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× Nomi Dighton, John
× Nomi Cukor, George
× Target di lettura Adulti, generale

Trovati 1 documenti.

My fair lady directed by George Cukor ; based on the play by "My fair lady", book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner ; music by Frederick Loewe ; from the play by Bernard Shaw ; screenplay by Alan Jay Lerner
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

My fair lady [Videoregistrazione] / directed by George Cukor ; based on the play by "My fair lady", book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner ; music by Frederick Loewe ; from the play by Bernard Shaw ; screenplay by Alan Jay Lerner

2 disc special ed

Deutschland : Paramount Pictures, c2009

Fa parte di: Audrey muse collection3

Abstract: Für ein wissenschaftliches Experiment nimmt der exzentrische Professor Higgins das ungebildete Blumenmädchen Eliza unter seine Fittche: Er will beweisen, dass die Sprache eines Menschen auch seinen Charakter formt und das er Eliza innerhalb weniger Wochen in eine echte Lady verwandeln kann.. []