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Victory Over the Self Centered Life

eBook / testo digitale

Dr. Paul Caram

Victory Over the Self Centered Life

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titolo e contributi: Victory Over the Self Centered Life

Pubblicazione: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: We are our own worst enemy. Since the fall of mankind from his place in the Garden of Eden, man's greatest enemy has been his corrupted nature within his own heart. In his study on obtaining true victory over the self-centered life, Dr. Caram will show the that the ultimate plan of God is to give us a new heart, free from the prison of the self-life. By putting on the mind of Christ, through humility and meekness, we can enter into the glorious liberty that is promised to the sons and daughters of God. 

The Names of God

eBook / testo digitale

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

The Names of God

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titolo e contributi: The Names of God

Pubblicazione: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: God has revealed Himself to man in the Holy Scriptures by many different names. As we experience the names of God, we gain a better understanding of His nature and character. Dr. Bailey will discuss many of the names of God found in the Scriptures so that you might come to know God and progressively develop your relationship with the Name above all names."…I will set him on high because he has known My name." (Psalm 91:14)


eBook / testo digitale

Dr. Brian J. Bailey


Zion Christian Publishers

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Titolo e contributi: Ruth

Pubblicazione: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Down through the ages, there have been many enduring love stories that have captured the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Yet few compare to the love and devotion expressed by Ruth towards her mother-in-law, Naomi as well as the gentle near-kinsman, Boaz. Your heart will be challenged as you read Dr. Bailey's stirring account of a young widow who left her family and birth place to achieve an honored position among the heroines of the faith in Israel, as she placed compassion and family loyalty above all ties to her homeland.

The Restoration Era

eBook / testo digitale

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

The Restoration Era

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titolo e contributi: The Restoration Era

Pubblicazione: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: As we are seeing End Time events begin to unfold before our eyes, we realize that never has there been such a need for restoration. God desires to restore the Church to the glory that she once knew before and cause her to become exceedingly glorious, without spot or wrinkle. In this book, Dr. Bailey brings to light the significance of the Restoration books of Ezra and Nehemiah, applying the truths contained in the historical restoration of Israel to the situation of the last day Church as well as to our personal lives.

The Goodness and Severity of God

eBook / testo digitale

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

The Goodness and Severity of God

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titolo e contributi: The Goodness and Severity of God

Pubblicazione: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Goodness and Severity of God succinctly portrays these two aspects of God's character and provides an excellent guide for attaining God's goodness and being spared from His severity. With the love of so many growing cold and deception abounding, it is vital that we be able to determine our standing on God's pathway of holiness, so that like Daniel, our life would be approved of the Lord and we would stand in our appointed place in heaven for all eternity.

The Epistles of John

eBook / testo digitale

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

The Epistles of John

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titolo e contributi: The Epistles of John

Pubblicazione: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: In his commentary on the epistles of the Apostle John, Dr. Bailey develops the dominant message of love as well as the idea of Christian maturity. Through his examination of the three levels of Christian maturity described by John: little children, young men, and fathers, you will be encouraged to enter into a deeper relationship with our blessed Lord as you go on to know Him and obtain "the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."

The Pursuit of Peace

eBook / testo digitale

Betsy Caram

The Pursuit of Peace

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titolo e contributi: The Pursuit of Peace

Pubblicazione: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract:  We are living in a time of increasing confusion and turmoil. People in the world are full of insecurity; they are troubled, lonely, and full of self-doubt. In the midst of such uncertainty, peace is a sacred treasure. Yet the sad truth is that many people, and this includes many Christians, have never enjoyed the blessings of true peace. Peace seems illusive and out of reach, and very difficult to maintain in our daily lives. God's Word, however, encourages those who belong to Him to diligently "seek peace and pursue it" (Ps 34:14). This divine directive is meant to stir us up. If we truly desire to live a victorious Christian life, we cannot just be satisfied with wishing or yearning for peace. Instead, we must enthusiastically pursue it, and when we find it, we must grab hold of it and not let it go. For all who seek an inner calm from the fears and frustrations of life, it is our prayer that this book will help you in your personal pursuit of peace. Through Jesus Christ, we have been promised "abundant life" (Jn. 10:10). Still, many Christians cling to the wrong belief that abundant life is only possible when we reach heaven. However, there are keys in God's precious Word—that when unlocked and received within our spirit—will bring us to that place of peace we are longing for in this life. These keys, which are established for us in "The Pursuit of Peace," will enable us to "Win the War Within" as we conquer our insecurities through the wonderful, life-changing Word of God!

