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× Nomi Jones, Owen
× Data 2022

Trovati 95 documenti.

Andropows Kuckuck. Eine Geschichte der Liebe, der Intrigen und des KGB
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Andropows Kuckuck. Eine Geschichte der Liebe, der Intrigen und des KGB

Tektime, 20/05/2022

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Abstract: Eine junge, patriotische, idealistische Sowjetfrau heckt einen gewagten und gefährlichen Plan aus, um die Vereinigten Staaten auszuspionieren. Sie hält es für einen Scherz, aber ihre Mutter und die Kommunistische Partei machen es möglich. Wie wird sie mit dem Druck fertig werden, und was wird ihr Schicksal sein?Andropov's Cuckoo ist ein spannender Spionage-Thriller.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

¡Megan ha cogido el Covid-19! ¡Un guía espiritual, un tigre fantasma y una madre yterradora!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

¡Megan ha cogido el Covid-19! ¡Un guía espiritual, un tigre fantasma y una madre yterradora!

Tektime, 14/10/2022

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Abstract: En "¡Megan ha cogido el Covid-19!", Megan y su escuela reciben una advertencia sobre la nueva variante de Covid 19, Omicron, que también está infectando a los niños, y se les informa de que la semana siguiente comenzará un programa de vacunación. Jane, la mejor amiga de Megan, tiene miedo a las agujas y ha oído rumores sobre una campaña patrocinada por el Estado para inyectar a todo el mundo un bicho rastreador. Megan no se cree la teoría de la conspiración. Cuando JaneLeggi tutto

Een nacht in Annwn. Het vreemde verhaal van de BDE van de oude Willy Jones
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Een nacht in Annwn. Het vreemde verhaal van de BDE van de oude Willy Jones

Tektime, 21/07/2022

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Abstract: Annwn is het oeroude Welshe word voor de Hemel, en was, net als Walhalla, onderaards. De roman vertelt het verhaal van Willy, een oude Welshe schaapherder uit de heuvels, die zich heeft laten gaan na de dood van zijn geliefde vrouw. Op een dag sterft zijn oude hond, terwijl hij ermee aan het wandelen is, en Willy zakt ineen na een door het verdriet veroorzaakte hartaanval, hoewel hij de wil om te leven al lang voordien had opgegeven.Hij wordt echter wakker in eenLeggi tutto

Eine Nacht In Annwn. Die seltsame Geschichte der NTE des alten Willy Jones
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Eine Nacht In Annwn. Die seltsame Geschichte der NTE des alten Willy Jones

Tektime, 25/06/2022

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Abstract: Annwn ist das alte Walisische Wort für "Himmel" und wird, ähnlich wie Valhalla, unterirdisch verortet. Der Roman erzählt die Geschichte von Willy, einem alten Walisischen Schafhirten, der sich nach dem Tod seiner geliebten Frau hat gehen lassen. Eines Tages während eines Spaziergangs stirbt seine alte Hündin und Willy bricht aufgrund eines durch Trauer und Schock hervorgerufenen Herzinfarkts zusammen, obwohl er schon lange keinen Lebenswillenmehr verspürt hatte.DennochLeggi tutto

The alien house
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

The alien house

Tektime, 12/04/2022

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Abstract: Michael has lived with his Thai wife in Thailand for twelve years and Spain for two, but failed to get her a residence permit for the UK. She was sent back to Thailand and he moved back to his home town of Barry in South Wales to try to 'get her from the inside.The chances are slim, and he sinks ever deeper into despair, even sleeping on the beach to save money. In truth, he starts to lose his mind with worry and loneliness.He won't even go to his family for help, becauseLeggi tutto

Life in Annwn
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Life in Annwn

Tektime, 19/01/2022

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Abstract: 'Life In Annwn' continues on directly from where 'A Night In Annwn' left off. Willy has passed over and he is at last with the wife that he has missed for a decade or more, his beloved Sarah. However, right from the off, life in Annwn (the ancient Welsh word for Heaven) is not what he had been expecting for nearly all of his time on Earth, or The Surface, as she calls it, as Annwn is underground.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

O equívoco. Um guia espiritual, um tigre fantasma e uma mãe assustadora!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Silva, Vitor

O equívoco. Um guia espiritual, um tigre fantasma e uma mãe assustadora!

