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× Nomi Jones, Tommy Lee
× Nomi Coen, Ethan
× Data 2008

Trovati 3 documenti.

Non è un paese per vecchi un film dei fratelli Coen ; based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy ; produced by Scott Rudin, Ethan Coen, Joel Coen ; written for the screen and directed by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Non è un paese per vecchi [Videoregistrazione] / un film dei fratelli Coen ; based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy ; produced by Scott Rudin, Ethan Coen, Joel Coen ; written for the screen and directed by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen

Stati Uniti d'America : Scott Rudin Productions : Miramax Films : Paramount Vintage : Paramount Classic ; Italia : Paramount Home Entertainment [distributore], 2008

Abstract: Texas, anni '80. L'avventura di un uomo che, durante una battuta di caccia lungo il Rio Grande, incappa per caso sulla scena di un traffico di droga andato storto dove sono stati abbandonati alcuni cadaveri, un quantitativo di eroina e soprattutto una valigia con un'ingente somma di denaro. L'uomo decide di prendere con sé la borsa con il prezioso contenuto e inizia la sua fuga disperata per eludere la caccia all'uomo messa in atto da un assassino psicopatico, un exLeggi tutto

No country for old men based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy ; produced by Scott Rudin, Ethan Coen, Joel Coen ; written for the screen and directed by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

No country for old men [Bildtonträger] / based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy ; produced by Scott Rudin, Ethan Coen, Joel Coen ; written for the screen and directed by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen

Unterföhring : Paramount Home Entertainment, 2008?

Abstract: Anfang der 80er-Jahre, irgendwo im Südwesten von Texas nahe dem Rio Grande beginnt der dramatische Krimi, als Llewelyn Moss über die Folgen eines offensichtlich schiefgelaufenen Drogendeals stolpert - umgeben von Patronenhülsen und toten Männern, einer Menge Drogen und einem Koffer mit zwei Millionen Dollar. Moss kann der Versuchung nicht widerstehen, nimmt das Geld und löst eine Lawine der Gewalt aus, die anscheinend nicht zu stoppen ist .. (

No country for old men ein Film der Coen-Brüder ; music by Carter Burwell ; director of photography Roger Deakins ; based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy ; written for the screen and directed by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

No country for old men [Videoregistrazione] / ein Film der Coen-Brüder ; music by Carter Burwell ; director of photography Roger Deakins ; based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy ; written for the screen and directed by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen

Deutschland : Paramount home entertainment, 2008

Abstract: Die Handlung spielt im Jahr 1980 in Texas. Beim Jagen in der Wüste stößt der Vietnamkriegsveteran Llewelyn Moss auf den Schauplatz eines gescheiterten Drogendeals, bei dem sich die Gangster gegenseitig erschossen haben. Moss findet nur noch einen halb verdursteten Verwundeten, eine Wagenladung aus Mexiko stammenden Heroins und zwei Millionen Dollar in einem Koffer. Er nimmt den Koffer an sich und bringt ihn nach Hause zu seiner Frau Carla Jean, ohne zu ahnen, dass sichLeggi tutto