El Espíritu Santo

eBook / testo digitale

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

El Espíritu Santo

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titolo e contributi: El Espíritu Santo

Pubblicazione: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: spa
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: El Espíritu Santo no es simplemente otro libro de Teología, sino una guía muy práctica y útil para encontrar un camino hacia la vida llena y guiada por el Espíritu. Aquellos que desean conocer y experimentar íntimamente al Espíritu Santo, serán bendecidos al leer la exposición del Dr. Bailey sobre los siete aspectos del Espíritu Santo: la persona del Espíritu Santo, el ministerio del Espíritu Santo, los siete espíritus del Señor, el bautismo del Espíritu Santo, los nueve dones del Espíritu, los nueve frutos del Espíritu, la vida llena y guiada por el Espíritu.

El evangelio de Juan

eBook / testo digitale

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

El evangelio de Juan

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titolo e contributi: El evangelio de Juan

Pubblicazione: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: spa
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: El excelente y a su vez sencillo comentario del Dr. Bailey sobre el Evangelio de Juan nos da revelación acerca de las enseñanzas más hermosas de Cristo a Sus discípulos. Usted descubrirá el corazón de Dios al ver a Cristo como el Buen Pastor que da Su vida por las ovejas, y a Cristo como el Pan de Vida que vino del cielo para que podamos tener vida en abundancia. Qué sus corazones sean llenados con las riquezas y plenitud de Dios mientras estudia el más querido de los Evangelios.

El Tabernáculo de Moisés

eBook / testo digitale

Dr. Brian J. Bailey

El Tabernáculo de Moisés

Zion Christian Publishers

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Titolo e contributi: El Tabernáculo de Moisés

Pubblicazione: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: spa
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: ¿El Tabernáculo de Moisés mantiene algún significado para los creyentes hoy en día? ¡Sí! No es solamente una construcción histórica, sino que mantiene un gran significado para usted y para mí. El Señor le dijo a Moisés: "Y harán un santuario para mí, y habitaré en medio de ellos". Esto revela el corazón de Dios, tener una unión y relación íntima con Su pueblo.En este estudio ungido, el Dr. Bailey expone varias verdades escondidas en el Tabernáculo de Moisés, guiándonos a través de experiencias espirituales del Atrio Exterior, el Lugar Santo y dentro de la misma presencia de Dios en el Lugar Santísimo. Estudiar estas verdades permite a los creyentes obtener un entendimiento más profundo de Sus caminos para que podamos hacer nuestro lugar de habitación "bajo la sombra del Omnipotente".

Beyond Lies the Wub

eBook / testo digitale

Philip K. Dick

Beyond Lies the Wub

Orpheus Editions

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Titolo e contributi: Beyond Lies the Wub

Pubblicazione: Orpheus Editions

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A crew member of a spaceship buys a "wub", a big and weird alien creature. When a shortage of food happens onboard, the ship's captain decides to kill the creature and use it as a meal for the crew.But the wub is an intelligent creature, and seems to possess many abilities. Is the wub capable of mind control ? And how will this affect the crew ?Beyond Lies the Wub was the first published science-fiction story written by Philip K. Dick.

The Gun

eBook / testo digitale

Philip K. Dick

The Gun

Orpheus Editions

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Titolo e contributi: The Gun

Pubblicazione: Orpheus Editions

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Gun is one of the first short stories of Philip K. Dick, published in 1952.A group of space explorers investigate a deserted planet and crash on it after being shot down.Why are there ruins of an ancient city around them ? And what is this thing which has the shape of a massive gun ?