Tektime, 04/05/2022

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Abstract: Megan é uma adolescente psíquica, que não consegue encontrar ninguém para a ajudar a entender os seus poderes... isto é, ninguém vive.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Ponto morto. Nem todos os bombistas-suicidas são religiosos!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Brito, Joao De

Ponto morto. Nem todos os bombistas-suicidas são religiosos!

Tektime, 03/05/2022

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Abstract: Uma bomba explode numa loja de departamentos elegante em Bagdá, matando e mutilando dezenas de compradores e funcionários inocentes. Dentro de um curto espaço de tempo, uma nova e implacável raça de bombistas suicidas tem sete das forças policiais do mundo perplexas, com um reinado de terror, aparentemente sem ligação à religião ou à política, irrompe. Especialistas em informática do governo chinês e o SAS britânico são chamados para ajudar, mas eles vão descobrir aLeggi tutto

?y???o?o?e?. ???a??a? ???o??? y???a ?a??a
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - NattyAzam

?y???o?o?e?. ???a??a? ???o??? y???a ?a??a

Tektime, 27/04/2022

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Abstract: Уэйн родился на отдаленной ферме в северном Уэльсе дикой, штормовой ночью. Семья хотела, чтобы его роды прошли в больнице, потому что он должен был стать первым ребенком Гвинедда, но его мать и бабушка Рианнон решили, что это может быть очень опасно. Согласно семейной библии, все члены их семьи рождались на ферме "Сад дракона" в течение 324 лет - и все они были либо ведьмами, либо колдунами...PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Una notte nel paradiso sotterraneo. La storia di Willie. Ediz. hindi
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Anamika

Una notte nel paradiso sotterraneo. La storia di Willie. Ediz. hindi

Tektime, 29/04/2022

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Abstract: विलियम जोन्स, ब्रेकन बीकन का एक भेड़ पालक किसान है, जिसका जीवन तब तक खुशहाल ‎होता है, जब तक कि उसकी पत्नी सारा की युवावस्था में ही मृत्यु नहीं हो जाती। यह उसे तबाह ‎कर देती है और स्पष्ट रूप से वह आत्म-विनाश की ओर झुक जाता है। उसकी बेटी बेकी मदद ‎करने की कोशिश करती है, लेकिन उसके पिता को लेकर उसका धैर्य भी जवाब देने लगता है। ‎एक शाम, उसे लगता है कि वह पक्का मर गया है और अपने दुख से छुटकारा पा गया है, ‎लेकिन ऐसा नहीं होना था। वह ठीक हो गया। हालाँकि उसका जीवन फिर कभी पहले जैसLeggi tutto

Come allevare le carpe koi. Ediz. russa
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - NattyAzam

Come allevare le carpe koi. Ediz. russa

Tektime, 23/05/2022

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Abstract: Содержание этой электронной книги о садовых прудах кои и смежных темах разделено на восемнадцать глав, которые помогут вам выбрать место для вашего карпового пруда кои, установить и поддерживать его круглый год, ухаживать за ценными рыбами в разные времена года и даже в особо неблагоприятных погодных условиях. Возможно, это даже поможет вам начать новую карьеру.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Tiger lily of Bangkok. When the seeds of revenge blossom! Ediz. russa
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - NattyAzam

Tiger lily of Bangkok. When the seeds of revenge blossom! Ediz. russa

Tektime, 14/05/2022

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Abstract: Тигровая лилия из Бангкока когда расцветают семена мести. Лили была счастливой девочкой, и так продолжалось до тех пор, пока дядя не начал издеваться над ней с одиннадцати лет. Она стала застенчивой и интровертной, вела одинокую жизнь, пока не переехала в Бангкок, чтобы учиться в университете. Однако мысли и прошлое не оставляли ее в покое, поэтому после занятий она начала искать мужчин, которых подозревала в педофилии, и мстить им. Она стала мстительной "Тигровой лилией БLeggi tutto

Décimo terceiro aniversário de Megan. Um guia espiritual, um tigre fantasma e uma mãe assustadora!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Silva, Vitor

Décimo terceiro aniversário de Megan. Um guia espiritual, um tigre fantasma e uma mãe assustadora!

