Montserrat Bovet, Pilar Marcé

De Prada, Marisa

Entorno Empresarial B2 / Marisa de Prada, Montserrat Bovet, Pilar Marcé

Nueva ed.

Madrid : Edelsa, 2014

Español lengua extranjera [Edelsa]

Homegoing Yaa Gyasi ; retold by Saffron Alexander

Gyasi, Yaa

Homegoing / Yaa Gyasi ; retold by Saffron Alexander

London [u. a.] : Penguin books, 2022

Penguin readers [Penguin books]. Level 7

Abstract: Half-sisters Effia and Esi are born into different villages in Ghana. The sisters' lives follow different paths: Effi marries a wealthy Englishman, while Esi is captured and sold into slavery. Each chapter of the novel then follows the lives of Effia und Esi's familiy members of the next 300 years.

David Copperfield Charles Dickens ; retold by C.S. Woolley

Woolley, C.S.

David Copperfield / Charles Dickens ; retold by C.S. Woolley

London : Foxton books, 2018

Foxton readers

Abstract: David Copperfield is the tale of a young man whose life is terrorised by tragedy. Can he overcome all of the turmoil in his life to find happiness or is he cursed to suffer failure and abuse all his life?

Mrs Dalloway Virginia Woolf ; adaptation and teaching material Rosa Anna Rizzo

Rizzo, Rosa Anna

Mrs Dalloway / Virginia Woolf ; adaptation and teaching material Rosa Anna Rizzo

Milano : Hoepli, 2022

Simplified classics. Level B2

Abstract: larissa Dalloway is a woman of high-society – vivacious, hospitable and sociable on the surface, yet underneath troubled and dissatisfied with her life in post-war Britain. This disillusionment is an emotion that bubbles under the surface of all of Woolf’s characters in Mrs Dalloway..

Mündliche Prüfung Deutsch-Test für den Beruf B2-DTB/BSK B2 Rosa von Trautheim und Lara Pilzner

Trautheim, Rosa : von

Mündliche Prüfung Deutsch-Test für den Beruf B2-DTB/BSK B2 : Prüfungsvorbereitung mit 15 Modelltests für die mündliche Prüfung und Formulierungshilfen / Rosa von Trautheim und Lara Pilzner

Norderstedt : Books on Demand, 2022

Murder by art Janet McGiffin

McGiffin, Janet

Murder by art / Janet McGiffin

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 5

Zwischendurch mal.. kurze Geschichten Rainer E. Wicke

Wicke, Rainer E.

Zwischendurch mal.. kurze Geschichten : Niveau A2 - B2 : Kopiervorlagen / Rainer E. Wicke

München : Hueber, 2014

Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch 2 Gabriella Montali, Daniela Mandelli, Nadja Czernohous Linzi

Montali, Gabriella

Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch 2 / Gabriella Montali, Daniela Mandelli, Nadja Czernohous Linzi

Torino : Loescher, 2014

Fa parte di: Deutsch leicht

The woman in white Wilkie Collins ; retold by Richard G. Lewis

Lewis, Richard G.

The woman in white / Wilkie Collins ; retold by Richard G. Lewis

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Thriller & adventure, Stage 6

Abstract: The woman in white first appears at night on a lonely heath near London and is next seen at a grave-side in Cumberland. Who is she? Where has she come from, and what is her history? She seems alone and friendless, frightened and confused. And it seems she knows a secret - a secret that could bring ruin and shame to a man who will do anything to keep her silent. (

Lehrerheft 1+2 G. Montali, D. Mandelli, N. Czernohous Linzi

Montali, Gabriella

Lehrerheft 1+2 / G. Montali, D. Mandelli, N. Czernohous Linzi

Torino : Loescher, 2011

Fa parte di: Deutsch leicht

Rage Orianne Charpentier ; herausgegeben von Mireille Kreutzer

Charpentier, Orianne

Rage / Orianne Charpentier ; herausgegeben von Mireille Kreutzer

Ditzingen : Reclam, 2022

Reclams Universal-Bibliothek ; 14139

Abstract: RAGE.. C'est ainsi qu'elle se nomme désormais pour oublier le nom de son enfance, celui d'avant l'exil. Rage a vécu la violence des hommes, la guerre. Et la voilà réfugiée en France, seule, sans aucun repère, se méfiant de tous. Une nuit, sa route croise celle d'un chien, apparemment dangereux, blessé, maltraité. Le sauver devient une nécessité..

Benvenuti in Italia Anna Bristot

Bristot, Anna

Benvenuti in Italia : Italien zum Lernen, Entdecken und Erleben / Anna Bristot

2. Aufl

München : Compact, 2016

Silver Line [Compact]

Fortunata y Jacinta Benito Pérez Galdos ; reducción lingüística, actividades y reportajes de David Tarradas Agea ; ilustraciones de Amalia Mora

Tarradas Agea, David

Fortunata y Jacinta : dos historias de casadas / Benito Pérez Galdos ; reducción lingüística, actividades y reportajes de David Tarradas Agea ; ilustraciones de Amalia Mora

Recanati : ELI, c2015

Lecturas jóvenes y adultos [ELI]. Nivel 4

Il francese di Anthony Bulger ; adattamento italiano di Francesca Melle ; illustrazioni di Nicolas Sautel
Multimedia (kit)

Bulger, Anthony

Il francese / di Anthony Bulger ; adattamento italiano di Francesca Melle ; illustrazioni di Nicolas Sautel

Chivasso : Assimil Italia, 2020

Senza sforzo