Piper in the Woods

eBook / testo digitale

Philip K. Dick

Piper in the Woods

Orpheus Editions

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Titolo e contributi: Piper in the Woods

Pubblicazione: Orpheus Editions

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Piper in the Woods is one of the first short stories written by Philip K. Dick. It was first published in 1953.Soldiers who return from an asteroid claim that they are plants.An army doctor decides to travel to this asteroid in order to solve this mystery.What will he find there ? And what will become of him ?

Second Variety

eBook / testo digitale

Philip K. Dick

Second Variety

Orpheus Editions

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Titolo e contributi: Second Variety

Pubblicazione: Orpheus Editions

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Second Variety is a science-fiction novelette written by Philip K. Dick and published in 1953.After a terrible war between the United Nations and the Soviet Union, survivors live in a wasteland.There, soldiers discover self replicating robots initially conceived to destroy the Soviet agents.But the robots now seem to target everyone.Can the soldiers survive this terrible and new threat ?Second Variety was adapted into the 1995 movie Screamers.

The Hanging Stranger

eBook / testo digitale

Philip K. Dick

The Hanging Stranger

Orpheus Editions

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Titolo e contributi: The Hanging Stranger

Pubblicazione: Orpheus Editions

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Hanging Stranger is one of the first short stories written by Philip K. Dick. It was first published in 1953.Ed Loyce, a store owner, is disturbed when he sees a stranger hanging from a lamppost.Unbelievably, he seems to be the only one who considers this event horrible.Has a weird force taken over the world ? And what can Ed do about it ?This short story was adapted into an episode of the 2017 television series Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams, entitled "Kill All Others".

Les robinsons Italiens

eBook / testo digitale

Emilio Salgari

Les robinsons Italiens

Raanan Editeur

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Titolo e contributi: Les robinsons Italiens

Pubblicazione: Raanan Editeur

  • Lingua: fre
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Extrait| CHAPITRE PREMIERUN DRAME EN MER— Au feu !...— Ohé !... Petit Tonno !... Est-ce que tu rêves !...— Au feu !...— Mais tu as donc bu, drôle ?...— Non... Je vois de la fumée...— Dans une telle obscurité !... Le petit devient fou...Une voix à l'accent traînard de nos hommes du Midi retentit violemment sur le tillac du navire :— La chaloupe fuit !... Que saint Janvier envoie aux profondeurs ces damnés loups de mer !...— Aux profondeurs ?... Qui donc ?... tonne une voix, à proue...— Ils fuient... Les voilà, là-bas, qui s'en vont à toutes rames. Que le diable fasse une bouchée de ces canailles !..— Et le feu a éclaté à bord !Une explosion de cris et de demandes s'éleva au milieu des ténèbres:— Les misérables !...— Ils ont incendié le brigantin !...— Mais non...— Oui... La fumée sort de la cambuse.— Mille tonnerres...— Capitaine... Officier de quart...— Ohé ! Tout le monde sur le pont.— Que saint Marc nous aide!— Aux pompes !... Aux pompes !...— Et ces brigands-là s'enfuient !...|

I robinson Italiani

eBook / testo digitale

Emilio Salgari

I robinson Italiani

Raanan Editeur, 24/02/2020

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Titolo e contributi: I robinson Italiani