Tektime, 27/05/2022

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Abstract: "Décimo terceiro aniversário de Megan" é o segundo volume de vinte e três da Série da Megan. É o aniversário da médium Megan e para comemorar a sua adolescência, os seus pais estão a dar-lhe uma grande festa. A família e os amigos estão convidados para a grande ocasião, onde o seu herói disc jockey local, Jack Hammer, vai tocar a música. Ela pergunta-se se alguém vai ver o seu enorme tigre siberiano fantasma, Grrr, mas ela não conta em conhecer um estranho bonito. A SérieLeggi tutto

Cats and dogs. Useful tips
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Cats and dogs. Useful tips

Tektime, 21/06/2022

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Abstract: Cats a dogs are the most common and well-loved of all domestic creatures in most parts of the world. They play several roles including providing affection to the owner, and receiving it back; deterring unwelcome visitors, both human and other animal pests; and allowing children to get a little closer to nature.However, they need to be looked after correctly, and this short manual aims to give you a few tips on how to do that.The information in this ebook on variousLeggi tutto

Megan and the mayoress. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger, and one scary mother!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Megan and the mayoress. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger, and one scary mother!

Tektime, 21/06/2022

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Abstract: Megan and the Mayoress (volume 7): Megan has done the mayoress of Feyton a big favour, and she is determined to take Megan under her wing. Her first act of recompense is to invite Megan and her parents to a swanky public occasion, but it doesn't stop there. Suzanne is over the Moon about her daughter's new connection, but Megan takes it all in her stride.The Psychic Megan Series consists of twenty-three novelettes about a young girl's growing realisation that she is ableLeggi tutto

Blankets and cushions. The items that comfort!
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Blankets and cushions. The items that comfort!

Tektime, 25/06/2022

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Abstract: Blankets and cushions can be used to great effect as personalised, and personal items. People will keek a personalised baby blanket or cushion, and even leave it to their progeny. Such an item could easily become a family heirloom.This aspect is easily ignored, but for a few hours work, or a small outlay, a God-parent or close family friend can give a present that will be treasured for generations.It is a small price to pay for such a lasting gift.I hope that you willLeggi tutto

Megan Faces Derision
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Megan Faces Derision

Tektime, 24/06/2022

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Abstract: Megan Faces Derision (volume 8): In this episode, Megan receives mild, but irritating bullying at school because of the mistakes she makes at reading. Her parents are not sure of the cause of the problem, but it could be dyslexia. She finds the whole affair rather embarrassing, but she eventually discusses the matter with her parents. Megan overcomes the bullying in her own unique way with a little amusing help from her father.The Psychic Megan Series consists of twenty-Leggi tutto

My garden fish pond. Creation, stocking, and maintenance
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

My garden fish pond. Creation, stocking, and maintenance

Tektime, 27/06/2022

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Abstract: This manual will teach you how to choose a site for your garden fish pond; how to stock it, and how to maintain it, so that your fish lead happy lives.You may also use the articles in your own publication.I hope that you will find the contents helpful, useful and profitable.In this ultra stressful world, means of relaxation and a must. One of the best of these, if you have the space is a garden fish pond. An alternative could be a fish tank in the house. I have had both.Leggi tutto

Blood pressure. Some help...
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Blood pressure. Some help...

Tektime, 27/06/2022

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Abstract: Not many people these days over the age of forty have not had to start to deal with the problem of high blood pressure. From my own circle of friends, I know two ladies who were hospitalised through it. One had a stroke and the other developed a kind of 'temporary dementia'.Not only that, but the age at which people, especially in the West are becoming affected is dropping. Our sedentary lifestyles – computers and televisions – and junk food – high sodium intake – areLeggi tutto

Foods to lower cholesterol. A major risk factor in the development of heart disease
eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

Foods to lower cholesterol. A major risk factor in the development of heart disease

Tektime, 27/06/2022

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Abstract: I hope that you will find the information helpful and useful.Cholesterol is quite a buzz word these days, because the balance that you have literally means life or death. However, there are still several schools of thought that claim to be right. It makes decision-making regarding food for most of us very difficult. I hope that this booklet will spark your interest enough to look into the subject more deeply.The information in this audiobook on cholesterol and relatedLeggi tutto