Pubblicazione: Raanan Editeur, 24/02/2020


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Estratto| Capitolo IUn dramma in mare— Al fuoco!...— Ohe!... Piccolo Tonno!... Sogni o sei sveglio!...— Al fuoco!...— Ma tu hai bevuto, furfante!...— No! Vedo del fumo!— Con quest'oscurità!... Il ragazzo è diventato pazzo. —Una voce che aveva l'accento strascicante dei nostri uomini del mezzodì, echeggiò furiosamente sulla tolda della nave:— La gran scialuppa fugge!... San Gennaro mandi a picco quei pesci-cani del malanno!...— Chi a picco? — tuonò una voce a prua.— Fuggono!... Eccoli laggiù che arrancano! Il diavolo faccia la festa a quelle canaglie!— Ed il fuoco è scoppiato a bordo! —Una salva di urla e domande s'alzò fra le tenebre:— I miserabili!...— Hanno incendiato il brigantino!...— Ma no!...— Sì!... Esce del fumo dalla dispensa!— Mille tempeste!— Capitano! Ufficiale di quarto!— Ohe! Tutti in coperta!— S. Marco ci aiuti!— Alle pompe! Alle pompe!— E quei furfanti fuggono!...|

Garfagnana in Giallo Barga Noir 2019. Antologia criminale

eBook / testo digitale

autori vari

Garfagnana in Giallo Barga Noir 2019. Antologia criminale

Argot Edizioni, 24/02/2020

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Titolo e contributi: Garfagnana in Giallo Barga Noir 2019. Antologia criminale

Pubblicazione: Argot Edizioni, 24/02/2020

EAN: 9788832870886


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Un viaggio nella scrittura nera della provincia italiana, tra delitti, passioni, amicizie perdute, desideri e miseria. Negli anni Cinquanta o nel futuro, sulle montagne della Garfagnana, a Lucca o Siena o Torino o Bologna o in una squallida periferia abbandonata, mangiando o soffrendo, ridendo o gridando.Non c'è speranza tra i racconti, le storie di diversità o amori perduti, dell'antologia criminale del premio letterario Garfagnana in Giallo Barga Noir 2019.In questa raccolta "La cena" di Fulvio Rombo, "La biscia dell'Isola Santa" di Giorgia Primavera, "Alone together" di Laura Piva, "Gwailou" di Eleonora Pinca, "La donna dello schermo" di Chiara Bernardoni, "Tra una vita e l'altra" di Giuliana Ricci, "Errore umano" di Riccardo Zinelli, "Ercole fatica al caldo" di Salvatore Gelsi e  Roberto Rossetti, "Giallonero" di Andrea Perina, "Proprio uguali" di Giuliano Fontanella, "Zombie" di Francesca Santi, "Festa della notte di Ferragosto" di Bruna Baldini, "Il declino degli Dei" di Marco Bonini.


eBook / testo digitale

Virgilio Marone, Publio - Cornalba, Andrea


GBL Grande Biblioteca Latina, 23/04/2019

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Titolo e contributi: Eneide

Pubblicazione: GBL Grande Biblioteca Latina, 23/04/2019


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Eneide - Virgilio - (1.0 / 2019)Questo libro contiene il testo latino originario dell'Eneide di Virgilio, preceduto da una privatizzazione e da brevi note.La vicenda è sicuramente interessante ma va ricordato che si tratta di un poema epico che seppur contiene riferimenti storici comprovati è comunque ricco fantasie poetiche. Del resto il poema è funzionale alla volontà di Augusto e in generale di Roma, di darsi un'origine mitica diversa da quella tirrenica in orbita Etrusca. A tal proposito ricordo che l'imperatore Claudio era un sostenitore dell'origine Tirrena di Roma cosa che negli anni sta prendendo sempre più consistenza.


eBook / testo digitale

Dr. Paul G. Caram


Zion Christian Publishers

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Titolo e contributi: Hechos

Pubblicazione: Zion Christian Publishers

  • Lingua: spa
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: El Dr. Paul Caram escribe un comentario inspirador acerca del libro de los Hechos, mostrándonos como este es un informe divino de un nuevo mover de Dios. El Señor había venido a dar vida a aquellos que eran odres nuevos y construyó Su iglesia sobre el fundamento de los apóstoles del Cordero. El Dr. Caram también describe cómo nosotros como creyentes somos llamados a formar parte del mover de Dios para establecer Su Reino sobre esta tierra y como es la iglesia de Cristo la que hará "mayores obras" ya que Él ha ido al Padre y nos ha mandado Su Santo Espíritu.